Special Category. Ruán O’Donnell

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Special Category - Ruán O’Donnell

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to main Dispersal System prison in England and Wales

      An Cumann Cabhrach: Republican prisoners charity organization

      Angry Brigade: Term applied to coterie of English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh anarchists in 1970s’ Britain

      Anti-Internment League: Coalition of non-violent political organizations opposed to internment without trial in Ireland from August 1971

      Ard Chomhairle: Ruling body of Sinn Féin

      Ard Fheis: Convention of Sinn Féin

      Armley: Prison in Leeds

      Army Council: Seven-person ruling body of the IRA

      Army Executive: Twelve-person committee of the IRA under the Army Council

      Association: Time permitted daily to prisoners for social and educational purposes

      Association for Legal Justice: Civilian watchdog organization focussing on abuses of civil liberties in Ireland and the UK

      Banged Up: Locked in a cell

      Belfast Ten: Persons tried for March 1973 IRA attacks in London. Supported by the Belfast Ten Defence Committee, a legal and non-violent group with links to the Republican Movement

      Birmingham Six: Persons wrongly convicted of November 1974 IRA attacks in Birmingham

      Blanked: A prisoner ostracized by others

      Blanket Protest: Wearing blankets or towels instead of prison uniform

      Block: Section of a prison

      Board of Visitors (BV): Prison committee dealing with disciplinary and general matters (aka Visiting Committee)

      Bomb Squad: Police section dealing with subversive offences

      Cabhair: Republican prisoners charity

      Category A: Prisoners bearing the highest level of security rating in England and Wales.

      CCDC: Central Citizens Defence Committee

      Chief of Staff: Head of the IRA

      Chiv: Improvised bladed or pointed weapon

      Circle: Part of prison offering access between wings

      Circuit: Frequent prison moves

      Citizen Defence Committee: Unaligned civilian grouping in Belfast

      and Derry which organized local defence of nationalist communities from 1969

      Clann na hÉireann: Legal political organization representing the official republican movement in Britain

      Clan na Gael: North American pro-republican organization

      Closed Visit: A prison meeting in which family and friends are denied physical contact with the prisoner

      Colour Party: Organized flag-carrying element of a republican march

      Comm/ Communication: Slang for smuggled written information passed between republicans

      Con/ Convict: Sentenced prisoner

      Control Unit: Experimental segregation wings in Wakefield and Wormwood Scrubs

      Connolly Association: Legal, non-violent, left wing, political organization of the Irish in Britain and their local allies

      Cooler: Twenty-eight day period in segregation, generally involving prison shift

      Coventry Six: Persons charged in connection with IRA activities in the British Midlands

      CPGB: Communist Party of Great Britain

      CPI: Communist Party of Ireland

      Cumann/ Cumainn: Organized unit/s of Sinn Féin

      Cumann na mBan: Illegal female IRA auxiliary organization

      Dáil Éireann: Irish parliament in Dublin; the Dáil/Seanad (Leinster House)

      Democratic Unionist Party: A unionist political party in the Six Counties from 1971

      Department of Foreign Affairs: Irish civil service department dealing with Anglo-Irish relations et al

      Diplock Court: Jury-less court in Belfast used to try political offences

      Director of Engineering: IRA GHQ position responsible for explosives and heavy weaponry

      Director of Intelligence: IRA GHQ position regarding intelligence and counter-intelligence

      ‘Dirty Protest’: Pejorative British term for an IRA/ INLA prisoner’s non-cooperation with maintenance of cell sanitation, termed ‘no wash protest’ by republicans

      Dispersal System: Network of maximum-security prisons in England where Category A inmates were accommodated under the Mountbatten Report recommendations

      DPP: Director of Public Prosecutions

      ECHR: European Convention on Human Rights (Strasbourg)

      E(scape) List: Term for prisoners subjected to additional security practices owing to their perceived potential for success

      Fenian: Member of Irish Republican Brotherhood (Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Australasia) or Fenian Brotherhood (aka Clan na Gael: United States of America/ Canada); illegal, republican, revolutionary organization superseded by the IRA

      Fianna Fáil: Political party in the Republic of Ireland

      Fitted up: Framed

      FCA: Forsa Cosanta Áitiúil, part time and reserve element of Irish Defence Forces (Army); later ‘Reserves’

      FCO: Foreign and Commonwealth Office (United Kingdom)

      Fine Gael: Political party in the Republic of Ireland

      Free State: Pejorative term for post-partition Republic of Ireland

      F Wing: Former Control Unit of Wakefield prison

      Gardaí: An Garda Síochana; Irish police

      GHQ: IRA term for General Headquarters (Dublin) comprising various specialised Departments of the Republican Movement

      Ghosting: Unexpected prison move; also ‘ghosted’, ‘Shanghaied’

      Going behind the door: Voluntary segregation under Rule 43

      Good Order and Discipline: Rationale for a governor imposing Rule 43

      Governor: Chief administrator of a prison

      Grass: Informer

      Green Cross: Republican prisoners charity

      Guildford Four: Persons wrongly

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