20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two. Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two - Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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      What are the greatest benefits to the product or products I market to my peaceful neighbor?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      I find most of the solutions to my challenges when I go for a walk or run or quietly sit alone for 30 minutes.


      Can you get hold of a digital video camera and record your best sales presentation designed to help the peace process. As you practice this presentation you will build your confidence by rehearsing and improving your best sales presentation. Then you can place the presentation on You Tube and communicate with your neighbor’s seamlessly.

      Empowerment Affirmation

      I always enjoy thinking with desire created by a positive goal, and as result I increase my sales potential naturally and sell more products in the market place.


      When your clients use your product or products, what are the most dominant benefits these clients receive?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      Today I will increase my financial comfort zone.


      What makes the product you market sell?

      How and why is this feature unique or special inside the market place?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      I enjoy building up my confidence using mental pleasure pictures of my past and future success stories.


      When it comes to selling your product more often, what part of your sales presentation could you improve upon today?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      I produce a positive attitude when I take the time to focus on gratitude pictures in my mind.


      What does your sales process look like after you write out a point-by-point diagram on paper?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      When I desire a sales goal, I fuel the goal in my mind with motivation by writing out what positive benefits I will receive when I succeed.


      What is the number-one result your clients will receive when they purchase your product?

      Today is a beautiful beginning to many more empowerment ideas to help you improve your life.

      Peace plus prosperity equal long lasting power.

      I hope deep down in my heart these small ideas will help empower your people and opportunities awaiting you in the 21st Century.

      One day in the future the Middle East Empire will be peaceful and stable and take the lead role in economics, education, technology and innovation.

      Thank you for taking your valuable time to read these small seed ideas created to support your great leaders.

      Email Letter Forty Five

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


      From Wall Street Protests To A Message For Iran

      I posted this message on Aljazeera tonight however they have flagged my comment for review.

      I gather this their way to stay involved. Personally they are better off seamless, however the choice is theirs to make and at this time they may feel I have too much influence over that part of the world.

      I will email the student protesters before I retire tonight and hopefully this operation will prevent the protests from happening in Canada before they happen.

      Discover Empowering Ideas To Help Rebuild The Middle East Empire Part 2… Creating Tools That Help Prevent An Uprising Protest Before It Happens To A Leader

      The leaders of Iran may have made a foolish move today, and have played into the hands of the USA big banks and corporations looking to make a profit in another war. The time has come for Iran to go the extra mile and create peace faster than war in the Middle East before thousands of Muslims and Arabs die again, and to play a pivotal in uniting and embracing their neighbors with love, honesty and a collective desire to help each other peacefully. As the war zone in the Middle East turns from creating poverty and death for many, to prosperity and empowerment for all, Iran needs to reinvent their image globally. Israel is a genius country and is always on the leading edge of change. So are Palestine and perhaps the genius leaders of Iran can see the changes coming in that part of the world. The birth of the Middle East Empire is rising more powerful every day. Peace plus prosperity equals power.

      The protests in the USA are headed for Canada.

      Canada does not have the same financial debts and economic or unemployment issues that the USA has in their country. For investors perhaps this You Tube video link below will clear up some of the facts about the USA and why the protests have been started in the USA.

      So rather than strong arm the protesters in Canada by police, I created this video to help empower and focus the protestors. I wanted to reach people globally that influence the protesters so I placed the video on You Tube for the protesters to watch.

      I hope the information gathered in this video does not offend our good neighbors in the USA.

      Wall Street Protest Reasons and Facts

      The Wall Street protests are focused on the USA and not Canada. The video itemizes 100 facts that explain why this protest should stay focused in the USA.

      You Tube Link For Video Posted On You Tube


      Thank you for your important time to read this article and preview the You Tube video information video.

      Email Letter Forty Six

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


      A Covert Letter With The First E-book In This Series Attached To The Email Sent To The Web Master For The Diplomatic Iran Embassy Web Site

      I realize I am out on a limb and this is not my business, however I like the President of the USA and the Secretary of State of the USA.

      The capital cost for the USA to go to war with Iran will be off the chart.


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