Unlocking the Political Mind. Ronald J. Fintak Sr. M.S.

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Unlocking the Political Mind - Ronald J. Fintak Sr. M.S.

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of personal helplessness or chronic dependency is not only anti-American or anti-liberty, it is symptomatic of widespread, government sanctioned, psychological dysfunction flying in the face of every natural law that governs human self-preservation.

      The above triad of controllers, the controlled, and their rage-filled enforcers is, of course, found in variations of one basic political ideology: Communism/Marxism and today’s liberalism. Like Communism, America’s liberalism seeks crushing, total control over America’s citizens. Unlike Communism, America’s liberalism cannot use brute force-at least not for now. It faces two obstacles: a free people with traditions that respect rugged individualism, and a Constitution written over two centuries ago to protect them from a political juggernaut like today’s liberalism.

      As of this writing, we the people of America have a narrow window of time to save our republic. But, do we have the will? Are we up to viewing politics, ourselves, and others through a magnifying lens of psychology? Is doing anything of significance with psychology worth the effort? Finally, how can anyone seriously believe that liberalism can be brought down with one book vowing to expose it? On the other hand, consider the power of exposure, but not any exposure.

      Liberalism is a century and a half old institutional attack on the human mind.

      Therefore, it has powerful defenses readied against anyone or anything that dares question it. But it is defenseless against a legitimate psychology organized specifically for neutralizing its illegitimate psychology—the weakest crack in its defensive wall.

      Liberalism inhabits a dark, subterranean world of the mind where chronically unsatisfied exploiters thirst for riches, power, influence, and public adulation in American politics. Expose that and liberalism collapses. Now the failed struggle to fight liberalism is no longer about what liberals say or do; it’s about who and what liberals are.

      The fact that it took over a century and a half to expose this outrageous example of political madness is evidence of how little we know about the human mind, and how much we have to learn. It’s bad enough that we the people of America have been hoodwinked by a relentless political juggernaut on a quest to control everything in its path; however, finding that it has entered our private thoughts to twist them into ridiculous distortions without our having a clue is unconscionable.

      That being said, we the people of America now have a bullet-proof strategy to re­ awaken the very values in the political formula The Founders gave us. Thanks to a science of psychology, we now see that their suspicions were firmly anchored in humanity’s better instincts. Freedom to pursue happiness as one sees fit is a God-given right no government shall dishonor with arbitrary interpretations of government-given rights, nor badger us with twisted interpretations of how the individual pursuit of happiness shall be re-directed by government to glorify itself at everyone else’s expense.

      America’s internal political conflicts notwithstanding, some of them traumatic (e.g., the Civil War), America managed to stay within established boundaries of what it meant to be living in a country dedicated to protecting individual rights from an abusive federal government.

      Now those sacred boundaries have been breached. American patriots are scrambling to preserve what they can of the many extraordinary gifts the Founders gave them. But look what challenges they face.

      How do they resist a political enemy that has already penetrated the human mind so effectively that ever-increasing numbers of Americans are now rejecting values, morals and beliefs that once made America great? How do they challenge liberal concoctions of “correct thinking” that defy common sense? How are patriots supposed to respond to America’s new blind faith in a promised, perfect future where patriotism is no longer honored? What political strategies can break through liberal lies and misrepresentations? How does any American address the dark nature of liberal attacks on critics, liberalism’s hate, its intolerance, its chronic rage, its grievance mentality, its race­ baiting, and the widespread suffering liberals predictably cause?

      At the present time, more and more of us are failing to internalize the significance of liberal politics running wild within political institutions once sworn to safeguard our liberties. We’re growing more receptive to the idea that we can spend our lifetimes dependent on government. Collective will to preserve America’s heritage is diminishing. Morality is no longer fashionable. Public apathy is the celebrated emotion of choice.

      Ethnic balkanization is replacing assimilation. Racial divisions are growing wider and deeper. America’s future is left to those who are determined to transform it into a financially, militarily, and morally bankrupt shadow of its past, and a weakened player on the international scene.

      America’s response is, to say the least, mystifying: Let a cabal of power-hungry politicians and obedient bureaucrats replace our God-given liberties with their “liberties”? Is America devolving into a country of the government, for the government, and by the government?

      We often forget that there is a political movement (conservatism) dedicated to preserving America’s historical respect for itself. But where is conservatism today?

      People speak of what they believe are conservative values, e.g., lower taxes, preserving property rights, individual liberty, a smaller and less intrusive federal government, protecting life in the womb, good fiscal management, a strong military, etc. Nonetheless, these values don’t seem to resonate enough for Americans to stand up for them in the face of creeping liberal domination. The cultural hammer of political correctness has already silenced most conservatives. Their objections to liberalism are turned against them as anti-American, sexist, racist, extreme, or mean-spirited.

      Will conservatism eventually fade away? It won’t because it can’t. Faith is enduring even though conservatives fail to sell its virtues, let liberals define conservatism for them, fear being embarrassed by liberals because they are conservative, reflexively bending to liberal arguments, sheepishly submitting to media attacks, accepting blame for what they believe, and most importantly failing to highlight features of conservatism people would embrace if they only knew what they were.

      Conservatism will never fade away because its true values are timeless, a constant in Nature, and therefore in tune with everyman’s best instincts. People striving to be their best instinctively find conservative values to be in step with their own efforts. Note what the late great prime minister of England Margaret Thatcher said, “The facts of life are conservative” (emphasis mine). In other words, conservatism is on the side of people who are struggling to do the right thing for the right reasons.

      Yet the only option left to most conservatives is to respectfully disagree with liberals. But that will never cut it; neither will compromise for compromise’s sake, or nodding to promises that curry favor with voters. Frustration, weak objections, and silence seem to be the best conservatives can muster. But this is as it should be when we don’t understand the psychological foundation upon which conservatism derives its true values—precisely what is missing in today’s political discourse.

      So we end up with conservatives quietly defending the family, morality, religion, and individual liberties and responsibilities thinking they’re just battling a political opposition they don’t happen to agree with while liberals are loudly disparaging the family, morality, religion and individual liberties and responsibilities knowing precisely what they want and how to get it.

      Liberal values, if we can call them values, constantly change to synchronize with political strategies of the moment. For example, liberals love conflict and social chaos, but not within their own ranks. Consequently, each liberal mind is in lockstep with every other liberal mind. There are unspoken rules: Criticism of liberal ideology is not an option; objective analyses of the liberal mind and of liberalism itself, especially its dark history and devastating implications for quality of life, are off-limits.


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