Beginning AutoCAD 2015. Cheryl R. Shrock

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Beginning AutoCAD 2015 - Cheryl R. Shrock

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are 6 options to create a circle.

      The default option is “Center, radius”. (Probably because that is the most common method of creating a circle.)

      We will try the “Center, radius” option first.


      1.Start the Circle command by using one of the following:

      Ribbon = Home tab / Draw panel/ Image or Keyboard = C <enter>

      2.The following will appear on the command line:

      Command: _circle Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]:

      3.Locate the center point for the circle by moving the cursor to the desired location in the drawing area (P1) and press the left mouse button.

      4.Now move the cursor away from the center point and you should see a circle forming.

      5.When the circle is the size desired (P2), press the left mouse button, or type the radius and then press <enter>.

      Note:To use one of the other methods described below, first select the Circle command, then select one of the other Circle options.

      Center, Radius: (Default option)

      1.Specify the center (P1) location.

      2.Specify the Radius (P2).

      (Define the Radius by moving the cursor or typing radius )


      Center, Diameter:

      1.Specify the center (P1) location.

      2.Specify the Diameter (P2).

      (Define the Diameter by moving the cursor or typing Diameter)


      2 Points:

      1.Select the 2 point option

      2.Specify the 2 points (P1 and P2) that will determine the Diameter.


      3 Points:

      1.Select the 3 Point option

      2.Specify the 3 points (P1, P2 and P3) on the circumference. The Circle will pass through all three point


      Tangent, Tangent, Radius:

      1.Select the Tangent, Tangent, Radius option .

      2.Select two objects (P1 and P2) for the Circle to be tangent to by placing the cursor on the object and pressing the left mouse button


      3.Specify the radius.

      Tangent, Tangent, Tangent:

      1.Select the Tangent, Tangent, Tangent option


      2.Specify three objects (P1, P2 and P3) for the Circle to be tangent to by placing the cursor on each of the objects and pressing the left mouse button.

      (AutoCAD will calculate the diameter.)

      A Rectangle is a closed rectangular shape. It is one object not 4 lines.

      You can specify the length, width, area, and rotation options.

      You can also control the type of corners on the rectangle—fillet, chamfer, or square and the width of the Line.

       First, let’s start with a simple Rectangle using the cursor to select the corners.

      1.Start the RECTANGLE command by using one of the following:

      Ribbon = Home tab / Draw panel / Image or Keyboard = REC <enter>

      2.The following will appear on the command line:

       Command: _rectang Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/Width]:

      3.Specify the location of the first corner by moving the cursor to a location (P1) and then press the left mouse button.

      The following will appear on the command line:

       Specify other corner point or [Area / Dimensions / Rotation]:

      4.Specify the location of the diagonal corner (P2) by moving the cursor diagonally away from the first corner (P1) and pressing the left mouse button.



      4.Type D <enter> (or click on the blue letter “D”)

      Specify length for rectangles <0.000>: Type the desired length <enter>.

      Specify width for rectangles <0.000>: Type the desired width <enter>.

      Specify other corner point or [Dimension]: move the cursor up, down, right or left to specify where you want the second corner relative to the first corner and then press <enter> or press left mouse button.

      OPTIONS: Chamfer, Fillet and Width Note: the following options are only available before you place the first corner of the Rectangle.


      A chamfer is an angled corner. The Chamfer option automatically draws all 4 corners with chamfers simultaneously and all the same size. You must specify the distance for each side of the corner as distance 1 and distance 2.

      Example: A Rectangle with dist1 = .50 and dist2 = .25

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