Unlocking the Political Mind. Ronald J. Fintak Sr. M.S.

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Unlocking the Political Mind - Ronald J. Fintak Sr. M.S.

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enough craziness in their words and deeds to at least wonder about the quality of their mental health. We cannot dismiss mind-sets of people gladly trading their God-given liberties for government handouts as normal. Nor should we take in stride the fact that all liberals must think alike. How else should we label rage-filled ideologues railing against anyone who disagrees?

      Let me rephrase. Is the belief in liberalism symptomatic of some kind of mental defect? Can we label these defects in psychological terms? What is the state of being crazy, or not crazy? Can this mental condition be prevented? What are its causes? Can we control its causes?

      Granted, the word “crazy” isn’t an accurate definition of one’s true mental condition, but neither are terms like “psychological disturbance” or “defect,” “neurosis,” “mental illness,” “mental impairment, “mental instability,” “mentally disturbed,” “mental disorder,” “mental disease,” “behavior disorder,” “pre-psychotic,” “psychosis,” or “abnormal.”

      Lacking accurate definitions, what other label than “crazy” best describes liberal symptomology? Everything liberals touch degrades into what is unrecognizable and broken, e.g., the family. After liberals reward unwed mothers for having more children than they can care for, they diminish the value of the father (Remember him?), and ignore the psychological harm the children must suffer for a lifetime. Hidden within the family’s umbilical cord to government is the fact that too many children of single-parent families are condemned to a marginal existence. Liberals—with a straight face—love to pontificate: “If it only saves one child…” Yet liberal policies continue to destroy lives of the unborn, and shorten lives of its dependent, helpless, and neglected followers.

      As if on cue, many still view liberal corruption, and its lack of moral development, through rose-colored glasses. On the other hand, why not deny reality if the perks are too good to pass up? Why wouldn’t a psychologically compromised politician do whatever it takes to lure as many to his view of reality as he can if he is skilled enough to slip by public “watchdogs” to round up a majority of voters? We can’t blame crazy people for being crazy; nevertheless, we have no one but ourselves to blame for not recognizing crazy when it’s in our face screaming “Trust me!”

      When all is said and done, how else do we label a political movement instilling hope that is never satisfied, fulfilling needs that are never met, compulsively seeking control over everyone, living by false promises, making sure the downtrodden stay down, ridiculing personal responsibility, denigrating American values, disrespecting America’s heritage, opening America’s borders to anyone, regulating how we think about gender, age, and racial differences, stifling individual freedoms and liberties, ignoring the psychological potential of its citizens, resisting government representation of its people, believing that our lives belong in the hands of liberal elites, making sure the government always stands above the individual, celebrating liberalism’s success in how it artfully shapes public thinking, making sure the powerful always gain more power, accumulating and keeping personal riches, demanding fawning adulation, embracing, and exploiting psychological problems, seeing everything in political terms, justifying anything that serves its purposes, denying the harm it causes its own people, turning self-sustaining, independent individuals into submissive, close-minded, obedient, dependent minions, coercing or buying politicians and the media to protect it, building political strategies around propaganda, rejecting the natural laws by which humanity lives long and happy lives, viewing collective helplessness, government dependency and chronic ignorance as social positives, lying, deceiving, twisting meanings of words to promise what it can never deliver, causing social chaos that leads to lifelong human suffering, and predictably ending up a curse upon any land it chooses to infect.

      If liberals are not crazy, how are we to explain similarities between liberals and today’s certifiably crazy people? Some dysfunctional people destroy what they control; liberals always destroy what they control. Pathological control is common in crazy people; it is also common in liberal leaders. Some dysfunctional people believe they are omnipotent; ditto for liberal leaders. The pathological mind lives in a self-manufactured reality; that’s where liberals live. Crazy people tend to exhibit extreme behavior; liberals are paragons of many variations of extreme. Crazy people are self-centered; so are liberals. Then there’s this: Liberals far outdo crazy people in their motivations and capacities for ridiculing morality and religion, disdaining high achievers, hating the country they live in, and despising anyone who points out the positive roots that made America an exceptional political experiment, when compared to any other.

      Examples of liberal craziness are legion. Liberals tell us that there are “benefits” to becoming wards of the state. Living as one of the faceless masses guarantees security.

      Government will bring out our individual best. Liberals say the government needs more money. Freedom to achieve is what permits people to earn the very money that government receives; achievement, in turn, is dependent on individual excellence.

      Therefore, shouldn’t some of government’s highest priorities center around protecting and promoting individual freedoms and liberties so individuals can be at their best to raise government revenue?

      We can spend billions ridding a river of pollutants and still end up with a dirty river if polluters keep polluting. We can spend billions going through the motions of fixing problems as long as we ignore real causes. Didn’t someone define insanity as doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results? Applying this informal definition to politics, isn’t punishing small businesses with federal and state regulations, raising taxes to cover runaway deficits, condemning rich and successful Americans, expanding government entitlements, and adding more to the welfare rolls, and expecting greater economic prosperity, insane?

      We find evidence of liberal craziness in its own words. Take the word “fairness.” Fairness and unfairness are concerns of the undeveloped mind. Children struggle with subtleties of fairness and unfairness until maturity; experiences eventually tease out the differences. Apparently, adult liberals struggle like children to define what psychologically healthy adults have already come to terms with in their youth. What does this say about liberals who see unfairness everywhere?

      Liberals speak of tolerance but tolerate no disagreement.

      Liberals love the word “equality.” What is equality? What kind of equality do we want? Life is full of inequalities. Which inequalities should we remove? Which equalities should we work for?

      Equality of psychological excellence is the only equality that matters. When people are at their best, differences disappear, or become meaningless. Optimized people don’t care what a person’s IQ, ethnicity, color, height, weight, sex, or country of origin are when that person is moral, objective, is a critial thinker, is open to another’s point of view, is willing to compromise, is informative or interesting, is an attentive conversationalist or listener, has a good sense of humor, is fun to be with, or is a loyal friend. Optimized people are excited about living; they love ideas, and the people who produce them. Subtracting our best from the equality equation leaves us swimming in runaway interpretations some people are only too ready to supply.

      There’s that cherished liberal word “diversity.” Liberals mock diversity by insisting that all people think like they’re told to think.

      Try criticizing a liberal and watch the craziness flow. If a liberal is caught in a violation, other liberals look the other way. If they can’t look the other way, they justify the violation. If they can’t justify it, they blame the accuser, or deny a violation occurred. When all efforts fail, they cry unfair, bigot, liar, make outrageous accusations, smear critics’ motives, cast doubt on their integrity, ridicule their intelligence or values, and spread innuendos. When liberals empty their bag of political tricks, they rationalize them as necessary, appropriate, even moral, and act surprised that anyone would think their intentions are anything but honorable, and their words are anything

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