EgreGor. Firuza Akopyan

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EgreGor - Firuza Akopyan

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changed as soon as we were in the bedroom. Not only her clothes, but all her tightness was gone. Yes, sex and the study of DNA are probably the only areas where Vita is herself, where she is real and where she is really good. I knew it the first time, but I was going to get to know her better and… was horrified.

      Vita refused to stay at my place for the night, so she called a taxi and left. I got out the rum, poured myself a glass, and turned on the TV. She’s probably right – I’m an alcoholic.

      Chapter 3

      A man’s life becomes much more interesting when his work brings him pleasure. Women for the most part realize themselves in the family, and men in work, which is the most important area of their life. However, there are women such as Vita. who realize themselves in the professional field as men.

      I have significantly increased the number of primary patients – grapevine has worked. I became unexpectedly popular. The work took up a lot of time, and meetings with Vita became rare. I didn’t know that my lack of attention can lead to the fact that she splattered my feelings on the asphalt. That was the first time I encountered another side of her character.

      It all started when I texted her that I was free and asked her to meet. In response, I received silence. She was silent for four days. Then she wrote herself as if nothing had happened. When I tried to find out what the problem was, I got a rude response: “Don’t ask too many questions” – and when I decided to find out what had happened, she said that it was not her way to meet on my schedule and that I also had to consider her time and desires, and if something did not suit me, I could easily find another mistress. “Where did such hardness come from such a fragile girl?” I couldn’t understand it. She seems like a lovely creature.

      Two days later she came to see me.

      – You’re good, after all, – she told me before the hypnotic session began.

      – Something new from you, – I said.

      – Really good. I am kind and also good.

      – I didn’t say you were bad. And even, on the contrary, I thought you were white and fluffy. And very smart.

      – Considered? Is it different now?

      – Well, of course you’re smart. This is a fact. And beautiful!

      – My attacks at all do not mean that I treat you worse. I’m perfectly aware of what I’m saying and I know where I’m going over the edge.

      – I don’t doubt that you know what you’re saying.

      – Enough! You shouldn’t have infuriated me!

      – I didn’t see you as an object exclusively for horizontal desires. However, it was successfully lowered to a consumer. And this is unpleasant. But I won’t change your mind.

      – That’s all you ever talked to me about…

      – I told you that because passion swept over me like a wave and I was stirred up in you. It’s not just sex, it’s real passion. And you reduced it to mechanics. Without feelings, this is fitness, not sex, – I said, even more rudely than I expected.

      – Well, punish me! – she said with a defiant smile.

      – There is such a desire…

      – Do you have any other desires? Or only maim?

      – Maiming – certainly not our methods. And the wishes you make, such as years not to find. – I looked away towards the window after these words. I saw in her eyes that I had greatly amused her self-esteem by saying this.

      – What did I say that hurt? Everything is as it is! Don’t pretend to be offended and humiliated!

      – Sit down, let’s start the session.

      Vita kissed me tenderly, and we started the session. The tension between us eased.

      In order for the hypnosis sessions to have the desirable effect, I first needed to teach Vita to develop intuition. This meant that she was capable of deeper hypnosis. Gradually, however, I began to wonder how well her intuitive abilities were developed without my efforts. “If it goes on like this, I’ll be useless to her.”

      The session meant that Vita, with her eyes open, would find the object I had hidden in the room. At first, she sat in a chair with her eyes closed, concentrating on the task. Five minutes later, she opened her eyes, trying to figure out what I had hidden and where. Then she walked around the office, examining it. Her glance fell on various objects. Deep down, I really wanted her to find what I had hidden. I wanted to be proud of her. After about half an hour, Vita opened the bookcase and gave me a meaningful look, then took out one of the books on the shelf, slowly walked over to me and put the book on my lap. She did it! I didn’t hide my admiration.

      – Let’s do it again, – she asked.

      I realized that the sessions did not tire her. On the contrary, they inspire her and give her strength, even calm her down. It turned out that our sessions became a necessity for her.

      I decided that the next step would be more difficult. Now I did not hide objects, Vita had to guess among the many numbers written on the board, the one that I had guessed. I wrote the numbers in random order, put down the marker, turned to her, and gave her the command to start. She looked from me to the board and back again. I wondered if she could handle this difficult task. Half an hour later she got up, picked up a sponge, and wiped all the numbers off the board except ninety. Amazingly, she had guessed right again! How does she do it?! Her pleased, sly look always had the same effect on me: I want her!

      There are women who you just get up and leave after having sex with. There are women with whom you want to talk after sex. And here you can very easily fall into the trap. We were lying on a small sofa in my office. Yes, I must be a pretty risky man to allow myself to do this in the workplace. But we only live once and we must not deprive ourselves of such pleasures.

      – You are the best! Did I tell you that?

      – No. Someone else.

      – Don’t be sarcastic! Why do I feel so good with you?

      – Because I’m the best!

      – Well, that makes sense. This is how karma brings two great people together.

      – Yeah, you never know when or where karma’s going to fuck you, – she can joke like no one else.

      She left and I had an hour of free time. I sat at my desk and tried to make up an anamnesis, not knowing what to write. At one point, I thought, “Crazy, crazy Vita…”

      A week later, Vita invited me to work for her. She worked at the department of the University where she studied. Her desk was littered with books, notebooks, copybooks, and a lot of notes. Among the papers I saw a printout of the layout of the chakras of the human body.

      – Chakras?

      – The same Maslow pyramid. It is interesting.

      – More

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