Reality. Wynand De Beer

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Reality - Wynand De Beer

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to bring forth, produce, or make to grow. Evidently, the early Hellenic thinkers conceived of ‘nature’ as a creative power rather than a material environment.49 Heidegger suggests that the Hellenic thinkers did not first experience physis in the natural processes, but in poetry and thought physis disclosed itself to them. Thus, ‘nature’ meant the totality of heaven and earth, animals and plants, humans, and even the gods. This wider meaning of physis comprises “what emerges from itself (for example, the emergence, the blossoming, of a rose), the unfolding that opens itself up, the coming-into-appearance in such unfolding, and holding itself and persisting in appearance—in short, the emerging-abiding sway.” Therefore, although physis can be experienced in the processes of nature, such as birth and growth, it is not synonymous with these. Instead, physis indicates Being-itself, through which beings appear.50

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