Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara

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Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother - Daniel F. Stramara

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Praise the Lord, you servants;

      praise the name of the Lord!

      2. Let the name of the Lord be blessed,

      henceforth and forever more.

      3. From the rising of the sun

      to its setting,

      let the name of the Lord be praised.

      4. The Lord is exalted above

      all the nations,

      above the heavens his glory.

      5. Who is like the Lord our God,

      who dwells on high,

      6. overseeing the things below,

      in heaven and on earth,

      7. who lifts up the poor from the earth,

      and raises the needy from the dunghill,

      8. to seat him with royalty,

      even with the rulers of his people,

      9. who settles the barren woman

      in a home,

      making her a joyful mother of children?

      Psalm 113A

      1. At the departure of Israel from Egypt,

      of the house of Jacob from

      a barbarous people,

      2. Judah became his holy claim,

      and Israel his dominion.

      3. The sea had sight and took flight,

      the Jordan turned back on its course.

      4. The mountains skipped like rams,

      the hills like yearling lambs.

      5. What did you see O sea,

      that you took flight?

      6. And you, O Jordan,

      that you turned back in fright?

      7. You mountains that you skipped

      like rams?

      And you hills like yearling lambs?

      8. At the presence of the Lord,

      the earth trembled,

      at the presence of the God of Jacob,

      9. who turned the rock into pools

      of water,

      and the flinty rock into watery fountains.

      Psalm 113B

      9. Not to us, O Lord, not to us,

      but to your name give the glory,

      because of your mercy and truth;

      10. lest the nations should say:

      Where is their God?

      11. But our God dwells in heaven,

      and on earth;

      doing whatsoever he wills.

      12. The idols of the nations,

      are silver and gold,

      the work of human hands.

      13. They have a mouth

      but cannot speak;

      they have eyes, but cannot see.

      14. They have ears, but cannot hear;

      they have nostrils, but cannot smell.

      15. They have hands, but cannot touch;

      they have feet, but cannot walk,

      nor can they make a sound through their throat.

      16. Let those who make them,

      become like them,

      and all who have trusted in them.

      17. The house of Israel trusted in the Lord,

      their helper and their protector.

      18. The house of Aaron trusted

      in the Lord,

      their helper and their protector.

      19. Those who fear the Lord have trusted in the Lord,

      their helper and their protector.

      Psalm 117

      8. It is better to trust in the Lord,

      than to trust in human might.

      9. It is better to hope in the Lord,

      than to place hope in rulers.

      10. All the nations encompassed me,

      in the Lord’s name I warded them off.

      11. They completely encircled me,

      but in the Lord’s name I fended

      them off.

      12. They encompassed me like bees about a honeycomb,

      and violently blazed like fire

      among thorns,

      but in the Lord’s name I drove them off.

      13. Hard-pressed, I was on the verge

      of falling,

      but the Lord supported me.

      14. The Lord is my strength

      and my song,

      and has become my salvation.

      15. A sound of rejoicing and deliverance,

      in the tents of the just!


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