Unlocking the Political Mind. Ronald J. Fintak Sr. M.S.

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Unlocking the Political Mind - Ronald J. Fintak Sr. M.S.

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victory, less enlightened leaders would have built their government on a representation of the very tyrannical power they replaced—like most military victors would have at that time. Instead, they transferred political power to the people.

      Liberals speak as if they are giving political power to the people by empathizing with the little guy of America. Sorry, The Framers beat them to it long ago by giving the little guy his own power to live in a government of his choice, not in a government chosen by nameless others.

      Liberals believe the little guy should have no say in who should hold political power nor be free to choose his own path in life. This slow but certain process of empowering an ever-growing government is working, and has been unstoppable.

      The historical record is painfully clear: Whatever liberals wanted, liberals got. They have no reason to stop. Why would they? Who would stop them? Failure is no obstacle. Their gaze, focused like a laser, is on feeding a pathological optimism belying a deeply flawed, political premise: America can be remade into a perfect society if everyone would just stop thinking about individual liberties and quietly roll over to “enlightened” government command and control.

      If we the people of American want good government, we’re left with only one option: conservatism, liberalism’s political nemesis. Yet as weak and ineffective as today’s conservatism is, some conservatives still sense an eternal power buried deep within the idea that political power must be held by the people. When The Founders looked to the individual for better government, they were not merely appealing to better politics; they were unconsciously appealing to something like conservatism that would establish a republic for virtuous, informed, and patriotic Americans who, it was hoped, would do the right thing. But The Founders could not, and we today are not, taking that deeper step into understanding why the people must hold political power. That will take a psychology able to weave itself into conservatism’s true values so that both can join to finally reveal how understanding who we are as individual personalities and what we are as members of a species is key to creating the better politics that actually creates that better world.

      Without a union of psychology and conservatism fearlessly standing up to liberal ideology, why would liberals not feel free to attack and blame, obfuscate and lie, misrepresent and deceive, and embrace nonsensical ideas with little fear of recrimination? With nothing better to compare liberalism to, liberals feel no need to hide from the fact that they’re in it for themselves, and will spare nothing to punish critics.

      Why then should we be surprised when liberals strut with bold and brassy confidence? They’ll criticize anyone while the slightest hint of criticism toward them immediately receives their wrath. Even suggesting that people are responsible for the effects of their own poor decisions triggers a chorus of liberal outrage.

      Who could have imagined that the people of America would someday relinquish political power to fast-talking, political charlatans painting glorious visions of an impossibly perfect world? If nothing is done, these same people will someday wake up from their denial to view the wreckage they helped cause while sheepishly asking what just happened to their America.

      What is the attraction to something so clearly diabolical as liberalism? Well, how else can one find lifelong power, influence, unimaginable riches, and the chance to stand in the limelight of fawning adulation from a cowed underclass? Therefore, liberalism is a present-day utopian dream for its powerful few, but a nightmare for its powerless many.

      Why then do we the people of America not see liberalism for what it is? Looking at voters, is it disinterest, chronic ignorance, lemming-like responses, collective depression, a head-in-the-sand mentality, misplaced loyalty, or an overly optimistic view of the future?

      Looking at politicians, is it a lack of moral judgment, low intelligence, incompetence, corruption, or cronyism?

      No. If it were any of the above, results would be hit or miss. There is nothing hit or miss in liberals making laws without public input, spending taxes with abandon, rewarding their believers with lavish perks, dodging investigations into liberal scandals, weakening America’s military, smearing good names of political opponents, lowering the value of the individual to raise the value of the state, and telling us how to live while its leaders squander fruits of our labors living like greedy dictators drunk on ill-gotten gains.

      Nothing is hit or miss in liberal activists instructing the chronically ignorant on whom to praise, whom to hate, and whom to vote for.

      What is hit or miss in liberals calling conservatives “extreme” (racist, evil, bigoted, greedy, capitalistic, homophobic, misogynistic, etc.)?

      Staying with the last point, liberals attach the word “extreme” to all things conservative. It signals followers to ramp up already simmering hate. Liberals live and breathe extreme. If they were not extreme, they wouldn’t be liberals. Consider what is extreme: promoting chronic states of human degradation or encouraging public apathy so America slides into moral and financial decay, even though the psychologically healthy response is to protect America from all diabolical “hope and change” ideologies.

      Liberals call Americans who want to protect America’s Constitution “right-wing kooks.” Is this not extreme? Why are pathological needs to control for the sake of control not extreme? Purposely stunting social, intellectual, and psychological potential of America’s citizens for political gain, thereby leaving populations trapped in lifelong misery, is an outrageously callous, and demented, example of political extremism. What about liberal race hustlers promoting a divisive, racial animus for profit, or lying to the public at every opportunity confident that an obedient media will give them cover?

      Whatever is reported to be extreme in conservatism doesn’t come close to what is in fact extreme in liberalism.

      Notwithstanding the many extremes of liberalism, why do some of conservatism’s own believe that conservatism is extreme? A drum beat of anti-conservative messages and the media’s re-manufacturing of the news, along with no push-back from wimpy conservatives, helped, over time, to sour America’s perceptions of what true conservative principles and values represent.

      We can’t look to America’s media for help. They’re of one mind obediently imploring us to stop questioning government authority while trumpeting faux glories of liberalism. The field of journalism has degraded into a pedestrian, self-indulgent, close­ minded, pseudo-literate cabal of slick propagandists eagerly standing in line to accept whatever political blood money is due them for protecting liberals. This is the media’s credo: Subtract what makes liberals look bad; add what makes liberals look good; speak as unbiased, moral arbiters seeking truth.

      We can’t look to America’s educational system. Our youth is already in the ideological grip of a carefully engineered indoctrination machine no one dares talk about, much less expose.

      Is it any wonder that liberalism is an expanding, world-wide, political movement deeply embedded in our institutions, in our culture, in our values, even in select interpretations of theology (e.g., government welfare is charity.) For some, liberalism is a religious experience. For others, it is a lifestyle. How else do we explain the fact that so many Americans are happily turning themselves into victims of political exploitation without a second thought? Are we reliving a common, historical tragedy where societies rot from within before they disappear?

      Liberalism’s sinister intrusion into the grand experiment we call America, along with its apathetic, dependent citizens living by a “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” mentality, are clear evidence of today’s political rot. We have politicians working silently under public radar acting like comic-book villains determined to rule the world. But their underlying messages are a slap in the face of every American: You can’t manage your own lives! Let enlightened masterminds guide you! Shut up and leave politics to

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