Personal & Authentic. Thomas C Murray

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Personal & Authentic - Thomas C Murray

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forget the day the principal approached him in our gymnasium and said, “I heard you’ve been talking about the Proverbs with Inky.” Mr. Mitchell said, “Yes, sir, I have.” The principal reminded him of the separation of church and state and said that he could lose his job if it continued. Mr. Mitchell replied, saying he would just have to get fired then because my life was worth it. I remember walking home from school that day thinking that if my teacher was willing to put the way he provides for his wife and kids on the line for me, I had to make him proud, give him my best, and not let him down.

      Needless to say, he didn’t get fired. He did whatever was needed to help me. To this day, Mr. DeMarco Mitchell is still my mentor. It’s been nine years since he walked my wife down the aisle at our wedding. He will always be the man in my eyes who showed he cared more about me than he did about my grades, test scores, and sports. He wanted me to know and understand what personal and authentic love and connection looks and feels like. He would often tell me, “My press in life is to VALUE you more than I value what I believe about you.” As a teacher, his impact on my life, and the lives of others, has now been passed on to the next generation.

      I’m a firm believer that things don’t happen to you. They happen for you. The funny thing about my injury was that my life found new meaning and new purpose. Instead of the injury serving as a curse, it has served as a blessing. It’s an opportunity. You see, my arm may be paralyzed, but my heart isn’t. My mind isn’t. My attitude isn’t. The same arm the doctor told me I would never use again because of paralysis, I now use every day of my life. I believe you are not defined by your circumstances or your situation. You are defined by your decisions and your choices. Every day I make a decision to make my life count. Every day I’m going to work to inspire someone. Every day I’m going to work to encourage someone.

      As an educator, you get to do the same.

      Much like Mr. DeMarco Mitchell, Tom is someone who is passionate about people and education. He is a friend whom I admire and respect. I’ll never forget the first time I saw him speak to a school district and the way in which he thanked the school bus drivers, cafeteria workers, and custodial staff and how it pierced my heart. His love for teachers, administrators, support staff, and kids is something that is very personal for him. If I had to use one word to describe him, it would be authentic. He values people and understands the lifelong impact each person can have in whatever role they serve. He understands how, as educators, your fingerprints remain on the lives of others for generations to come.

      This book, Personal & Authentic: Designing Learning Experiences that Impact a Lifetime, is going to serve as a source of encouragement to people all over the world, and I’m excited to see it manifest!

      With much love and respect,

      Inky Johnson


      ESPN Story Emmy Nominated

      Professionally, this book is dedicated to the countless teachers who pour their lives into other people’s children every day. You dedicate your work to supporting those who desperately need you. May your fingerprints of impact be on the lives of those you serve for generations to come.

      Personally, this book is dedicated to my parents, Tom and Cherie Murray. God couldn’t have given me more when he allowed me to call you Mom and Dad. You’ve sacrificed so much to help propel me forward, and for that, I’ll be eternally grateful. You are models of perseverance, resilience, overcoming life’s challenges, living life with love and humility, and ultimately, what it means to be personal and authentic. Love you both so much, and I’m honored to call you my parents.

      via Merriam-Webster:

      To download the framework, visit

      The words personal and authentic describe much of the work we do as educators. Whether describing a learner-centered experience, our relationships with students and colleagues, the culture of our schools and classrooms, or the legacies we leave, the syntax of personal and authentic can mean different things under different constructs, yet often go hand in hand. This book explores many ways in which these ideas interconnect and how being personal and authentic in our work will positively impact those we serve. When fused together, this Personal & Authentic Framework can help guide our work and empower us to leave impactful, long-lasting legacies. Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect from this book:

      In Chapter 1, you’ll read part of my story and discover how I formed my personal educational lens. You’ll clearly see how I came to understand what this work is about, how being personal and authentic helps to define our relationships with those we serve, and how it must remain core to all that we do as educators. You’ll immediately see why the learner is at the center of this framework and how relationships surround it.

      Chapter 2 guides you in understanding how personal and authentic can help define the culture for learning that our students need to thrive. Beginning with a focus on you as the reader, I hope this chapter will challenge your leadership mindset and help you make every interaction matter by building trust and taking calculated risks along the way. In the framework, this culture for learning reinforces the relationships and remains at the center of the student experience.

      In Chapter 3, we’ll explore the personal and authentic stories hidden within each person to make sure that when we see our students, we not only see faces but hearts as well. Starting with why, we’ll seek out ways to prioritize each child’s story to find the unique beauty inside.

      In Chapters 4 and Chapter 5, we’ll build on the relationships and culture for learning aspects of the framework to envision and design personal and authentic learning experiences for our students. From creating the vision and being intentional with our first impressions to exploring many of the ways in which the student learning experience can be personal and authentic, these two chapters outline practical ways to support each student as a valued individual on a unique journey.

      Chapter 6 helps us rethink the use of tools and spaces and ultimately refocus on how to effectively leverage them as part of a personal and authentic experience. Seen as framework supports, these facets can either amplify or hinder the student experience. As such, we’ll explore issues surrounding equity, first by recognizing the gaps in opportunity and access that still exist for marginalized groups, and second by identifying ways to tackle these vital issues head-on in our classrooms and schools.

      In Chapter 7, we’ll bring it all together so we can maximize our personal and authentic legacy as educators. It is only through perseverance and resilience and by developing a fail-forward mindset through adversity that we can make it happen.

      Throughout this book, you’ll learn from dozens of educators as they share their tips to “Make It Stick,” giving you practical ways to maximize personal and authentic learning in your classroom or school. I wrote the “Stop & Reflect” questions specifically to make you pause and reflect on your own practice, as we know that reflection is a key component of growth and the start of any

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