Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis In Humans and Nature. Konstantin M.D. Korotkov

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Energy Fields Electrophotonic Analysis In Humans and Nature - Konstantin M.D. Korotkov

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photo-emission – is an extremely complex procedure requiring special conditions, the most important of which is total darkness. Until the measurement begins, people being tested spend an hour in a room illuminated with a dark red light, after which they are put in a totally dark chamber, where they will remain for a further 10 minutes in total darkness until the measurement starts. This elaborate process should eliminate any ‘secondary luminescence’ from the cutaneous covering following radiation by the sun or artificial light. The measurement process itself takes up to 45 minutes [Edwards et al., 1989]. So the process of measuring spontaneous photo-emission is very complex and long. Such measurements require a special and unique device, and can be accomplished only under specialized laboratory conditions.

      The data obtained when measuring extremely weak ‘biophotons’ is invaluable scientific information, highlighting the role of electro-photon processes in the functioning of the body. These results are part of the scientific basis for the justification of the physical processes of EPI Bioelectrography.

      In the EPI/GDV method, we excite or stimulate electron and photon emission, and then intensify the resulting glow a thousand times. This makes it possible to take measurements under normal circumstances, with normal lighting, without special preparation of the objects.

      All the information in the EPI method is obtained through computer processing of images and mass data. Without the methods of computer processing and specialized software, registering the glows of biological objects would be of no practical significance.

      Therefore, EPI software is an integral part of the EPI system, and only by using EPI software is it possible to obtain complete information about the biological object carried by electrons and ‘biophotons.’

      What does the EPI method measure in biophysical terms?

      So EPI measures the stimulated optoelectronic emission of a biological object. During the measurement process, an electric current flows through the circuitry of the EPI device. Controlled by the design and construction of the device, the current is a pulsed current and is very small – micro amps. This is why the current causes no substantive physiological effects and is totally safe for the human body. But what kind of current is this in biophysical terms?

      An electric current can be dependent on the conveyance of electrons or ions. When voltage pulses lasting longer than a few milliseconds are transmitted to the cutaneous covering, tissue depolarization takes place and ions are conveyed. For many electro-physical measurement methods, such as electroencephalography or electro-acupuncture, tissue polarization due to overlapping of electrodes poses a major problem and is resolved by using special pastes or gels. The EPI method uses very short pulses, so depolarization does not occur and ionic currents are not stimulated.

      Where does the electronic current in the body come from?

      Let us look at the time curve of the EPI signal of the skin (fig. 1.1). A typical curve initially falls, and shortly after the beginning of the measurement it stays at a relatively stable level, with occasional fluctuations.

      Fig.1.1. Time dependence of EPI signals from human finger.

      There are two phases in this process. The initial stage is the extraction of electrons located in the outer layers of the cutaneous covering and the surrounding tissue. The number of these electrons is limited, which is why the current constantly decreases.

      In the second phase, electrons from the deepest tissues in the body are included in the current flow. These electrons have several sources.

      Some of these belong to molecular albuminous systems, and in accordance with the laws of quantum mechanics, these electrons are dispersed among all the molecules. It is as if they are ‘collectivized’ between groups of molecules, so in principle it is impossible to say where an electron is at a given time. They form a so called ‘electron cloud,’ occupying a specific area in space. We can see similar clouds in the blue July sky, and when a drop of rain falls on you, you can never tell from which part of the cloud the drop fell.

      So the electron current in biological tissues is a transfer of electron-stimulated states along chains of albuminous molecules

      Rubin, 1999

      Other sources of electrons in EPI processes are free radicals which form in the blood and tissues. There is a widely-held view that free radicals are the worst enemy of health, and that they should be fought in every way possible. Yet the body converts 70% of inhaled oxygen into free radicals, to be able to use them straight away. Why is this process necessary? Over millions of years of evolution, could nature not have managed to change a mechanism harmful to health? Clearly, since the process of formation of free radicals was retained, it is necessary for biological functioning. Indeed, as has been demonstrated recently, free radicals are one of the sources of electrons and during free radical reactions; energy is transferred and converted [Voeikov et al., 2003]. Consequently, blood is one of the main substrata of the electron current.

      If we look again at fig. 1.1, we can see that, in the second phase, with the establishment of a quasi-stable current, mechanisms for the transfer of electrons are engaged along the albuminous molecules mainly in the connective tissue, and along the circulatory system. In other words, the ‘electron storehouse’ of the body is engaged.

      When the body is functioning normally, electron clouds are distributed among all systems and organs. Active transfer of oxygen to the blood takes place and all tissue consumes oxygen, using it in a cascade of biochemical conversions. Among the main consumers of these processes are the mitochondria, which use electrons to convert ATP energy molecules. In this case, the active transfer of electrons to the tissue is ensured, as is the free radical mechanism of transferring electrons to the blood, which is evident in the quasi-stable current during EPI stimulation.

      In cases of imbalances and dysfunctions, immunodeficiency, or an abnormality of the micro capillary blood circulation, the transfer of electrons to the tissue is hindered. Free radical reactions do not flow in full volume, the ‘electron storehouse’ of the body is not full, and the stimulated current is either very small or is very irregular in time. Fig. 1.2 shows a dynamic curve for a patient with such abnormalities. As is clear when comparing Figures 1.1 and 1.2, the patient’s dynamic curve has much higher variability.

      Fig.1.2. Time dependence of EPI signals from human finger.

      Therefore, the lack of glow on the EPI-gram is an indicator of the impeded transfer of electron density to the body’s tissues, and an abnormality in the flow of free radical reactions. This is an indicator of an abnormality in the energy supply of organs and systems.

      It now makes sense to come to grips with the concept of energy itself, and how this concept is linked to the body’s state.

      What is energy?

      Energy (from the Greek enérgeia – action, activity), is a general quantitative measure of any type of movement, activity and the interaction of all types of matter. Energy in nature does not come from nothing and does not disappear; it can only be transferred from one form to another. The concept of energy binds together all natural phenomena.

      Just as there are different forms of the movement of matter, there are different forms of energy: kinetic and potential, mechanic, electromagnetic,

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