Sound Bites. Victor L. Cahn

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Sound Bites - Victor L. Cahn

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was embraced by a crowd that listened to her rip immigrants and workers, as well as the governmental support system we cherish, then become even more hateful and fearful than she was. Hard to imagine, but there you have it.”

      “The word is, sir, that she may run for your Senate seat.”

      “I gather as much. Well, if I ever considered retiring, the thought of Cassie McClellan sitting amid the greatest deliberative body in the world is enough to make me try for one more term. This country simply deserves better.”

      The Campaign

      “This is a beautiful house, Congresswoman.”

      “Thank you. We’re very happy here.”

      “And your children are just lovely.”

      “Thank you again. We’re very proud of them.”

      “Will I have a chance to speak to them further? I’m sure our audience would enjoy getting to know them.”

      “I’m afraid that won’t be possible.”

      “I understand. But what part do you expect them to play as you compete for a seat in the United States Senate?”

      “At this point, I‘m not sure. After all, they’re entitled to lead their own lives.”

      “Yet you never seem embarrassed to bring them onstage with you during campaign appearances.”

      “As I said, I’m proud of them. They’re a big part of who I am. And I want the voters to know that above all else, I consider myself a wife and a mom.”

      “Your family comes first.”


      “Although you also insist that you want to keep them out of the public eye.”

      “They’re entitled to privacy.”

      “Will their status ever change?”

      “I hope not.”

      “A few years ago, however, your daughter did achieve a measure of notoriety on her own.”

      “She did, indeed.”

      “And that episode forced her to leave her school.”

      “Not exactly. She decided to change schools. There’s a big difference. And she did so strictly of her own accord.”

      “Now she attends a school with a church affiliation.”

      “Again, the choice to go to such an institution was hers, and we were very proud to support that decision.”

      “Could you explain the circumstances under which she left her previous school? After all, they’re already public knowledge.”

      “Nothing complicated. She spoke out against a pervasive bias in several of her classes.”

      “For example?”

      “She felt that her American history teacher glorified far-left positions while sneering at conservative points of view.”

      “Anything else?”

      “She also protested when her biology teacher refused to give equal attention to creationism as an alternative to the secular theory of evolution.”

      “Did you support her perspective?”

      “I certainly did.”

      “Do you believe in creationism yourself?”

      “I think it should be acknowledged as a valid point of view.”

      “Do you believe in it?”

      “I believe it ought to be acknowledged.”

      “But do you reject Darwin’s theory of evolution and believe that creationism ought to be taught in high school and college science classes?”

      “I think it must be acknowledged.”

      “Do you really trust the Bible on matters of scientific authority?”

      “The Bible is the greatest book ever written.”

      “I understand—”

      “It is the book on which I base the values that guide my life—”

      “But do you really believe the earth is just a few thousand years old—”

      “All I’m saying is—”

      “Despite all the scientific evidence on the other side—”

      “ALL I’M SAYING . . . is that the flaws of the so-called evolution theory, as well as the strengths of the creationist view of the world, must be acknowledged.”

      ¶ ¶ ¶

      “Welcome back to Capitol Currents. Well, the mid-term elections are months away, but several heated contests are already taking shape. Brock Cassidy, what races are you following closely?”

      “Roy, I’m sure we’re all looking at one that’s bound to monopolize a lot of attention—”

      “I bet I know—”

      “I think we all do—”

      “That would be the long-time progressive champion Senator Vance Harrington against newcomer Cassie McClellan.”

      “Cassie Mac, right?”

      “The amorous assassin.”

      “Can’t men talk about anything but looks—”

      “Hey, that’s what her own colleagues call her—”

      “Flora O’Herlihy, do you really think she has a chance?”

      “Unfortunately, a very good chance—”


      “Why does she have a chance, or why ‘unfortunately’?”

      “Either one.”

      “I think she stands a very good chance because American voters tend to buy mindless and simplistic slogans—”

      “She’s a very gifted woman—”

      “Who talks in moronic sound bites—”

      “Nicole DiBoneventura?”

      “She’s smart, she’s charismatic—”

      “Sounds like you’re working for her—”


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