Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis In Humans and Nature. Konstantin M.D. Korotkov

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Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis In Humans and Nature - Konstantin M.D. Korotkov

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and convenience of the method – absence of any particular requirements for the room, the environmental conditions or the qualification of the personnel; during the investigation of an individual’s state only measurements from his/her fingers and toes have to be taken;

      •the equipment is relatively cheap and the procedure itself does not involve extra costs.

      Indications for the application of the EPI technique

      The use of the medical technique of computer EPI/GDV Bioelectrography is advisable during screening examinations, conducted with a view to providing timely and controlled primary prophylactic actions. The application of the technique is also expedient for monitoring the functional state of the organism during treatment and rehabilitation, for preventing the side effects of various therapies, for determining additional indications for allopathic, non-drug and homeopathic treatment methods and providing a more objective assessment of their effects.

      Material and technical support

      Further developments of the EPI Camera instrument for screening evaluation of an individual’s psychophysiological state and functional activity are currently being produced in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The device is included in the Russian Federation public register of medical products and equipment and has gained UL and CE certifications.

      All instruments have international warranty. Purchasers may elect to buy an extended warranty program, or renew on an annual basis for a fee set each year. In many ears the percentage of warranty cases is 1-2% from the all sold instruments. A lot of instruments produced in mid-1990s are still in operation.

      Scientific Evaluation

      EPI has been used as the basis for significant research and in each instance, the reliability and value of the entire system has been confirmed.

      •The EPI system has been presented at the USA National Institutes of Health to an audience of 27 world-class scientific investigators participating with Dr. Wisneski and Dr. Korotkov. This represented a diverse group of recognized experts from the US government and academic institutions.

      •A Penn State study was conducted by scientists from the National Institutes on Aging, which validated that EPI can be used in high volume venues and accurately offer a consumer-friendly assessment of health status.

      •EPI has also been the basis of graduate doctoral dissertations in various countries, which included research both in medical and technical fields. Short descriptions and analysis of published papers can be found in Appendix 1 of this book.

      •Dr. Korotkov has hosted a series of annual international scientific congresses in Russia during the last 14 years, at which scientists from 46 countries have participated in and presented their research outcomes in a variety of research areas, utilizing EPI protocols, including some significant studies involving early cancer diagnosis.

      •The meta-analysis of papers published in English or Russian language from 2003 to 2007 was presented in “The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine”. January 2010, 16(1): 13-25. Korotkov K.G., Matravers P, Orlov D.V., Williams B.O. Application of Electrophoton Capture (EPI) Analysis Based on Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) Technique in Medicine: A Systematic Review.

      “All randomized controlled studies (RCS) and systematic research reports (SRR) were evaluated using Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network and Jadad checklists. The search yielded 136 articles addressing four different fields of medical and psychophysiologic applications of EPI (GDV). Among them 78 were rated ‘‘high’’ on the two conventional checklists. 5303 patients with different problems were compared to more than 1000 healthy individuals.


      (1) The software and equipment EPI/DV-complex is a convenient and easy-to-use device, easily allows examining patients with various pathologies and, therefore, offers a wide range of applications.

      (2) The GDV method has shown itself to be very fast (i.e., it is an ‘‘express-method’’ for studying states of the human organism).

      (3) Our review has revealed that GDV method can be implemented as an express method for assessment of treatment procedure effectiveness, evaluating emotional and physical conditions of people, and in many other fields.”

      In 2008-2010 fifty (50) papers were published in per-review Russian and international journals and 97 papers in the Proceedings of different conferences. Evaluation with strict criteria reduced the collection to 88 papers (see the Systematic Review in the last Part of this book).

      What does the EPI method measure in physical terms?

      The EPI method is based on the stimulation of photon and electron emissions from the surface of the object. The stimulation is provided by transmitting short electrical pulses. In other words, when the object is placed in an electromagnetic field, it is primarily electrons, and also to a certain degree photons, which are ‘extracted’ from the surface of the object. This process is called ‘photo-electron emissions’ and it has been thoroughly studied with physical electronic methods. The emitted particles accelerate in the electromagnetic field, generating electronic avalanches on the surface of the dielectric (glass) plate. This process is called ‘sliding gas discharge.’ The discharge causes glow from the excitement of molecules in the surrounding gas, and this glow is what are being measured by the EPI method. Voltage pulses stimulate optoelectronic emission, while intensifying this emission in the gas discharge, amplified by the electric field created.

      Can this emission take place without an electric field?

      Yes, this emission can happen without an electric field, and such an emission is called ‘spontaneous.’ Measuring a spontaneous emission of electrons in the air is nearly impossible – it can only be done in a vacuum. Spontaneous emission of photons can be measured with the aid of a highly sensitive photomultiplier. This emission was measured for the first time by Professor Alexander Gurvich in the 1930s. He proved that the exchange of ultraviolet photons is the method used by biological systems to regulate information. Currently, the area called ‘biophotonics’ is researching extremely weak photon emissions from biological objects. Much of the research done has shown that photons are emitted by any biological object: plants [Kobayashi, 2003], blood and water [Voeikov, 2001], human skin [Cohen, Popp, 1998]. The quantity of photons emitted by the human head in a relaxed state and during meditation varies, and these variations are statistically reliable! [Van Wijk, et al, 2005]

      Therefore, it has been categorically proven that all biological objects emit photons, and these photons participate in the processes of physiological regulation, and most importantly in oxidizing restorative chain reactions. In other words, all biological objects, including humans, are glowing both day and night!

      Biological life depends on using the energy of photons from the sun. This energy is converted into electron energy by photosynthesis in plants. Through a series of transformations in complex chains of albuminous molecules this light energy is converted into our body energy. Thus, biological life is based on light energy, and organic compounds serve as the working material for the conversion of this energy. The basic ingredients for all conversions are water and air [Korotkov et al., 2004].

      Consequently, we are all children of the Sun, living on the light of the world, and we ourselves emit light!


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