Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara

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Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother - Daniel F. Stramara

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I will diligently seek after them

      at every occasion.

      34. Instruct me that I may search out your law,

      and keep it with all my heart.

      35. Guide me in the path of your commandments,

      for I have taken delight in them.

      36. Incline my heart to your testimonies;

      and not to covetousness.

      37. Turn my eyes away from

      beholding vanity;

      give me life in your way.

      38. Confirm your oracle to your servant,

      that I may revere you.

      39. Take away my reproach

      which I dreaded;

      for your judgments are pleasant.

      40. Behold, I have desired your commandments;

      grant me life by your righteousness.

      41. Let your mercy come upon me,

      O Lord,

      your salvation according to your word.

      42. And so I shall answer those who reproach me,

      because I trusted in your words.

      43. Do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth;

      because I have placed my hope in your judgments.

      44. I shall continually keep your law,

      even forever and ever.

      45. I have roamed about

      in an open space,

      because I diligently sought

      your commandments.

      46. I spoke of your testimonies

      before kings,

      and was not overcome with shame.

      47. I meditated on your commandments,

      which I loved exceedingly.

      48. I have lifted my hands to your precepts which I loved,

      and mulled over your decrees.

      49. Remember your words

      to your servant,

      for which you have caused me to hope.

      50. This has comforted me in my humiliation,

      for your oracle has kept me alive.

      51. The haughty have greatly transgressed,

      but I have not swerved away

      from your law.

      52. I remembered your judgments of old, O Lord,

      and thus was comforted.

      53. Despondency gripped me on account of sinners—

      those who totally forsake your law.

      54. My songs were your decrees,

      in the place of my pilgrimage.

      55. I remembered your name in the night, O Lord,

      and have faithfully kept your law.

      56. This was my state of affairs,

      for I diligently sought your precepts.

      57. You are my portion, O Lord,

      I said I would keep your law.

      58. I entreated your presence

      with my whole heart,

      have mercy on me according

      to your oracle.

      59. I pondered over your ways

      in my mind,

      and I turned my footsteps

      to your testimonies.

      60. I prepared myself and was not disheartened,

      to put your commandments

      into practice.

      61. The snares of sinners entrapped me;

      but I did not forget your law.

      62. I rose at midnight

      to give you thanks,

      for the judgments of your righteousness.

      63. I am a companion of all

      who revere you,

      and of those who keep your commandments.

      64. The earth is full of your mercy,

      O Lord;

      teach me your decrees.

      65. You have dealt kindly with your servant, O Lord,

      according to your word.

      66. Teach me kindness, instruction and knowledge,

      because I have believed in your commandments.

      67. Before I was humbled, I habitually transgressed,

      for this reason I have steadfastly kept your word.

      68. You, O Lord, are gracious,

      thus in your graciousness teach me your precepts.

      69. The injustice of the proud was puffed up against me,

      but I will search out your commandments with all my heart.

      70. Their heart has been curdled

      like milk,

      thus I meditated on your law.

      71. It is good that you humbled me,


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