Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson. James Davis Knowles

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Memoir of Mrs. Ann H. Judson - James Davis Knowles

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      * Judge Story’s Address.

      † Illi robur et æs triplex

      Circa pectus erat, qui fragilem truci

      Commisit pelago ratem,

      Primus. Horace, L.I. Car. III.

      Sure oak and three-fold brass surrounded his heart, who first trusted a frail vessel to the merciless ocean. Smart’s Translation.


      Difficulties with the Bengal Government—Sail for Isle of France—Death of Mrs. Newell.

      On the 18th of June, 1812, the missionaries landed at Calcutta, where they were met and welcomed to India, by the venerable Dr. Carey. He immediately invited them to Serampore, to reside in the mission family, until the other missionaries, in the Harmony, should arrive.* They accordingly stayed one night in Calcutta, and the next morning they took a boat, and went up the river, fifteen miles, to Serampore. Here they were received with the utmost kindness by the mission family. Mrs. J. speaks, in warm terms, of the piety, industry, economy, and order, which distinguished the operations at that great missionary establishment. Messrs. Carey, Marshman, and Ward, then resided there with their families. Dr. Carey was employed in translating the Scriptures ; Dr. Marshman, his wife, and son, taught a male and female school. Mr. Ward superintended the extensive printing establishment.

      The following letter of Mrs. J. contains some interesting particulars :

      To her Sister.

      “Serampore Mission-House.

      “I have left your letter, my dear sister M., until the last, to continue my narrative to the family. I concluded A.’s with saying, Captain Heard had just invited us to go to his house. Mr. Judson came on board with an invitation from Dr. Carey to spend the night with him. I got into a palankeen—Mr. Judson walked to the house. It was with considerable fear I rode, as the streets were full of natives and English carriages. Those who carried me went so much faster than Mr. Judson, that I soon lost sight of him, and did not know where they would carry me. They, however, stopped before a large stone building, which I soon found to be Dr. Carey’s house. We were directed up a pair of stairs, through one or two large rooms, into his study. He arose, shook hands with us, and gave us a cordial welcome to this country. His house is curiously constructed, as the other European houses are here. There are no chimneys or fire-places in them, the roofs are flat, the rooms twenty feet in height and proportionably large. Large windows, without glass, open from one room to another, that the air may freely circulate through the house. They are very convenient for this hot climate, and bear every mark of antiquity. In the evening we attended meeting in the English Episcopal Church. It was the first time of our attending meeting for above four months, and as we entered the church, our ears were delighted with hearing the organ play our old favourite tune, Bangor. The church was very handsome, and a number of punkies, something like a fan several yards in length, hung around, with ropes fastened on the outside, which were pulled by some of the natives, to keep the church cool. We spent the night at Dr. Carey’s, and were rejoiced to find ourselves once more in a house on land. Very near the house, is a charity school supported by this mission, in which are instructed two hundred boys and nearly as many girls. They are chiefly children of Portuguese parents, and natives of no cast. We could see them all kneel in prayer time, and hear them sing at the opening of the school. It was really affecting to see these poor children, picked up in the streets, learning to sing the praise and read the word of God.

      “While at Dr. C.’s, we saw a wedding procession pass. The bridegroom was carried in a palankeen, with flowers in his hands, and on his head. He appeared to be about ten years of age. The procession were dressed in uniform, with large branches of flowers, and instruments of music. The Hindoos are frequently married when children, the contract being made by their parents. In the afternoon, we left Calcutta, for Serampore, having previously received an invitation from the Missionaries to reside with them, until our brethren arrive. We were met at the water side by Messrs. Marshman and Ward, who led us to the house, and introduced us to their wives. They received us very cordially. The school kept by Mrs. Marshman consists almost entirely of the children belonging to the mission, and European young ladies. They are taught various kinds of needle-work, embroidery, &c. and study the languages. Mrs. Marshman’s eldest daughter, fourteen years of age, reads and writes Bengalee and English ; and has advanced some way in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. The three families live in separate houses, but all eat together, in a large hall, in the mission house. The bell rings at five in the morning, for the boys to arise for school. Again at eight, for breakfast. Immediately after breakfast, we all assemble in the chapel, for prayers. Begin with singing a hymn, in which most of the children join ; read a chapter in the Bible, and conclude with prayer. On the Sabbath, they have worship in English, from eleven till one : in Bengalee, for the natives, in the afternoon, and in English again, in the evening. Monday evening they have a religious conference for the native brethren and sisters. Tuesday morning an hour is spent in explaining passages of Scripture ; Thursday and Saturday evenings, in conference meetings. These Missionaries are eminently pious as well as learned. The garden is as far superior to any in America, as the best garden in America is to a common farmer’s. It consists of several acres, under the highest state of cultivation. Fruits of various kinds, plants, flowers and vegetables, grow here in great abundance. The pine-apple grows on a low bush, the plantain on a tall stalk, and the cocoa-nut on a high tree, resembling our pine tree.

      “The third day after we came here, there was a celebration of the worship of Juggernaut. We went about ten in the morning. The immense multitude of natives assembled on the occasion, and the noise they made, answered to the account Buchanan gave. The idol was set on the top of a stone building. He is only a lump of wood, his face painted with large black eyes, and a large red mouth. He was taken from his temple, and water poured on him to bathe him. This is introductory to a more solemn act of worship, which will be performed a fortnight hence. After these poor deluded creatures had bathed their god, they proceeded to bathe themselves. Poor, miserable, deluded beings, they know not what they do. O Mary ! the inhabitants of America know nothing of poverty, slavery, and wretchedness, compared with the natives of India. So very numerous, they cannot get employ; and when they do, they are treated by the Europeans like beasts more than like men. Many of them die for the want of nourishment. Add to all this, they are ignorant of the only way of salvation. Who would not pity the poor heathen, and rejoice to contribute his mite to relieve some of their distresses !”

      After they had been here about ten days, Messrs. Judson and Newell were summoned to Calcutta, and an order of the government was read to them, requiring them immediately to leave the country, and return to America. The government of India, at that time, were resolutely opposed to missions. Their motives we need not now canvass. The charter of the East India Company, which was renewed in 1813, was so altered in its passage through Parliament, by the zealous exertions of Wilberforce, Smith, Thornton, Fuller, and other friends of Christ in Great Britain, as to secure toleration for missionary efforts. The British possessions in the East were constituted an Episcopal See, and placed under the superintendence of a bishop and three archdeacons. The Rev. Dr. Middleton was the first bishop, and was succeeded by Bishop Heber, who has since died. It is just to say, that a great change of feeling has taken place among the officers of government, and the European residents, in India. Their fears concerning the effects of missionary operations, have subsided, and they are now disposed to favour and promote them.

      This order was a very alarming and distressing one. The thought of returning, without accomplishing, in any degree, their object, was insupportable. The instructions of the board of commissioners, when they left America, directed them to fix the seat of their mission in the Burman empire, unless circumstances should render it inexpedient to attempt it. All the missionaries, however, thought it impracticable to establish a mission there. The despotic character of the government, and the failure

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