20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two. Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two - Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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That Help Identify Your Clients’ Needs

      Empowerment Affirmation

      I choose to identify and get around the obstacles that are preventing me from achieving my positive goals.

      Marketing Idea

      Have you emphasized the need for the product to potential clients by creating several new presentations that identify the need for your product and convincingly explain why your clients should purchase your product?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      I am prepared to adsorb the additional knowledge I require to naturally increase my income potential and marketing capabilities.

      Marketing Idea

      Inside your advertising headline have you built in a strong appeal to use and purchase your product?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      I am planting the positive mental pictures in my mind that will allow me to go forward in my life and work with more positive people that will help me attain my goals.

      Marketing Idea

      Why do your headlines grab the reader’s attention? Have you built enough curiosity into your headline to catch the attention of your clients?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      Every day I get more things done when I write out my list of planned activities with priorities.

      Marketing Idea

      Up to 80% of your potential sales are tied up in product headlines.

      Do your headlines imply a wanted benefit or result?

      Do your headlines create appointments or sales?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      When I choose a way to make my life better, I set new positive goals. I build good habits in my life by seeing my positive goals completed in my mind.

      Marketing Idea

      Will your product introduction headline create a positive picture in your client’s mind?

      Did you survey your clients to find out if a positive picture was created by the headline?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      When I see my positive goals clearly in my mind,

      I fuel the required activities to achieve them with my perseverance and determination to succeed.

      Marketing Idea

      Have you created a description of how your product was developed and explained why the product is so beneficial to clients, and how the prospective client can take advantage of your sales opportunity today?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      I like to plan my life when I take 15 minutes of my day to write out and review my positive goals for next week.

      Marketing Idea

      Who are your potential clients?

      What is the age range of the clients?

      Are the clients male or female?

      What are the client’s average levels of income?

      What is the client’s most common hobby?

      What things do the clients tend to purchase?

      Do the clients own property or have investments?

      Are the clients single, married or divorced?

      What do the clients believe is good, bad or saintly?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      I believe in what I want, so I can achieve what I desire.

      Marketing Idea

      Have you written out a list of your ideal prospects and created a positive letter to attract them to you?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      I like helping the people in my life grow and achieve more positive results.

      Like the mist coming under the door, I quietly, seamlessly enter your mind, empowering your ideas and desire to be more positive mentally and peacefully powerful.

      Thank you for your important time to read this article on economic peace empowerment strategy.

      Email Letter Fifty One

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


      Peace empowerment strategy to help fight the global war on terrorism.

      Ending the war on terrorism can happen as fast as the war on terrorism was created, provided the right war strategy operations are collectively put in place globally.

      I posted this article on Aljazeera tonight.

      The new global war may end up a civilian revolution started by the protests globally.

      If that revolution goes violent politicians and big bank and corporate executives will be the target of random killings.

      To overt this threat of civilian war down the road will require creative strategy to be implemented by governments similar to what I have emailed you and your team to date.

      I hope you had a nice weekend.

      Discover Empowering Ideas To Help Rebuild The Middle East Empire Part 5…Control The Enemy That Kills Your People

      The war mongrels (hawks) in the West are determined to keep killing civilians that they claim to be from an organization name Al-Qaeda. Over 21 people were murder assassinated by drones in the last two weeks.

      The West will use the drones to hunt and kill people from the Al-Qaida organization or affiliates because they have created the media hype, and the backing of the world leaders, that the all Al-Qaeda and their affiliates are terrorists.

      The West uses a weapon called the war on terrorism and somehow avoids the ideas of democracy that require by law that they capture and take to trial all criminals that create and plan terrorism attacks in the world.

      Perhaps this old school idea to create the war on terrorism is self-fueled by drones that kill innocent civilians. These attacks on mankind using drones that hunts and kill like terrorists actually encourage the Al-Qaeda network and affiliates to plan more terrorist’s attacks on civilian population and soldiers.

      I think this is more like an employment creation program for the military that keeps them looking active and

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