Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs Fourth Revised Edition. Charles Alfred Speed Williams

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Chinese Symbolism and Art Motifs Fourth Revised Edition - Charles Alfred Speed Williams

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out the universe 304 The God of Longevity issuing from a peach 306 Golden pheasant 312 Phoenix 313 Taoist philosopher who has discovered the sacred fungus of immortality 318 Pû Xián mounted on a white elephant 323 The Taoist Queen of Heaven with her two attendants 325 Sceptre and head 330 Scrolls 332 Examples of Chinese seals 333 Seal of the first emperor of the Qín Dynasty 334 Dream of Buddha’s mother of his incarnation 339 The new-born Buddha washed by the nine dragons 339 Buddha, Mahayanistic type 339 Death of Buddha 339 Buddhist monks with rosaries 340 Pawnshop sign 343 The Emperor Shùn 344 The three star gods of happiness, affluence and longevity, with auspicious emblems 352 Mirror of the Táng period 354 Dôu Mû, the mother of the bushel, accompanied by two attendants, Yòu Bì and Zuô Fû 355 The meeting of the Cow-herd and the Spinning-maid on the borders of the Milky Way 356 The Poet Sü Dōngpō 361 Sauvastika with crampons to the left 364 Swastika, or svastika, with crampons to the right 364 Types of swords 366 The tàijí or Ultimate Principle of all things 364 Bodhidharma, the Blue-eyed Brahmin 368 The Three Pure Ones of the Taoist Trinity 372 The Pearly Emperor Yù Huáng seated in his court of justice 373 God of Thunder 375 Tiān Mû, the Goddess of Lightning 375 Léi Gōng, the God of Thunder, assisted by Tiān Mû, the Goddess of Lightning 376 The meeting of the dragon and the tiger, the two great forces of the universe 377 Liú Hâi, the Immortal, sporting with the three-legged toad 380 Twelve ornaments 386 Charm depicting the yïn and yáng, the Eight Diagrams, and the symbolic animals or Twelve Terrestrial Branches 388 Unicorn 391 Mâra the tempter, arch fiend of the Buddhists 394 The Lord of the Rain 396 The spirit of the Yellow River 397 The sacred wheel of Buddhism 399 The Lama Wheel of Life 401 A plate of willow ware 404 Five-fold (cinta) mani, or wish-granting gem 413 The evolution of Chinese writing from ancient to modern form 416 Inscribed bone fragments of great antiquity unearthed in Honan 418 Facsimile of inscription on ancient stone drums in a Confucian temple at Peking 418 The six scripts or categories of written symbols (ancient and modern style) 420 The six forms of writing 422 Xï Wáng Mû mounted on the crane 424 The souls of the dead arraigned before Yama, the God of Hell, and placed before the mirror, which shows the forms under which they will be reincarnated 427 Tortures of the Buddhist Hell 428, 430-1 Emperor Yáo 432 Flags of China, 1931 (in colours) inside back cover

      Introduction to the New Edition

      The surge of American interest in Chinese culture following the visit of President Nixon to China in 1972 has highlighted the healthy trend of recent years to look at China in a realistic way. Since the thirteenth-century visit of Marco Polo to China, the country has been regarded by the West as an exotic Flowery Land—a Celestial Kingdom, remote and forbidding. Until the sixteenth century it was a land that did not come under strong foreign, then Western, influence. The Japanese occupation of Manchuria in the 1930s, followed by the emergence of Chinese communism after World War II, gave the world a sober picture of a vast country intent on asserting its own destiny. The explosion of a Chinese atomic bomb, followed by recognition as a nation in the United Nations Organization, obliged the United States to recognize the Chinese nation of 800,000,000 people.

      For ordinary people in Western countries an easy way to comprehend Chinese culture and history is through books on traditional arts, literature, and folklore. American tourists may now visit China in organized groups, yet for most of us China and the Chinese will remain something only to read about or to watch on a television screen. For those interested in ancient Chinese culture, books must remain the principal reference source, supplemented by visits to museum collections.

      Outlines of Chinese Symbolism & Art Motives, in the words of the author, C.A.S. Williams, is “a practical handbook of the science of Chinese symbolism as based on the early folklore.”

      At the root of Chinese life, art, and literature are certain basic ideas that can and should be grasped by anyone studying China. To achieve a sound

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