Sound Bites. Victor L. Cahn

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Sound Bites - Victor L. Cahn

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We can’t kneel down in front of the invaders who want to destroy our way of life!”


      “We have to offer the rest of the world more than a feeble handshake, a weak grip, and a limp wrist!”

      “Hah-hah! Yay!”

      “You know, it wasn’t very long ago that the United States of America used to be respected. The United States of America used to be . . . yes, I’ll say it! The United States of America used to be feared!”


      “But what’s happened? Would you like to know?”


      “Do you want to know?”


      “Good, because I was going to tell you anyway!”


      “We’ve surrendered so many of our core values that other countries laugh at us. They ignore us. They think we’re impotent. They’re convinced that we don’t have the pride or will to stand up for ourselves.”


      “Oh, I know what the liberals say: everybody still wants to come here. Well, of course they do, but that doesn’t mean we should want them.”


      “The time has come, ladies and gentlemen . . . and I really believe this . . . the time has come to reassert American power: economically . . .”


      “ . . . militarily. . . ”


      “ . . . morally . . .”


      “. . . and perhaps most important . . . (and now I’m going to use a word liberals truly cannot bear to hear) . . . spiritually!”

      “Yay! Hah-hah! Yay!”

      “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s up to us! It’s up to us to remind the rest of the world of a phrase that lately we haven’t heard often enough: ‘God has truly blessed the United States of America.’”


      “And you know what? It’s true! God has blessed us! We’re not just another country! We are exceptional! We are singular! We are the greatest country with the greatest system of government in the history of the world! And we know it! Now let’s remind the rest of the world! And let’s also make sure that we continue to deserve such blessing!”


      “And where do we start? I’ll tell you, ladies and gentlemen: we start here right here! Right in this room! Tonight!”


      “Are you with me?”


      “I can’t hear you. Are you with me?”


      “Good! So let’s get the government off our backs. Let’s stop the job-killing government bills and programs that destroy our economy and our spirits.”


      “Let’s make sure the unions don’t blackmail our industries into bankruptcy!”


      “Let’s make sure we’re allowed to keep the money we make!”


      “Let’s tell all those so-called scientists what they can do with their crackpot theories about global warming and climate change!”


      “Because they’ll do anything they can to get their hands on our money, right?”


      “Finally, let’s keep the do-gooders and the nanny state far away from our kitchens and our bedrooms and our living rooms . . .”


      “ . . . and our offices and our classrooms and our churches . . .”


      “And most of all . . . away from our wallets and pocketbooks!”


      “Let’s work to preserve life and save marriage . . .”


      “To make sure our children learn what we want them to learn!”


      “About how great America was, how great it is, and how great it can be again!”


      “That’s why I have just two words for those liberals who think they have a right to tell the rest of us how to live. Just two words that they should remember. And what are those two words?”

      “Hdssff. . .”

      “What are they?”

      “Hands off!”

      “That’s right. Hands off!”


      “C’mon, say it with me! Hands off!”

      “Hands off!”


      “HANDS OFF!”

      “Once more!”

      “HANDS OFF!!!

      “That’s the spirit! That’s the real American Spirit! And now it’s off to victory! Thank you!”

      ¶ ¶ ¶

      “I was embarrassed for her.”

      “Those were the words of Senator Vance Harrington, when he was asked by our Cindy Howell about the much-discussed speech by Representative Cassie McClellan before the Conservative Colloquium this past week.”

      “I mean, this woman is bright. She’s educated. But there’s no doubt that she debased herself by appealing to the lowest elements of her party.”

      “And what might those be, Senator?”

      “The purveyors of hate and fear:

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