Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother. Daniel F. Stramara

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Praying—with the Saints—to God Our Mother - Daniel F. Stramara

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      18. The sound of your thunder rumbled round,

      and your lightening illumined

      the world;

      the earth trembled and quaked.

      19. Your way was through the sea,

      and your paths through many waters,

      but your footsteps could not be known.

      20. You guided your people as sheep,

      by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

      Psalm 79

      1. Attend, O Shepherd of Israel,

      who leads Joseph like a flock.

      You who sit upon the cherubim,

      manifest yourself.

      2. Before Ephraim, Benjamin

      and Manasseh,

      stir up your power

      and come to our salvation.

      3. Turn us around, O God,

      let your face shine,

      and we shall be saved.

      4. O Lord, the God of hosts,

      how long will you be angry

      with the prayer of your servant?

      5. How long will you feed us

      with the bread of tears,

      and cause us to drink tears by measure?

      6. You have made us a laughing stock

      to our neighbors;

      and our enemies have mocked us

      round about.

      7. Turn us around, O God,

      let your face shine,

      and we shall be saved.

      8. You have transplanted a vine out

      of Egypt;

      your have uprooted the heathen and planted it.

      9. You prepared a way before it,

      and caused it to take root,

      and the land was filled.

      10. Its leafy shade covered

      the mountain,

      and its tendrils, the cedars of God.

      11. It sent forth its branches to the sea,

      and its spreading boughs to the river.

      12. Then why have you broken down

      its hedge,

      that all who pass by the roadside may pluck it?

      13. The boar from the forest

      has laid it waste;

      and the wild beast has devoured it.

      14. O God of Hosts, return

      we beseech you;

      look down from heaven and see and visit this vine.

      15. Restore that which your right hand has planted,

      and look on the Son of Man whom you strengthened for yourself.

      16. It is burnt up and uprooted,

      at the rebuke of your countenance they will perish.

      17. Let your hand be upon your right hand man,

      on the Son of Man whom you made strong for yourself.

      18. Thus will we not depart from you;

      you shall give us life,

      and we will call upon your name.

      19. O Lord, God of hosts,

      turn us around.

      Let your face shine

      and we shall be saved.

      Psalm 80

      1. Exult with joy in God our helper!

      Shout aloud to the God of Jacob!

      2. Take up a psalm and produce

      the timbrel,

      the sweet sounding psaltery with a harp.

      3. Blare the trumpet at the new moon,

      in the glorious day of our feast.

      4. For it is an ordinance for Israel,

      and a statute written by the God

      of Jacob,

      5. who established it as a testimony

      in Joseph,

      when he came forth from the land

      of Egypt;

      he heard a language which he understood not.

      6. He removed his back from burdens;

      his hands slaved away

      at making baskets.

      7. In affliction you called upon me,

      and I delivered you.

      I heard you in the secret place

      of the tempest;

      I tested you in the water

      of contradiction.

      8. Hear, my people, and I will testify

      to you,

      O Israel, if you will hearken to me.

      9. There shall be no new

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