Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara

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Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother - Daniel F. Stramara

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Yours are the heavens, and yours

      is the earth.

      You have founded the world

      and its fullness.

      12. You have created the north

      and the west;

      Tabor and Hermon will rejoice

      in your name.

      13. Yours is the mighty arm;

      let your hand be strengthened, your right hand exalted.

      14. Justice and judgment are the foundation of your throne;

      mercy and truth shall process before your presence.

      15. Blessed the people who know the sound of joy!

      They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of your presence.

      16. In your name they shall rejoice all the day long,

      and in your righteousness they shall be exalted.

      17. For you are the boast

      of their strength,

      and in your good pleasure our horn shall be exalted.

      18. For from the Lord is support,

      even from the Holy One of Israel,

      our King.

      19. Then you spoke in a dream to your children, saying:

      “I have set help on one who is mighty,

      I have exalted a chosen one from out of my people.

      20. I have found David to be my servant,

      I have anointed him with holy oil.

      21. For my hand shall support him,

      and my arm shall strengthen him.

      22. The enemy shall have no advantage over him,

      and the son of lawlessness shall not hurt him again.

      23. I will hew down his enemies

      before him,

      and I will put to flight those

      who hate him.

      24. And my truth and my mercy shall surround him,

      and in my name his horn

      shall be exalted.

      25. I will place his left hand in the sea,

      and his right hand in the river.

      26. He shall call upon me, saying:

      ‘You are my father, my God,

      and the support of my salvation.’

      27. And I will set him as a first-born,

      high above all the kings of the earth.

      28. I will keep my mercy

      with him forever,

      and my covenant with him

      shall be firm.”

      Psalm 89

      1. O Lord, you have been our refuge,

      from one generation to the next.

      2. Before the mountains existed,

      or the earth and the world were formed,

      even from age to age, you are.

      3. Do not turn humanity back to its lowly state,

      when you said, “Return you children

      of earth.”

      4. For a thousand years in your sight,

      are as the yesterday which is past,

      and as a watch in the night.

      5. Years shall be vanity to them;

      let the morning pass away like grass.

      6. In the morning let it flower

      and pass away,

      in the evening let it droop, become withered and dried.

      7. For we have perished in your anger,

      and in your wrath we have been sorely troubled.

      8. You have set our transgressions before your eyes,

      our age is seen in the light of your face.

      9. For all our days have perished,

      indeed in your anger we have perished;

      our years have spun on like a spider.

      10. The days of our years number

      seventy years,

      perhaps by reason of strength,

      they last eighty,

      but the greater part of them is labor

      and trouble,

      for weakness overtakes us

      and we are chastised.

      11. Who knows the spite of your wrath?

      And who knows how to number days because of your dread rage?

      12. Thus make known your right hand,

      and those who are instructed by wisdom in the heart.

      13. Return, O Lord, how long?

      Be pacified with your servants.

      14. We have been satiated in the morning by your mercy,

      and we greatly exalted and rejoiced.

      15. Let us rejoice all our days,

      in return for the days you humbled us,

      the years wherein we

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