The Communication Playbook. Teri Kwal Gamble

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The Communication Playbook - Teri Kwal Gamble

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ParalanguagePitchVolumeRateSilencePersonal CharacteristicsSpace and Distance: Proxemic and Environmental FactorsThe Distance Between UsIntimate DistancePersonal DistanceSocial DistancePublic DistanceSpacesInformal SpaceSemi-Fixed-Feature SpaceFixed-Feature SpaceTerritoriality and Personal SpaceETHICS AND COMMUNICATION: Security and Guarded TerritoryAppearanceThe Height FactorThe Weight FactorOther Appearance EffectsClothing and ArtifactsColors: Meanings and AssociationsTime: ChronemicsWait TimeSKILL BUILDER: Assessing Your Use of TimeRush TimeTouch: HapticsTouch EffectsAccessibility to TouchTouch and StatusSmell: OlfacticsEmotional Triggers and RecallTruth, Deception, and Nonverbal CuesWho’s Best at Deception?Gender and Nonverbal BehaviorDominance and AffiliationDress CodesWhose Voice?Culture and Nonverbal BehaviorExpressing Emotion and IntimacyJudgments of BeautyAttitudes Toward Distance and TouchBe Careful Making MeaningTechnology and Nonverbal CommunicationSKILL BUILDER: Assessing Your Virtual PresenceDo Substitutes for Facial Expressions and Gestures Work?Communication Skills: Practice Using and Observing Nonverbal Cues

      9 Chapter 6: Listening, Feedback, and Critical ThinkingListening and CommunicationTrue “Not Listening” StoriesWe All Do It!Are You Listening?Listening Is More Than HearingDefining HearingDefining ListeningListening Takes EffortHow Responsive a Listener Are You?Do You Prepare to Listen?Do You Use Listening Time Wisely?Complications Caused by the Digital DomainReview Your Personal SituationDo You Listen Accurately?Do You Listen Ethically?Are You a Receptive Listener?Are You Ready to Listen Beyond Words?Types of ListeningAppreciative ListeningComprehensive ListeningCritical ListeningEmpathic ListeningDecenterSkills to the RescueEmpathic Listening Fosters Healthy RelationshipsThe Stages of Listening: More Than Meets the EarHearingUnderstandingRememberingInterpretingEvaluatingRespondingMore on the Ethics of Listening: Identifying Problem BehaviorsETHICS AND COMMUNICATION: Talk, Talk, TalkResponding With FeedbackWhat Is Feedback?Types of FeedbackEvaluative FeedbackPositive Evaluative FeedbackNegative Evaluative FeedbackSKILL BUILDER: Looking at Faulty Listening and Future MeFormative FeedbackNonevaluative FeedbackCAREER BUILDER: Cultural Implications of FeedbackProbingUnderstandingSupportive Feedback“I” MessagesThe Importance of Critical ThinkingWhat Critical Thinkers Think AboutThe Critical Versus the Uncritical ThinkerQuestions to Facilitate Critical ThinkingKeep in Mind the Mindfulness FactorGender and Listening StyleETHICS AND COMMUNICATION: Would You Ask for and Listen to Directions?Cultural Influences on ListeningPeople-Oriented ListenersContent-Oriented ListenersAction-Oriented ListenersTime-Oriented ListenersMixing StylesDialogic ListeningTechnology’s Influence on Listening and Critical ThinkingOur Shrinking Attention SpanIs the Computer Really Our “Friend”?Listening EtiquetteWe Are Being OverstimulatedMore Listening WrinklesMore OptionsCrossing BarriersCOMMUNICATION SKILLS: Practice Listening Skills

      10 Chapter 7: Understanding RelationshipsWhat Is An Interpersonal Relationship?Why Relationships MatterWe Need ConnectionsRelationships Fulfill Different EndsSKILL BUILDER: A Self-Assessment of My RelationshipsRelationships Meet NeedsThe Need for InclusionThe Need for ControlThe Need for AffectionThese Needs Are Not All Met at the Same TimeConversing: Connecting Through Interpersonal DialogueTalk MattersCompeting ConcernsBeing Fully PresentThe Five-Step PatternThe OpenFeedforwardGoal ElaborationReflectionThe CloseTake TurnsCAREER BUILDER: The Grapevine and the Gossip MillWho Don’t You Want to Talk To?Relationships Differ in Breadth and DepthSocial Penetration TheorySelf-Disclosure Affects Relationship Breadth and DepthPrivacy Needs Affect Relationship Breadth and DepthAnalyzing RelationshipsRelationship Stages: A Developmental ModelStage 1: InitiatingStage 2: ExperimentingStage 3: IntensifyingStage 4: IntegratingStage 5: BondingStage 6: DifferentiatingStage 7: CircumscribingStage 8: StagnatingStage 9: AvoidingStage 10: TerminationA Special Case: Relationship Termination Caused by a Loved One’s PassingThe Grief ProcessHow Others HelpDigital Media and Relational ProcessesTinder-Like AppsDropping Relationship BreadcrumbsIt’s OverIt Ended . . . but Not ReallyRelationships Come With Costs and BenefitsRelationships Experience TensionsConnection Versus AutonomyPredictability Versus NoveltyOpenness Versus PrivacyDialectical Tension ResolutionsLying, Trust, and RelationshipsThe Effects of LyingWhy Lying Takes a TollETHICS AND COMMUNICATION: Self/Other ReflectionThe Effects of TrustThe Trust ParadoxHow Well Do You Tolerate Vulnerability?Hurtful MessagesLaughter as Interpersonal ToolGender and RelationshipsThe Benefits of a Feminist PartnerFlirting MattersWho’s Sorry?Who Engages More With Social Media?Who Focuses on Maintenance?What We ShareCulture and RelationshipsMore on Technology and RelationshipsDoes Technology Help?Popularity Is Quantifiable, but Is This Appropriate?Factors Hampering Relationship Development OnlineSome Find It EasierCommunication Skills: Practice Improving Interpersonal Relationships

