Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis In Humans and Nature. Konstantin M.D. Korotkov

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Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis In Humans and Nature - Konstantin M.D. Korotkov

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synthesize. It might be the systemacity, the complexity of microcomposition that disappears after they isolate the apparently active element.

      We have conducted a large series of experiments, comparing the glow of natural aromatic oils against their synthetic analogues with identical mass spectra, i.e. having virtually identical chemical composition. In the majority of cases the glow dynamics of natural oils and their synthetic analogues differed. Therefore, natural products do contain some elusive element that chemists cannot determine, that gives the natural apple its flavour and provides flagrance to the blossoming rose. Maybe it is a good thing chemists cannot find it. Or we would be eating paper smelling like steak. Having McDonald’s everywhere is already quite enough, thank you very much.

      So, the first stage of treatment in integrative medicine is the assessment of the health condition. It must include several elements:

      •Biochemical blood assay;

      •Genetic status;

      •Cardiac monitoring, preferably under load;

      •Blood pressure monitoring;

      Analysis of the biological energy emanations by means of the EPI method, with assessment of the psychological state and the level of stress.

      Depending on the result of these analyses, the physician may then prescribe a systemic treatment or recommend detailed examination of particular organs or systems.

      The concept of a biological field

      The issue of instrumental analysis is even more urgent in the field of psychophysiology. The developed methods of instrumental methods to study of an individual’s psychophysiological state have a long ago started to appeal to researchers’ history. After the first experiments of Gustav Fechner, it became obvious that psychology is inextricably linked with physiology, that body and soul form a continuous and inseparable entity, a unified system that defines this particular human being as an individual in his/her social interactions, psychological and physical realities.

      When we accept the idea of a multilevel structure of a human being that is discussed in great detail in our publications, we come to understand the inseparability of the psychological and the physical and the physiological parts. We may represent this connection by means of a simple diagram:

      Soul => Brain => Nervous system => Physiology

      or, in other words:

      Spirit => Consciousness => Soma

      Only when a person lives for his/her soul, enjoying the company of friends and relatives, enjoying his/her occupation, he or she can truly appreciate life, in all its fullness and perfection. That is why the concepts of spirituality and metaphysics inevitably penetrated the contemporary Occidental science and stimulated profound discussions at professional scientific forums.

      “Psychophysiologists should not try to avoid the concept of a soul. Soul incorporates intellect and mind, as well as the most important thing – the experience obtained from phenomena of the world around us… In other words, the difference between a professional and a specialist lies in the ethical core of the individual.”

      This Quotation is from a lecture by

      V.A.Ponomarenko, M.D., Professor,

      Member of the Russian Academy of Education.

      The accumulated experience of the past years supports a conclusion that the concepts of spirituality and physiology can be usefully reflected by studying of the biological field. Following the use of this term after by A.G. Gurvich, we use the concept of biological field not as a metaphysical abstraction, but as a measurable psychophysical object. The Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI) method is one of the several possible ways of studying a biological field.

      For the time being a reasonable approximation would be to view the aura as an energy field, more properly a field that can be represented by a stress-energy tensor which is not in Einstein-Minkowsky space-time; it is to form structures in physical reality but only partly in physical space-time. Modern quantum dynamics approach to understanding Energy Fields may be found in [Korotkov K., Levichev A. The 3-fold Way and Consciousness Studies]. It is too complicated to present these ideas here, so we refer all interested readers to that paper.

      Numerous publications by scientists from different countries have shown that the analysis of Electrophotonic images allows registering the radiation activity from the biofield of any organism. The biofield emitted by the organism has a holographic structure, but it does not represent a constant, rigid formation – rather, it is a living, fluctuating, breathing cloud, concentrated in a particular area of space, but not limited by any rigid borders. The glowing halo around the body of an individual or his/her particular organs, for example an EPI-gram taken from a finger, remains constant and stable for a certain period of time and, therefore, two images taken with only a small delay will look almost the same. But now the individual starts thinking about how an upcoming meeting is going to take place – and the glowing image of the EPI-gram changes, it shivers and a gentle wave passes throughout the structure, touching its every section. They are like clouds – on a gloomy day clouds are stable, but we can detect changes even within this stability. Therefore, the biological energy of humans reacts to ideomotor images and mental pictures, and an EPI-gram can be useful for psychophysiological diagnostics of an individual’s state.


      Ignorance is the curse of God,

      Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to


      William Shakespeare

      Henry VI, IV, 7

      The glow from different types of objects in high intensity electromagnetic fields was detected over 200 years ago, and since then has attracted the attention of researchers (a literature review can be found in our previous books [Korotkov, 1995; 1998]). But it was only with the creation of gas discharge visualization (GDV) systems in 1995 that research into these glows gained scientific status. Since then, the physical mechanisms which make up the glow have been studied in detail [Korotkov, 2002], serial production of the devices has been established, and a system of software programs for applications in medicine, biology and research into materials has been created {Korotkov et al., 2001-2005]. It has been shown that the characteristics of the glow of a person’s cutaneous covering depend primarily on the activity of the autonomic nervous system, with special consideration of the system of adaptation levels. Many research results are published annually in the materials of the St Petersburg Congresses on Bioelectrography Science, Information, Spirit (please, see In parallel with GDV the term EPI – Electrophotonic Imaging – is also being used to name this technology.

      EPI/GDV bioelectrographic systems have had practical applications in the following main areas:


      •analysis of a person’s physiological state;

      •analysis of a person’s psychological state;

      •monitoring the body’s reactions during therapy;


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