A Revitalization of Images. Gregory C. Higgins

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A Revitalization of Images - Gregory C. Higgins

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working assumption underlying much of Christian thought since the Enlightenment that human knowledge could be secured on an indubitable foundational principle, thus guaranteeing that certain canons of reasonableness would prevail across all communities of rational human beings.

      Basil and Ambrose

      Similarities in the Hexameron

      If a reader were to compare the Hexameron by both Basil and Ambrose, he or she would be struck by the deep similarity between the structure and purpose of the two works. Both are comprised of nine sermons delivered extemporaneously during Holy Week. Basil delivered his sermons around 378 in Caesarea and Ambrose presented his in the following decade in Milan. Both are a combination of philosophical debate, moral exhortation, and catechetical instruction. Each author prefaces his scriptural commentary with a spirited defense of the Christian doctrine of creation ex nihilo (“from nothing”) and then engages in a detailed examination of each of the six days of the creation story narrated in the opening chapter of Genesis.

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