A Revitalization of Images. Gregory C. Higgins

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A Revitalization of Images - Gregory C. Higgins

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economic model is that of a machine. The physical world operates according to certain immutable laws that modern physics has been able to express mathematically. God in turn ensures the constant operation of these laws. McFague sees in this model a distant God who does not “interfere” with the normal functioning of the world. In the ecological economic model, organic imagery dominates. The world is metaphorically God’s body. Distancing herself from a pantheistic interpretation of this image, McFague insists that while the world is in God, it is not identical to God. “With the metaphor of the world as God’s body, God as the agent or spirit in and through all that is (as our spirits are the energizers of our bodies) we can imagine a united view of God and the world, which does not, however, identify them.”23

      The Revitalization of the Image of the Six-Day Creation

      At the outset of our study of Basil, Ambrose, and McFague, we posed a series of questions regarding the image of the six-day creation story. Can the image of the six-day creation still inform the theology, spirituality, and morality of a Christian community that no longer shares Basil and Ambrose’s understanding of the universe, their theory of the origins of species or their acceptance of the Mosaic authorship of the text? Can the six-day creation story still speak to Christians who are deeply troubled about the state of the environment and the role that humans have played in causing it? Is it possible to ground a theological position in Scripture, to critically engage the work of esteemed thinkers within the Christian tradition, and to respond in a way that is credible and meaningful to contemporary Christians? At first glance, given the many theological differences between Basil and Ambrose on the one hand and McFague on other, the prospects for revitalizing the image of the six-day creation seem dim. However, upon closer examination we discover a consensus in their thinking that makes it possible for us to forge several strategies that incorporate the theological insights of all three theologians.

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