20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two. Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two - Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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      20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations

      Part Two


      Perry Ritthaler

      Copyright 2011 Perry Ritthaler,


      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0644-2

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      I would like to thank people mentioned in this e-book for some of the information and ideas and wisdom and pictures that have influenced my thinking. The information that is shared from gathering facts that are used in this e-book documented trail on war strategy empowerment operations recorded by Perry Ritthaler.


      This e book is dedicated to the fallen soldiers and civilians working on the battlefields in the Middle East.

      The online communications posted or distributed by Aljazeera and the Canadian Government through this private citizen are all operations designed to create peace faster than war. All of the covert strategies were written or created by Perry Ritthaler and all operations are designed to stop the needless death created by the global terrorism and wars. This operation was made possible through the cooperation of everyone mentioned above.


      I would like to thank the many leaders and organizations seamlessly affiliated to my Digital Mind Coach. Without the support of these organizations the peace empowerment operation success created would not have been possible.

      Global Leaders Canada

      Prime Minister Mr. Steven Harper

      Minister of Defence Mr. Peter Mackay

      Global Leaders USA

      President Mr. Barack Obama

      Vice President Mr. Joe Biden

      Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

      Secretary of Defense Mr. Leon Panetta

      Global Leaders Middle East

      Israeli Defense Minister Mr. Ehud Barak

      Afghanistan President Mr. Hamid Karzai

      Jordan His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein

      Iraq President Mr. Jalal Talabani

      Iran Supreme Mr. Ali Khamenei

      Iran President Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

      '[email protected]'

      Syria President Bashar al-Assad

      '[email protected]'

      League of Arab States

      Global Leader Russia

      Prime Minister Mr. Vladmir Putin

      Global Leader China

      President Mr. Hu Jintao

      Freedom Fighter Organizations





      Wall Street Protest Groups

      '[email protected]'

      [email protected]

      '[email protected]'


      Soldiers Protest Groups

      '[email protected]'

      '[email protected]'

      '[email protected]'

      [email protected]

      Intelligence Agencies

      British Military Intelligence, Section 5, MI5

      Pakistan Intelligence Service Agencies ISI

      USA Central Intelligence Agency CIA

      Canada Canadian Security Intelligence Service CSIS

      Canada Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP


      NATO Forces


      Aljazeera Blogging website located in Palestine

      Daily Yahoo online newspaper releases

      The many newspaper reporters and photographers that risked their lives gathering the background research stories and pictures, used for my war zone research, mentioned in this e-book.


      This is book two in the series with forty more operations, on the Covert Digital Guerilla Warfare Strategy Operations. Volume two is packed with online newspaper articles to help the reader better understand his covert digital operations and his special brand of poetry. The e-book series are about a civilian "covert-spy", that decided to go it on his own after he is not accepted by the Canadian military due to a psychological medical condition.

      The civilian is fed up with watching the "war on terrorism" played on television, seeing the soldiers and the innocent woman and children in the Middle East being crippled and killed, through mass bombing campaigns or suicide bombings.

      The covert civilian spy believes he can save the civilians and soldiers from dying or being crippled, if he seamlessly enters the Middle East battlefields and creates a new war strategy. As he implants the psychology into the minds of the people involved on the battlefield, and in doings so; he plays a valuable role that will end the war on terrorism as we know it today.

      The self-funded knock spy is a bit of a homegrown psychologist and scientist mixed into one, with an uncanny ability to craft battlefield psychology strategy operations.


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