Walking the Munros Vol 1 - Southern, Central and Western Highlands. Steve Kew

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Walking the Munros Vol 1 - Southern, Central and Western Highlands - Steve Kew

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been formed since the last Ice Age by the repeated action of water freezing and thawing; the water expands like a wedge in tiny crevices in the rock, shattering it into ever-smaller pieces. The whole area has also been subjected to extensive geological folding.

      There is no doubt that the best way to experience the excellent ridge walking of the Grey Corries is to climb them in a single expedition, starting at Corriechoille and finishing at Glen Nevis (23km, 8hrs 15mins). This provides a superb day’s walking, covering the whole length of the ridge, with no technical difficulties on the way and fairly easy route-finding as most of the ridge is well defined. There are some fine situations and good views throughout, weather permitting. However this does require the use of a vehicle at either end of the walk, or perhaps the help of an accommodating driver, and for this reason I have split the ridge into two walks here. True, it would be possible to tackle the ridge in one outing from Corriechoille, going as far as Sgurr Choinnich Mor, then returning back along the ridge to the starting point, but this would make for a very long and arduous day, with the need to regain a lot of height over Stob Coire Easain late in the day. If you cannot arrange for transport in Glen Nevis, it would be better to tackle Sgurr Choinnich Mor separately from Glen Nevis on another day, giving two good outings instead of one.

      Stob Ban (977m), Stob Choire Claurigh (1177m), Stob Coire an Laoigh (1116m)

Start/Finish continue south along private track
distance 21km
Ascent 1420m
Difficulty river crossing must be made just above the dam to the north of Beinn na Socaich
Time 7hrs 30mins
Maps OS sheet 41; Explorer map 392; Harvey’s Superwalker map Ben Nevis; Area Map 1
Access Hillphones, tel: 01397 732362
Parking by the old tramway (at 27019 72989) south of Corriechoille Farm. This is a private track, and whilst no objection is made at present to parking here, it would be well to check that this is acceptable in future.
Hostel Independent Hostels at Inverroy and Tulloch
B&B/Hotel Spean Bridge
Camping Inverroy; Roy Bridge
Pronunciation Stob Ban; Stob Horrer Clowree; Stob Korrer an Lui
Translation White Peak; Peak of the Clamouring Corrie; Peak of the Corrie of the Calf

      To the east of the Aonachs a fine group of hills called the Grey Corries stretch out across the Killiechonate Forest above Glen Spean. The Grey Corries offer excellent ridge walking with some good views across the central Highlands.


      The point where the old tramway crosses the track is not obvious at first, but leave cars at GR 27019 78989 and continue along the gated track through the spruce forest into the well-defined pass, the Lairig Leacach. The track crosses to the east side of the Allt Leachdach for about 3km, then crosses back again towards the top of the pass before arriving after another 1.5km at a small bothy (1hr 40mins).

      One route from here crosses the Allt a’ Chuil Choirean then climbs the northeast spur of Stob Ban. However, when the river is full it is much easier to follow its heathery north bank and head in a west-southwesterly direction straight up to the col between Stob Ban and Stob Coire Claurigh. The final slopes are grassy and quite steep, and lead to a small lochan. This lochan, marked on the map at 26519 72851, is obvious when you have found it; however after heavy rainfall there are one or two small pools just before you reach it, which may lead to confusion. From the lochan head south-southwest over an undulating ridge until the path steepens over scree and blocks to reach Stob Ban summit at 26652 72402 (3hrs).

      Retrace your steps to the lochan then head north up a broad ridge, veering off to the northwest at about 26466 73683 where grey quartzite blocks begin to litter the hillside. The cairned summit of Stob Choire Claurigh is at 26209 73862 (4hrs).


      The Grey Corries, with Stob Coire Easain on right

      The ridge leads off to the southwest from here and is well-defined throughout most of its length, as is the undulating pinky-grey path along its crest. It may not be easy in poor weather, however, to identify exactly where you are on the ridge. The path crosses a couple of minor tops and passes a cairned top at 25238 73038 before reaching another cairn on a rocky top known as Caisteal (‘the castle’) at 24670 72929 (this is Point 1104 on the OS map). The ridge narrows here, then passes another small cairn before reaching the summit of Stob Coire an Laoigh at 23994 72513, where there is a small enclosure of stones. Continue west-northwest to the summit of Stob Coire Easain at 23480 72728 (5hrs 20mins).

      If you are continuing on the ridge and descending into Glen Nevis, head southwest from here over Sgurr Choinnich Mor and Sgurr Choinnich Beag, reversing Route 4. If you are returning to the day’s starting point, turn north along the broad north ridge of Stob Coire Easain. Pass over Beinn na Socaich and continue descending to the north to about Point 23298 74692 before veering north-northeast. Veering off too soon will lead you onto crags on the east side of the ridge. The Allt Choimhlidh river must next be crossed. Descend a very steep grass slope close to the edge of the forest where there is a dam across the river. Unfortunately it is not possible to cross via the dam itself, but the river can most easily be crossed a few metres in front of the dam. There is a stile at the far side of the dam which leads via a walkway to a forest track. This emerges some way below the tramway and takes you back to the main track between Corriechoille and your starting point. A more direct way back is to climb the embankment on the other side of the river and descend through a clearing in the trees to reach the rather muddy line of the old tramway, which can be followed directly back to the car parking area. The rails of the tramway have been long-since removed and only a few sleepers and the broken remains of one or two bridges now remain.

      Sgurr Choinnich Mor (1094m)

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Start/Finish from the east end of car park follow footpath through Nevis gorge
distance 16km
Ascent 1020m
Time 6hrs
Maps OS sheet 41; Explorer map 392; Harvey’s Superwalker map Ben Nevis; Area Map 1; see Route 2 for sketch map
Access Hillphones, tel: 01397 732362
Parking car park at the end of Glen Nevis
Hostel YHA Glen Nevis; Independent Glen Nevis
B&B/Hotel Glen Nevis, Fort William
Camping Glen Nevis campsite
Pronunciation Skoor Chorneech More