      11 Chapter 8: Person to Person: Handling Emotions and ConflictFive Factors Contributing to Relationship InterestAttractivenessProximityReinforcementSimilarityComplementarityUnderstanding the Uncertainty FactorStrategies for Reducing Relationship UncertaintyPredicting Relationship OutcomesTypes of RelationshipsAcquaintanceshipsFriendshipsKeeping FriendsA Model of FriendshipVariant Forms of FriendshipRomantic RelationshipsUnique CharacteristicsStages and ChangesDysfunctionsFamily RelationshipsExpectationsHealthy Versus Unhealthy CommunicationEvolving CompositionMaking SenseSKILL BUILDER: My Family NetworkWork RelationshipsCAREER BUILDER: What Attitude Do You Bring to Work?Emotions and RelationshipsWe All Have ThemWe Benefit From Emotional IntelligenceThe Range of EmotionsSKILL BUILDER: The Expression of Angry FeelingsPrimary and Mixed EmotionsAre Feelings Catching?ETHICS AND COMMUNICATION: Rx for Emotional ContagionExpressing and Sharing FeelingsExpression ProblemsSuppressing and Disclosing FeelingsCensoring FeelingsDisplay RulesGender’s EffectCulture’s EffectPersonal Values Play Their PartEffects of Disclosing FeelingsExperiencing Relational ConflictSources of Relational ConflictCategories of Relational ConflictClassifying Conflict by GoalClassifying Conflict by IntensityClassifying Conflict by TypeClassifying Conflict by FunctionalityManaging Relational ConflictCrazy-Making BehaviorEffective Conflict ManagementConflict Resolution StylesNonassertivenessAggressivenessAssertivenessUse a DESC ScriptGender, Culture, and ConflictGender and ConflictCulture and ConflictTechnology, Relationships, and the Communication of EmotionEffects on Self-ExpressionEgo EffectsETHICS AND COMMUNICATION: Computing Relationship StatsTuned Into FeelingsGet RealDrawbacks and ConsequencesCOMMUNICATION Skills: Practice Handling Feelings Effectively

      12 Chapter 9: Teamwork: Strategies for Decision Making and Problem SolvingGroups, Teams, and YouDifferentiating Groups and TeamsThe Benefits of Group and TeamworkThe Prevalence of Group and TeamworkCharacteristics and Components of GroupsGroup MembershipGroup SizeGroup Goals, Structure, and ClimateCharacteristics of Effective GroupsThe Dynamics of Group DevelopmentFormingStormingNormingPerformingAdjourningUsing Groups to Make Decisions and Solve ProblemsAdvantages of the Small GroupPooling ResourcesMotivation EnhancementError EliminationBetter Received DecisionsMore Pleasant ExperienceDisadvantages of the Small GroupShirking of ResponsibilityGoal ConflictsDecision DominationRefusal to CompromiseThe Risky ShiftIt Takes LongerETHICS AND COMMUNICATION: Golden Rules of Decision MakingWhen to Use a Group for Decision Making and Problem SolvingUnderstanding the Roles Group Members PlayGroup Role-Classification ModelTask-Oriented RolesMaintenance RolesSelf-Serving RolesUnderstanding Group Member RelationshipsCooperation Versus CompetitionSupportiveness Versus DefensivenessWhy We Become DefensiveBehaviors That Raise and Reduce Perceived Threat LevelsEvaluation Versus DescriptionControl Versus Problem OrientationStrategy Versus SpontaneityNeutrality Versus EmpathySuperiority Versus EqualityCertainty Versus ProvisionalismDecision Making In Groups: Reaching GoalsStrategies of Decision MakingThinking About the Effectiveness of Decision-Making MethodsMajority VoteAveragingLet the Expert DecideLet the Leader DecideThe Nominal GroupThe Delphi MethodQuality CirclesDecision by ConsensusEXPLORING DIVERSITY: Group PolarizationFactors to Consider in Weighing Decision Method EffectivenessQuestions for Decision Makers: Facts, Values, and PoliciesQuestions of FactQuestions of ValueQuestions of PolicyA Framework for Decision Making: Reflective ThinkingThe Search for Better Ideas: BrainstormingWhere Ideas Come FromWhat Is Brainstorming?Guidelines for BrainstormingWhat Can Go Wrong?Ways to Foster CreativityFocus on Focus GroupsGender, Culture, Technology, and Group InteractionGender and Group Member BehaviorDecision MakingExercising PowerProblem AnalysisCulture and Group Member BehaviorOpenness to AmbivalenceProblem Solving and Member SatisfactionMember OrientationsGlobalization EffectsGroup Composition and GoalsGenerational DiversityTechnology

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