EgreGor. Firuza Akopyan

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EgreGor - Firuza Akopyan

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style="font-size:15px;">      – To my mind, all you’re doing is eating, drinking, and having sex. However, the latter is my merit. In general, your relationship with the world is complicated. You have problems with society. Your brain is well developed. I see that you are tired of the world, Horus. This is not good. What do you want to prove in this world and to whom? After all, the three highest ones are a clear way to prove something to the world. I look at you and I’m amazed! You don’t have to prove anything to anyone, you’re cool! It seems to me that you live in a world that you are fighting, but life does not involve fighting.

      – Thank you. But you don’t know much about my life, and it’s better that you don’t know many things.

      – No matter what I find out, I won’t think any worse of you. And trust me; I won’t get any closer, any closer than you let me.

      – But you won’t let me get any closer. Am I right?

      – Yes. Do you know why I was sent to you? To teach you something important in your life! It’s just that you don’t understand it, but it’ll come to you later, – she winked, and I realized that she was changing the subject.

      You always look at a person from a different angle when you find him at work. Vita knew exactly what kind of psychiatrist I was, but I had no idea what kind of work she was. Today I saw how her eyes burned. Looking at her, I saw her disappearing from the real world, plunging into the world of DNA.

      Many things about this girl were strange and new to me. For example, I am not surprised that by the age of thirty she has no family, this is just easy to explain, but it is strange that she is thinking about such global issues by her age. Sometimes, I’m afraid of her madness, because you can’t imagine where it will lead her. Perhaps I am crazy, since I understand it in portions. If it wasn’t for Vita, I would never have thought about what I was trying to prove in life and to whom. She was right about that. But what? And to whom? There are things that she sees through, and that scares me. No one likes to be open, and no one likes to have his soul searched without permission.

      What I admire about Vita is that she remains true to herself under all circumstances. She is true to herself even when she is unfaithful to others. But she is a great lover and interlocutor, and this overrides the other disadvantages. At least, that’s what I thought at first.

      Chapter 4

      I took a vacation and went to rest. Women need a joint vacation, because they go crazy alone, and men only benefit from a hermit’s rest. For a month, I forgot about work, forgot about everyone. I walked, drank, slept and so on in a circle. Fleeting women brightened my leisure. This is the treatment I would prescribe for everyone. But there is an important point and a significant “but” – you need to know when to end your preventive degradation. Otherwise, such treatment will only lead to the disintegration of the personality.

      The vacation flew by as if it had never happened. But I managed to extend my summer into early autumn. Having had a good rest, I returned to Moscow with renewed strength, where my neurotics were already waiting for me. I love my patients at least for the fact that their problems bring me good money, which I drink, walk and thus solve my problems. Sometimes I think about the meaning of my existence, but then I pour myself into a glass of rum, and then I don’t think about anything else. I planted a tree, raised my son and daughter, and built a house. I have completed my tasks, and now it is my turn to reap the benefits.

      I texted Vita that I was back, but she wasn’t very happy about it. I could understand it. I suggested to drink coffee.

      We met in a cafe, and she was distant. I couldn’t understand if she had someone else in the meantime, or if she was just offended, but knowing her sharpness in communication, I didn’t dare ask a direct question. We talked about nothing, and she was polite but dry. When I left the cafe, I offered her a ride home. I kissed her in the car, and she accepted the kiss without resistance, and then I calmed down – so everything was all right. I still can’t believe how blind I was then. Why didn’t I see anything? Or didn’t want to see it…

      It turned out that during my absence, Vita managed to fly to Mexico to study the pyramid complex. I didn’t share her passion, but I admired her tenacity. “Mexico… At what age did she hit her head?”

      – The pyramids in Mexico are a whole complex, there is the largest pyramid in the world, its size is 450x450 meters. Scientists believe that if you transfer all these pyramids to the drawing, you will get elements of the star map. Also, the Mexican pyramids correspond to the Egyptian ones, if they are, again, schematically transferred to the drawing. Most of all, I was struck by the Wizard’s pyramid, which is a miracle of creation. Exactly at 17: 00 on the balustrades of the pyramid, a drawing of sunlight appears, and the image of a huge burning snake slides along the stones of the pyramid. I thought it might have something to do with the thirteenth sign of the zodiac, and then I thought, “Does DNA have anything to do with constellations?”

      – Don’t you think you’re even more confused?

      – I think I’m on the right way. You cannot ignore the thoughts that come to mind, they have some kind of intelligence. If you don’t believe me, that’s another question.

      – It’s not about faith; it’s about how you prove it. To begin with, you need research or at least a theory based on some evidence base. These are just your thoughts, and they are not supported by anything else yet. Although, you know, I admire what you do. You bypass the usual methods, you look for other options.

      – What if this information is not for our time? I may never be able to prove anything, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong. Anything that doesn’t fit into your model of experience and life, you reject as something unworthy of attention, and I try to use any information. Scientists believe that the pyramids encoded the structure of the Universe, the person and his capabilities, but they cannot prove it. Man can prove anything, but he cannot prove anything that is spiritual: love, faith, for example. These concepts exist, and we know about them, but they are not expressed in formulas and do not pass any tests if they are tried to prove their existence.

      – Vita, there are probably things you don’t need to prove. They are constant and exist independently of formulas. Science does not recognize spirituality. Besides, my professional activities have little to do with what you do.

      – This isn’t about your profession! The point is that you reject the spiritual part of life! Your whole life is about meeting basic needs. What I do is directly related to your profession! You’re just blind! Okay, we’re here. Bye!

      Vita got out of the car, and I watched her going until she went into the doorway. I don’t like being told things, I don’t want to hear or know. “The spiritual part of life… What does she know about my life?”

      The next day Vita didn’t attend or even cancel the appointment. Her phone was turned off. For the next four days, she was also off-limits. I decided that I would not run after anyone, if she wanted to, she would show up.

      In the evening, I met with friends and we drank beer. Most of my friends are married people, but none of them are happy. Someone had taken a mistress, someone had become disillusioned with life, and now he didn’t even need a mistress. Beer and computer games are quite able to brighten up the loneliness in family life. According to I have a certain contingent of friends; most of them realize themselves in work. I know from experience that

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