Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara

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Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother - Daniel F. Stramara

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I may learn your decrees.

      72. The law of your mouth

      is good for me,

      better than thousands of gold

      and silver pieces.

      73. Your hands have made me

      and fashioned me;

      instruct me that I may learn

      your commandments.

      74. Those who revere you will see me and rejoice,

      because I have placed my hope

      in your words.

      75. I know, O Lord, that your judgments are righteous,

      and that you have humbled me

      by your truth.

      76. Let your mercy, I pray,

      be for my comfort,

      according to your promise

      to your servant.

      77. Let your tender mercies reach me that I may live;

      for your law is my meditation.

      78. Let the proud be ashamed, for they sinned against me unjustly;

      but I will mull over your commandments.

      79. Let those who revere you turn to me,

      as well as those who know

      your testimonies.

      80. Let my heart be blameless

      in your decrees,

      that I may not be put to shame.

      81. My soul faints for your salvation;

      I have hoped in your words.

      82. My eyes failed waiting

      to see your promise,

      saying: “When will you comfort me?”

      83. For I am like a wineskin covered with hoarfrost,

      yet I have not forgotten your decrees.

      84. How many are the days

      of your servant?

      When will you deal out judgment

      on my persecutors?

      85. Transgressors told me idle tales,

      but your law, O Lord, told me otherwise.

      86. All your commandments are truth.

      They persecuted me unjustly; help me!

      87. They almost finished me off

      in the earth;

      but I did not forsake your commandments.

      88. According to your mercy

      give me life,

      and I will keep the testimonies

      of your mouth.

      89. You are forever, O Lord,

      your word remains in heaven.

      90. Your truth endures for all generations;

      you have founded the earth and it remains.

      91. By your arrangement, day shall continue,

      for all things are subjected to you.

      92. Were it not that your law is my meditation,

      I would have perished in my affliction.

      93. Let me never forget your decrees,

      for through them you have

      given me life.

      94. I indeed am yours, save me,

      for I have diligently sought out

      your decrees.

      95. Sinners lay in wait for me

      to destroy me;

      yet I understood your testimonies.

      96. I have seen a limit to all perfection,

      yet your commandment is very broad.

      97. O how I loved your law, O Lord!

      It is my meditation all day long.

      98. You have made me wiser in your precept than my enemies;

      because it is mine forever.

      99. I have more understanding than all my teachers,

      because your testimonies are my meditation.

      100. I understood more than the elders,

      for I diligently sought out your commandments.

      101. From every evil path

      I curbed my feet,

      that I might keep your words.

      102. I have not turned aside

      from your judgments,

      because you yourself indoctrinated me.

      103. How sweet are your oracles

      to my palate,

      more so than honey in my mouth!

      104. From your precepts

      I gained understanding;

      therefore I despise every path

      of injustice.

      105. Your law is a lamp to my feet,

      and a light for my footsteps.

      106. I have sworn

      and determined to keep

      the judgments of your righteousness.


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