The Communication Playbook. Teri Kwal Gamble

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The Communication Playbook - Teri Kwal Gamble

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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#litres_trial_promo">Chapter 13: Using Presentation Aids and Delivering Your Speech

      17  Chapter 14: Informative Speaking

      18  Chapter 15: Persuasive Speaking

      19  Appendix: Interviewing and Developing Professional Relationships

      20  Answer Key

      21  Glossary

      22  Notes

      23  Index

      Detailed Contents

      1  Preface

      2  Acknowledgments

      3  About the Authors

      4 Chapter 1: Start Right HereWhat Is Communication Presence?SKILL BUILDER: Wi-Fi Me (It’s Not a Question)Communication Choices Are AbundantCommunication Presence and TechnologyAre We Addicted?The UpshotHuman and Social CapitalThe Communication–Success ConnectionWhat Is Communication?Defining CommunicationTypes of CommunicationSKILL BUILDER: Communication Self-Assessment and Future MeEssentials of CommunicationPeopleMessagesChannelsNoiseContextFeedbackEffectVisualizing the Communication Process in ActionA Transactional Model of CommunicationHow Good a Communicator Are You?Communication Is DynamicCommunication Is Unrepeatable and IrreversibleCommunication Has No OppositeEXPLORING DIVERSITY: Focus on HateCulture Influences CommunicationGender Influences CommunicationPersonal Ethics Influence CommunicationCommunication Is Competence BasedDigital and Social Media Are Transforming CommunicationLiving BrandsChanges Have Upsides and DownsidesWhy Do We Communicate?To Gain Self-Understanding and Insight Into OthersTo Form Meaningful RelationshipsTo Influence OthersFor Career DevelopmentCAREER BUILDER: Professional Challenges and Future MeCommunication Skills: Practice Effective Communication

      5 Chapter 2: Having Communication Presence in a Multicultural Society and WorldCultures’ Many FacesAttitudes Toward DiversityIs It Different in the Working World?The Many Faces of Intercultural CommunicationWhat Happened to the Melting Pot?The Melting Pot PhilosophyThe Philosophy of Cultural PluralismDiversity Is Reshaping the FutureCulture and CommunicationCulture Is a TeacherWhat We Know About Difference MattersThe Effects of Cultural ImperialismHow We Feel About Difference MattersThe Dangers of EthnocentrismThe Promise of Cultural RelativismOn the Look Out for Stereotypes and PrejudiceCultures Within CulturesInfluences on Cultural Identity and Communication PresenceGender RolesAgeRacial and Ethnic IdentitiesETHICS AND COMMUNICATION: Through Others’ EyesReligious IdentitySocioeconomic IdentityGenerational DifferencesThe Greatest GenerationThe Baby BoomGeneration XGeneration Y: The MillennialsiGenerationCAREER BUILDER: Gen-You and Future MeCultures and Co-CulturesCo-Cultures and Communication StrategiesAssimilationAccommodationSeparationCo-Cultures and Communication ApproachesPassive CommunicationAssertive CommunicationMore Aggressive CommunicationSKILL BUILDER: Assessing Ethnocentrism Versus Cultural RelativismDimensions of Culture in ActionIndividualism Versus CollectivismHigh Context Versus Low ContextHigh Power Distance Versus Low Power DistanceMonochronic Versus Polychronic CultureMasculine Versus Feminine CultureInterpreting Cultural DifferencesTechnology and CommunityNeighborhoods Need Not Be RealWe Consciously Can Choose Our NeighborsOther Reasons We Seek Virtual CommunitiesThe Power of DialogueFor Good and BadCommunication Skills: Practice Communicating Interculturally

