The New Art and Science of Teaching. Robert J. Marzano

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The New Art and Science of Teaching - Robert J. Marzano The New Art and Science of Teaching

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original and revised framework have three overarching categories. The original three overarching lesson categories are (1) routine segments, (2) content segments, and (3) on-the-spot segments. As their names imply, classrooms engage in routine segments on a systematic basis, content segments address content lessons, and on-the-spot segments address strategies that teachers use when unplanned, immediate situations occur. Again, these three categories emanate from the perspective of what the teacher does. The three overarching categories in The New Art and Science of Teaching emanate from a perspective of what must occur in students’ minds to learn effectively. Specifically, (1) they must receive feedback, (2) they must receive content instruction that triggers specific types of thinking, and (3) they must have a psychological context in which their basic needs are met.

      The Art and Science of Teaching has design questions, as does The New Art and Science of Teaching. Indeed, eight of the design questions in The New Art and Science of Teaching are basically identical to the originals. However, The New Art and Science of Teaching has two design questions that are not part of the original: one deals with assessment (design question 2: How will I design and administer assessments that help students understand how their test scores and grades are related to their status on the progression of knowledge they are expected to master?); the other deals with the continuous development of understanding (design question 6: Throughout all types of lessons, what strategies will I use to help students continually integrate new knowledge with old knowledge and revise their understanding accordingly?).

      Both versions of The Art and Science of Teaching have categories of instructional strategies referred to as elements. The original version has forty-one elements; the new version has forty-three. Of the forty-three elements in the new model, thirty-nine are identical to the old model. Thus, four elements in the new model are not in the old. (For a detailed comparison of elements from the old and new models, visit to view the Compendium Crosswalk.)

      Finally, both The Art and Science of Teaching and The New Art and Science of Teaching identify specific instructional strategies for each element. As mentioned previously, The New Art and Science of Teaching has more strategies than the original version. Specifically, the book Becoming a Reflective Teacher (Marzano, 2012), which is based on the original model, identifies 280 strategies. The New Art and Science of Teaching identifies over 330 specific strategies.

      The New Art and Science of Teaching, however, is much more than an update of the original model. Rather, it is a framework for substantive change. Indeed, one might even consider it a manifesto.

      At its core, a manifesto is a written statement that describes a person’s or group’s policies and goals. The New Art and Science of Teaching describes those changes at the individual teacher level, school level, and district level that I believe are warranted by the research in education since the 1960s and through my observations of teachers, schools, and districts during that time. As such, each chapter includes a section titled Implications for Change that describes how the model elements highlight alterations teachers must make in current practice. Additionally, each chapter contains a section on planning issues teachers should consider.

      Chapters 1 and 2 address the elements in the overall category of feedback. Chapter 1 examines providing and communicating clear learning goals, and chapter 2 considers assessment.

      Chapters 3 through 6 address the overall category of content. Chapter 3 considers direct instruction lessons. Chapter 4 examines practicing and deepening lessons. Chapter 5 addresses implementing knowledge application lessons. Chapter 6 presents strategies that teachers should use in all three types of lessons.

      Chapters 7 through 10 address the overall category of context. Chapter 7 focuses on engagement. Chapter 8 examines implementing rules and procedures. Chapter 9 spotlights strategies for building relationships, and chapter 10 focuses on communicating high expectations with an emphasis on the reluctant learner.

      The final chapter of this book addresses change at the macro level. Specifically, it addresses eight recommended system-level changes that are logical consequences of The New Art and Science of Teaching framework.


      CHAPTER 1

      Providing and Communicating Clear Learning Goals

      Effective feedback begins with clearly defined and clearly communicated learning goals.

      The desired mental states and processes for clear learning goals are that:

      Students understand the progression of knowledge they are expected to master and where they are along that progression.

      The importance of achieving these mental states and processes in students is almost self-evident. If students understand what they are to learn during a given lesson or unit, they are better able to determine how well they are doing and what they need to improve.

      Note that this design area addresses concepts for which there are many misconceptions and diverse perspectives. Specifically, terms like proficiency scale, rubric, learning goal, learning objective, learning target, behavioral objective, and the like have different meanings. For a historical perspective on these terms, see Marzano and John S. Kendall (2007, 2008). I recommend that districts and schools operationally define these terms for themselves. As long as schools use the terms in an internally consistent manner, they will be on sound footing.

      The following elements are important to providing clear goals.

      Scales and rubrics are necessary if students are to understand the progression of knowledge they are expected to learn. The terms scales and rubrics are frequently interchangeable, but there are important distinctions. Rubrics tend to be specific to one task. For example, a teacher might design a rubric to examine student performance on a specific writing prompt like “Describe your favorite animal and what makes the animal special.” A scale is more general and describes a progression of knowledge or skill. For example, a scale might describe the progression of knowledge leading up to a clear understanding of the concept of buoyancy or the progression of knowledge leading up to an ability to convert fractions into decimals. Although rubrics have their place in the classroom, The New Art and Science of Teaching focuses on the use of proficiency scales, especially for academic content. Figure

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