Letters from a Better Me. Rachael Wolff

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Letters from a Better Me - Rachael Wolff

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the empowered woman within you and transform the world!

      I dedicate this book to my soul sister/agent, my amazing family, and my supportive partner in love. All the love, support, lessons, and encouragement have made this journey more than I could have ever imagined. Thank you.

      Table of Contents



       An Opening Letter to My Readers

       Part I: Blinders Off

       Chapter 1

       Chapter 3

       What Is My Relationship with the Woman in the Mirror?

       Part II: Acceptance of What Is

       Chapter 4

       Healing and Releasing the Past

       Chapter 5

       Building Self-Worth

       Chapter 6

       Bring in the Gratitude

       Part III: Taking Charge as an Empowered Woman

       Chapter 7

       Who Are You and What Do You Stand For?

       Chapter 8

       Right Here, Right Now!

       Chapter 9

       Transforming the World


       About the Author

      Dear Fellow Answer-Seeker,

      I was a reader of this book, just like you. I came here with my own blinders on, not even realizing the fear and negativity that bubbled just under my skin’s surface. I worked my way through all nine chapters (nine being a super spiritual magical number!) and came out the other side feeling really cleansed.

      In Letters from a Better Me: How Becoming an Empowered Woman Transforms the World, Rachael Wolff takes us through three stages of being: Awareness, Acceptance, and Action, through letters written to elicit reflection, emotion, and, eventually, closure.

      You will see yourself in these letters. You will hear your own words. You may find yourself shouting out loud at what you’re reading, “Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!” Or you might find yourself shedding a tear when you discover one of Rachael’s letters tapping into a really personal space inside yourself.

      We each bring our own lives to this book. These letters will mean something different to each of you who read it. What triggers me might not trigger you. Your personal life experiences will dictate your journey.

      Keep your own journal or notebook handy to write some of your own letters along the way. You’ll be surprised at how much you have to say!

      In the end, it’s all about Girl Power. Never forget that each and every one of you possesses that. And this book is key to tapping into that supersource!

      With Love and Empowerment,

      Lisa Goich

      Author, 14 Days: A Mother, A Daughter, A Two-Week Goodbye

      Founder, A Girl on the Go,


      Dear Readers,

      Thank you for picking up Letters from a Better Me: How Becoming an Empowered Woman Transforms the World. I know there are many books to choose from and mine is in front of you. Trust that feeling that this is the book for you right now. No matter what you read within these covers, remember that you were led here, and that must mean you are ready for big change. Don’t let this intimidate you. You are empowered, even if you’ve forgotten.

      How will reading this book help you transform the world? When we become truly empowered women, we are open to see clearly. We are not lost in the chaos and confusion of fear-based living and thinking. Once we learn to see ourselves, we see the power we have within us to transform how we interpret the world around us. When we do that, we begin to authentically represent what we stand for instead of putting our energy into what we fear or are against.

      One of the most important parts about being the empowered woman is trusting our intuition. You will read things that will stir feelings up in more ways than you know what to do with. However, if you stick it out, I promise you’ll come

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