      6 Chapter 3: The “I” Behind the Eye: Perception and the SelfPerception of the Self, Others, and ExperienceWhat Is Perception?Perception Occurs in StagesPerception Is Selective and PersonalEffects of SelectivityAge and Memory Influence PerceptionWe Organize Our PerceptionsThe Figure-Ground PrinciplePerceptual ConstancyPerceptual SchemataClosurePerceiving the “I” Affects Perception of YouLooking at the SelfThe Importance of Self-AwarenessThe Nature of Self-ConceptHow Self-Concept DevelopsThe Connection Between Self-Concept and BehaviorAttribution TheorySelf-EsteemThe Dark Side of Self-EsteemThe Bright Side of Self-EsteemSKILL BUILDER: Me, You, and Popular and Social MediaFactors Affecting Self-Concept and OutlookResilience and GritDeveloping Self-UnderstandingETHICS AND COMMUNICATION: Combatting Stigma, Stereotypes, and PrejudiceExpectations Matter: The Self-Fulfilling ProphecyThe Pygmalion EffectReal and Life ExamplesThe Galatea EffectHow to Enhance Self-AwarenessIdentify Life ScriptsUse the Johari WindowInterpersonal Styles in the Johari WindowSKILL BUILDER: Symbolizing the SelfManage ImpressionsIdentify Your Multiple IdentitiesLife Is Like a PerformanceCAREER BUILDER: Work Places and FacesBarriers to Perceiving Yourself and Others ClearlyPast Experiences Follow UsWe Close Our MindWe Freeze Our First ImpressionWe Exhibit the Behaviors of a Lazy PerceiverWe Think We Know It AllWe Blinder OurselvesWe Confuse Facts and InferencesWe Exhibit Deficient Empathy SkillsGender, Self-Concept, and PerceptionStandpoints: Lessons Frame PerceptionsBeliefs Can Blind UsCulture, Self-Concept, and PerceptionBarriers to UnderstandingNotions of the Self Are Culturally BasedDistinctness Stands OutSelf-Concept, Perception, and TechnologyEXPLORING DIVERSITY: Assessing Your Preference for “I” Versus “We”Technology Influences Information ProcessingTechnology Influences Our Online PresenceThe Internet and Social Networks Promote Self–Other ComparisonsTechnology Alters Perceptions of RealityCommunication Skills: Practice Improving Perception of the Self and Others

      7 Chapter 4: Communicating With Words: Helping Minds MeetLanguage Is Alive: We Use Words to Share MeaningWords, Things, and ThoughtsThe Triangle of MeaningProblems With the Communication of MeaningUnderstanding Meaning’s MeaningMeanings Are Both Denotative and ConnotativeMeaning Is DatedSKILL BUILDER: A Time Capsule for WordsMeaning Is LocationalExperience Influences MeaningJargonSlangWhether Language Is Concrete or Abstract Influences MeaningBarriers to Understanding: Patterns of MiscommunicationBypassing: Confusing MeaningsLabeling: Mixing Up Words and ThingsCAREER BUILDER: “The Name Game”Polarization: The Missing MiddleEvasive and Emotive LanguageWords Announce Our AttitudesDo You Talk Doublespeak?Politically Correct LanguageSKILL BUILDER: Political Correctness and Free SpeechCulture and LanguageCulture Influences the Words UsedThe Sapir-Whorf HypothesisCultural Differences Can Lead to Confused TranslationsCulture Affects Communication StyleCulture Influences Symbolism and VaguenessPrejudiced TalkLinguistic PrejudiceRacial Code WordsGlobalization’s Effects on LanguageGender and LanguageSexist LanguageNaming PracticesETHICS AND COMMUNICATION: The Words We ChooseGender and Speech StyleConversational StrategiesGender-lectsWords and PowerProfanity and ObscenityProfanity in the WorkplaceReclamation of Profanity and SlursTechnology and Language UseGIFs Front and CenterOnline SpeakInformality, Anonymity, and Inflammatory LanguageCOMMUNICATION SKILLS: Practice Thinking Critically About Language Use

      8 Chapter 5: Nonverbal Messages SpeakCharacteristics of Nonverbal CommunicationWe All Do ItNonverbal Communication Can Be Conscious or UnconsciousFunctions of Nonverbal CommunicationMessage Reinforcement or ComplementationMessage NegationMessage SubstitutionMessage Accentuation or IntensificationMessage RegulationTypes of Nonverbal CommunicationBody Language: KinesicsFacial ExpressionsPromoting Communication Presence Using Facial Management TechniquesUsing Facial Appearance to Interpret and Evaluate Communication PresenceFacial AreasThe Eyebrows and ForeheadThe EyesThe MouthPostureCAREER BUILDER: The Ethics

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