Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara

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Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother - Daniel F. Stramara

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He made the moon for

      marking times;

      the sun knows its time to set.

      20. You established darkness,

      and it was night,

      when all the wild animals of the forest prowl about.

      21. The young lions roar for their prey,

      and seek their food from God.

      22. The sun rises and they are

      gathered together;

      and they shall lie down in their

      dens to rest.

      23. People shall go out to work,

      to labor until evening.

      24. How great are your works, O Lord!

      You made everything by wisdom;

      the earth is full of your creativity.

      25. There is this great and expansive sea;

      innumerable are the creeping

      creatures there,

      small animals as well as large.

      26. There the ships ply their passage;

      and the dragon you formed to play therein.

      27. All things wait upon you,

      to give them their food in due season.

      28. When you give it to them, they shall gather it;

      when you open your hand,

      all will be filled with your bounteous goodness.

      29. But when you turn away your face,

      they shall be troubled.

      When you take away their breath,

      they shall perish and return

      to their dust.

      30. You shall send forth your Spirit,

      and they shall be created;

      and you shall renew the face

      of the earth.

      31. Let the glory of the Lord be forever;

      the Lord shall take pleasure

      in his works.

      32. He gazes upon the earth and makes it tremble;

      He touches the mountains,

      and they smoke.

      33. I will sing to the Lord all my life;

      I will sing praise to my God as long as I exist.

      34. May my conversation be

      pleasing to him,

      and so I shall be glad in the Lord.

      Psalm 107

      1. My heart is ready, O God,

      my heart is ready,

      I will chant and sing psalms in my glory.

      2. Awake psaltery and harp,

      I will wake up early in the morning.

      3. I will publicly give thanks to you,

      O Lord,

      I will sing praises to you among

      the nations.

      4. For your mercy is great above

      the heavens,

      and your truth soars above the clouds.

      5. Be exalted above the heavens, O God,

      and let your glory shine upon

      all the earth.

      6. So that your beloved ones

      may be delivered,

      save with your right hand

      and hearken to me.

      Psalm 109

      1. The Lord said to my Lord:

      Sit on my right,

      until I make your enemies

      your footstool.

      2. The Lord will send out from Zion

      a rod of power;

      take up your rule in the midst

      of your enemies.

      3. With you is dominion in the day

      of your power,

      in the splendors of your holy ones.

      From the womb before

      the morning star,

      I have begotten you.

      4. The Lord swore an oath,

      and will not take it back:

      You are a priest forever,

      according to the order of Melchizedek.

      5. The Lord at your right hand

      has dashed in pieces

      kings in the day of his wrath.

      6. He shall judge among the nations,

      multiply the corpses,

      crush the heads of many on the earth.

      7. He shall drink from the brook

      by the wayside,

      therefore, he will lift up his head.

      Psalm 112


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