Beowulf in Parallel Texts. Sung-Il Lee

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Beowulf in Parallel Texts - Sung-Il Lee

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surging swells did. No such thing about you

      Have I heard say of, so severe sword-slashing,

      Such brutal butchering; Breca never yet

      In the games of battle, nor either of the two of you,

      Has done so daring a deed with shining swords— 585

      Nor do I boast of it much—

      Though you became the killer of your own brothers,

      Your close kinsmen; for that you will in hell

      Endure damnation, though your brain may be bright.

      I tell you truly, son of Ecglaf, 590

      That Grendel, that fearful ferocious foe, would never

      Have inflicted so many infamous injuries on your lord,

      Humiliation on Heorot, had your heart,

      Your fervor, been as fierce as you deign to declare.

      But he has found out that he need not much fear 595

      Any angry retaliation, repercussion of swishing swords,

      From your people, the Scyldings destined for victory.

      nymeð nydbade, nænegum arað

      leode Deniga, ac he lust wigeð,

      swefeð ond sendeþ, secce ne weneþ 600

      to Gar-Denum. Ac ic him Geata sceal

      eafoð ond ellen ungeara nu,

      guþe gebeodan. Gæþ eft se þe mot

      to medo modig, siþþan morgenleoht

      ofer ylda bearn oþres dogores, 605

      sunne sweglwered suþan scineð.”

      Þa wæs on salum sinces brytta,

      gamolfeax ond guðrof; geoce gelyfde

      brego Beorht-Dena, gehyrde on Beowulfe

      folces hyrde fæstrædne geþoht. 610

      Đær wæs hæleþa hleahtor, hlyn swynsode,

      word wæron wynsume. Eode Wealhþeow forð,

      cwen Hroðgares, cynna gemyndig,

      grette goldhroden guman on healle,

      ond þa freolic wif ful gesealde 615

      ærest East-Dena eþelwearde,

      bæd hine bliðne æt þære beorþege,

      leodum leofne; he on lust geþeah

      symbel ond seleful, sigerof kyning.

      Ymbeode þa ides Helminga 620

      duguþe ond geogoþe dæl æghwylcne,

      sincfato sealde, oþ þæt sæl alamp,

      þæt hio Beowulfe, beaghroden cwen

      mode geþungen, medoful ætbær;

      grette Geata leod, Gode þancode 625

      wisfæst wordum þæs ðe hire se willa gelamp,

      þæt heo on ænigne eorl gelyfde

      He takes toll by force, reserving mercy for no man

      Of the Danish stock, but he takes delight,

      Destroys and dispatches, expects no deterrence 600

      By the Spear-Danes; but I shall show to him

      The strength and spirit of the Geats soon now,

      How we fight. He who may will walk again

      Toward mead in good mood, when the morning light

      Of another day, the sun dressed in dazzling rays, 605

      Throws beams from the south over the sons of men!”

      Then glad was the giver of treasure, gray-haired

      And brave in battle; the guardian of the Bright-Danes

      Could hope for help: the herd of the folk

      Had heard from Beowulf a firm and fixed resolution. 610

      There was men’s laughter; din made delightful sound,

      Words were pleasant. Wealhtheow walked forward,

      Queen of Hrothgar, caring of courtesy,

      The gold-adorned one greeted the men in the hall,

      And the noble lady proffered to pass a cup, 615

      First to the guardian of the land of the East-Danes,

      And bade him to be blithe at his beer-drinking,

      Beloved of his people. He partook of the pleasure,

      The triumphant king did, of the feast and the hall-cup.

      Then the woman of the Helmings* went round 620

      To each group of men, well-tried warriors and youthful ones,

      Offering them the valued vessel, till it came to pass

      That she, the gold-adorned queen, the good gracious one,

      Brought along the bowl for mead to Beowulf.

      She greeted the man of the Geats, thanked God, 625

      Wise in the use of words, since her pleasure had come to pass,

      That she might put her trust in one man, who would

      fyrena frofre. He þæt ful geþeah,

      wælreow wiga, æt Wealhþêon,

      ond þa gyddode guþe gefysed; 630

      Beowulf maþelode, bearn Ecgþeowes:

      “Ic þæt hogode, þa ic on holm gestah,

      sæbat gesæt mid minra secga gedriht,

      þæt ic anunga eowra leoda

      willan geworhte, oþðe on wæl crunge 635

      feondgrapum fæst. Ic gefremman sceal


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