Special Category. Ruán O’Donnell

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Special Category - Ruán O’Donnell

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of prison used for solitary confinement

      Scéal: Irish for ‘story’, i.e. news.

      Scotland Yard: Headquarters of the London Metropolitan Police

      Screw: Slang for prison officer

      Shank: See ‘Chiv’

      Sinn Féin: Legal republican political party supporting the objectives of the IRA. ‘Official’ prefix denotes affiliation with pre-December 1969 Republican Movement. ‘Provisional’ prefix indicates association with breakaway Republican Movement. Generally used in relation to the non ‘Official’ party from the mid-1970s

      Six Counties: Northern Ireland (aka the ‘North’/ ‘Ulster’/ the ‘Province’ [sic])

      Slopping Out: Emptying portable toilet receptacles

      Social Democratic and Labour Party: Moderate nationalist party in the Six Counties from 1970

      Special Branch: Detective units dealing with political offences

      Special Category A: Unofficial term for IRA prisoner in England (aka ‘Irish Category A’)

      Special Criminal Court: Juryless court in Dublin used to try political offences

      Special Secure Unit/ Block: A small cellblock area or building for long-term segregation of prisoners

      Split: Schism within the IRA in December 1969 and Sinn Féin in January 1970 creating rival Provisional and Official Republican Movements

      Spring: External assistance in a prison escape

      Spin: Cell search

      Spur: A small section of a wing

      Stiff: Written message or letter smuggled out of prison

      Stormont: Devolved regional assembly outside Belfast administering the Six Counties (prorogued in 1972)

      Strangeways: Manchester prison

      Strip cells: Spartan cells for temporary confinement of prisoners

      Strongbox: Double-gated small cells used for punishment

      Submarine: Leicester Special Unit

      Sunningdale: Failed power-sharing initiative in the Six Counties which excluded the Republican Movement and Loyalists in 1973-4

      Supergrass: Person who gives evidence in court against multiple former associates

      Swapping: Replacement of an IRA prisoner with another in a wing or prison

      Sympathizer: Person supportive of the general aims of a political organization

      Tanáiste: Irish Deputy Prime Minister

      Taoiseach: Irish Prime Minister

      Tariff: The minimum number of years to be served of a sentence

      Tossed: See ‘spin’

      Tout: Slang for informer

      Troops Out Movement: British non-violent, pro-republican campaigning organization

      Twenty-Six Counties: Republic of Ireland (aka the ‘South’ [sic])

      Ulster Defence Association: Loyalist paramilitary organization (aka Ulster Freedom Fighters)

      Unaligned: Activist who endeavours to support the objectives of a political organization or grouping to which they do not belong

      Uninvolved: Person of no political connection

      UK: United Kingdom of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland

      Ulster Volunteer Force: Illegal Loyalist paramilitary organization

      Uxbridge Eight: An IRA unit in London

      Verbals: Interview notes concocted by police (aka ‘verballed’ and ‘verballing’)

      Visiting Order: Document authorizing prison visits

      Volunteer: Member of the IRA or INLA

      Walton: Liverpool prison

      Westminster: British imperial parliament in London; House of Commons/ House of Lords

      Wing: Section of a prison

      Winson Green: Birmingham prison

      Young Prisoner: Prisoner under 21 years of age


      Armed IRA activity in Britain was confined by tradition and modus operandi to the territory of England where analogous forms of counter-insurgency

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