Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara

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Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother - Daniel F. Stramara

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Show us your mercy, O Lord,

      and grant us your salvation. . . .

      10. Mercy and truth have met

      each other;

      righteousness and peace have kissed

      one another.

      11. Truth has sprung up from out

      of the earth,

      and righteousness has peered down from heaven.

      12. For the Lord will grant goodness,

      and our land shall yield her fruitfulness.

      13. Righteousness will precede the Lord,

      and shall establish his steps along

      the way.

      Psalm 85

      1. Incline your ear, O Lord,

      and hearken to me,

      for I am indeed poor and needy.

      2. Preserve my life, for I am holy;

      save your servant, O God,

      who hopes in you.

      3. Have mercy on me, O Lord,

      for to you will I cry all the day long.

      4. Gladden the soul of your servant,

      for to you, O Lord,

      I have lifted up my soul.

      5. For you, O Lord, are kind and gentle,

      and bountiful in mercy to all who call upon you.

      6. Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer;

      attend to the sound of my supplication.

      7. In the day of my woe

      I cried out to you,

      because you have heard me.

      8. For there is none like you among the gods, O Lord,

      and there are no works compared

      to yours.

      9. All the nations which you have made shall come,

      and worship before you, O Lord,

      and they shall glorify your name.

      10. For you are great and work wonders;

      you are the only God, the Great One.

      11. Guide me, O Lord, in your path,

      that I may walk in your truth.

      Let my heart rejoice,

      that I might revere your name.

      12. I will give thanks to you, O Lord,

      my God,

      with all my heart,

      and I will glorify your name forever.

      13. For your mercy towards me is great;

      you have delivered my life from the deepest hell.

      14. O God, transgressors have risen up against me,

      an assembly of violent people has sought my life,

      and they have not set you

      before their eyes.

      15. But you, O Lord God, are compassionate and merciful,

      longsuffering, abounding in mercy

      and truth.

      16. Look down upon me and have mercy on me,

      give your strength to your servant,

      and save the offspring of your handmaid.

      17. Vouchsafe for me a token for good,

      and let those who hate me see it

      and be ashamed,

      for you, O Lord, have helped me

      and comforted me.

      Psalm 88

      1. O Lord, I will sing of your

      mercies forever;

      I will proclaim your truth with my mouth to all generations.

      2. For you have said: “Mercy shall be built up forever.

      Your truth shall be established

      in the heavens.

      3. I have made a covenant

      with my chosen;

      I swore a pledge to my servant, David.

      4. I shall establish your seed forever,

      and build up your throne to all generations.”

      5. The heavens declare your wonders,

      O Lord,

      and your truth in the assembly of the holy ones.

      6. For who in the heavens shall be compared to the Lord?

      And who shall be likened to the Lord among the sons of God?

      7. God is glorified in the council of the holy ones,

      great and fearful to all who

      are around him.

      8. O Lord, God of hosts,

      who is like you?

      You are mighty, O Lord, and your truth encompasses you.

      9. You rule over the raging of the sea,

      and calm the tumult of its waves.

      10. You have humbled the proud like someone slain;

      with your mighty arm you have scattered your foes.


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