Special Category. Ruán O’Donnell

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Special Category - Ruán O’Donnell

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      H-Blocks: Modular prison complex built at Long Kesh, County Antrim (aka Maze prison)

      HMP: Her Majesty’s Prison

      Hooch: Homemade alcohol

      Home Office: Administrative body comprising the Prison Department and other state agencies in England and Wales

      International Marxist Group: Trotskyite political grouping in Britain

      International Socialists: Left wing political grouping in Britain linked

      Irish National Caucus: Washington DC-based Irish lobbying group

      Irish National Liberation Army: Illegal, republican, socialist, paramilitary organization linked to the IRSP

      IPHC: Irish Political Hostages Campaign

      Irish Republican Army: Illegal, republican, paramilitary organization (proscribed in Britain in November 1974); armed element of the Republican Movement (aka Óglaigh na hÉireann)

      Irish Republican Socialist Party: Legal, left wing, socialist, republican party linked to the INLA

      ITGWU: Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union

      Joint Action Committee: Coalition of prisoners rights’ groupings

      Lie-down: See ‘Cooler’

      Lifer: Prisoner serving a life sentence

      Liquid Cosh: Dosing of prisoners with tranquilizing pharmaceuticals

      Long Kesh: County Antrim site of internment and prison camp

      Long War: Conflict in Ireland, c. 1968-98

      Loyalist: Term for pro-British paramilitaries, specifically members of the generally illegal Ulster Volunteer Force, Ulster Defence Association and Red Hand Commandoes; may denote persons who support maintaining legislative union with Great Britain by non-violent methods

      Maguire Seven: Persons wrongly convicted of assisting the IRA in England

      MO: Medical Officer

      MOD: Ministry of Defence

      MP: Member of Parliament (Westminster)

      MI5: British intelligence organization

      MI6: British intelligence organization

      MUFTI: Minimum Use of Force (and) Tactical Intervention, squad of staff officers deployed to counter perceived incidents of prisoner indiscipline

      Mutiny: Term for participation in a prison riot and lesser infractions

      Na Fianna Éireann: Republican scouting organization

      Nationalist: Supporter of non-violent achievement of Irish reunification

      NCCL: National Council for Civil Liberties (United Kingdom)

      National Graves Association: Voluntary organization tasked with building and maintaining republican memorials

      National Front: Right wing political organization in Britain

      NICRA: Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, non-violent civil liberties organization founded in 1967

      NIO: Northern Ireland Office

      NORAID: Term applied to the pro-Republican Movement Irish Northern Aid organization in the USA

      No Wash: See ‘Dirty Protest’ [sic]

      Nutted off: See ‘Sectioned’

      O/C: Term for IRA leader (Officer Commanding) of a unit or grouping

      Official IRA: Illegal, left wing, republican, paramilitary organization linked to Official Sinn Féin (later The Workers Party)

      Official Republican Movement: Collective term for the Official IRA, Official Sinn Féin, Official Na Fianna Éireann and allied republican groups following the 1969/1970 split. Does not denote automatic support for specific or illegal elements

      Old Bailey: Central Criminal Court, London

      Open Visit: A prison meeting in which family and friends are permitted limited physical contact with the prisoner

      People’s Democracy: Left wing political grouping founded in Ireland in 1968 which supported non-violent civil rights agitation

      Placed on report: A prisoner accused of an infraction of regulations

      POW: Prisoner of War

      Prevention of Terrorism Act: UK special powers legislation introduced in November 1974

      PRINDUS: Prison industrial schemes employing inmates

      Principal Officer: Senior prison staff officer

      Prisoners Aid Committee: Legal body which supported republican prisoners

      Prison Department: Constituent of the Home Office responsible for administration of prisons in England and Wales (aka Prison Service)

      Preservation of the Rights of Prisoners: The National Prisoners Movement (Britain)

      Provisionals: See Irish Republican Army (aka ‘Provos’)

      Provisional Category A: Prison Department term for remand prisoners expected to be classified Category A if convicted

      Quartermaster General: IRA GHQ position regarding armaments and munitions

      Reception: Area of prison from which newly arrived inmates are processed

      Recess: Area of prison with running water facilities

      Remand: Term for prisoners who have been charged but untried whether released on bail or held in custody

      Republican: Person who supports the establishment of a democratic unitary republic but not necessarily violent or illegal methods to achieve the objective

      Republican Clubs: Pre-split Sinn Féin in the North of Ireland and post-split Official Sinn Féin in North America

      Republican Movement: Collective term for the IRA, Cumann na mBan, Sinn Féin, National Graves Association, republican youth and marching bands which emerged from the 1969/1970 split. Does not denote automatic support for specific or illegal elements

      Royal Ulster Constabulary: Armed police force in the Six Counties in 1970s

      Rule 43: Regulation regarding segregation of a prisoner from general population

      Saor Eire: Historic name used by separate Dublin and Cork ultra left revolutionary organizations in 1970s

      Sectioned: Slang term for committal to a psychiatric prison wing or institution under the Mental Health Act

      Security Officer: Prison officer with security specialization

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