20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two. Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two - Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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one year of planning the spy decided to risk his life and go to work ending the war on terrorism.

      No matter where you go," Perry says, "you can always hear 'echoes of the war on terrorism,' even silent echoes." Against this background, Perry develops more covert digital psychology operations filled with new peace empowerment war strategy wielding empowerment mixed with logic. He releases the operations faster than terrorism and war is published in media online or created in the Middle East region of the world. As he attempted to deal with the ravages of war seamlessly, and the threat posed to the civilian way of life, the final war is shaped in the age of psychology economic empowerment reasoning.

      Through the implementation of these "covert psychology war strategy empowerment operations", war strategies are redefined on the battlefield. The reshaping of the war on terrorism objectives in the mind of leaders on both sides of the battlefield is the target.

      By implementing his fresh strategy of peace empowerment war psychology logic, "peace plus prosperity equals power" posted on an “Aljazeera blog” in Palestine, Perry helps to create the shift of the war on terrorism in the Middle East.

      He created the fresh war psychology strategy seamlessly so no physical contact with any terrorism organization or military general has ever occurred with himself or Aljazeera in Palestine.

      However people in Hamas, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda or the Taliban or ISI in Pakistan or the spy agencies in Canada and the USA and British and Israel governments may have been emailed, or read the information posted on the “Aljazeera blog.” in the internet.

      The objective of this e-book is to try and stop the war on terrorism by convincing the terrorism networks and generals on the battlefield to stop killing…without communicating directly with any terrorism network or general in the world.

      The goal of the writer/strategist is to allow the reader to understand why the terrorism in the Middle East was created, and by whom, and how it has shifted to a new direction less violent.

      The goal of my covert strategy operations are to work with the Canadian Government and Aljazeera in the Middle East, to try and bridge the gap of peace empowerment communications and slow the violence cycles killing so many civilians and soldiers.

      I wanted to create an actual audio book and paper trail on the strategy communications I created, that were emailed to the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada, and then copied and posted on a blog through Aljazeera in Palestine.

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      A Political Poem

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      Where Have You Gone

      I look for you, the solder in the Sky

      You were the bluebird in my eye

      You were the one who made me laugh or cry

      The one I have loved, do or die

      Fond memories feel like yesterday

      Memories in a land of play

      Cast away far into the sea of dreams

      Memories turn into nightmares it seems

      Building your image back into my mind

      Imaginary lover’s potion is what I find

      I miss you so much, I drink the words blind

      Living in sadness when your memories leave me behind

      You are the ghost I keep alive in my mind

      The same one that steals, what it finds

      Teaching me to think backward blind

      Shaping my ability to plan happiness in my mind

      I keep hoping you appear to make the pain go away

      Somehow you have, in my head today

      Seeing less of me in the mirror everyday

      I remembered laughing with you when we play

      I stop setting goals as my mind begins to turn

      The more I miss you the more I burn

      Always thinking back, never ahead

      When I do, the thoughts remind me your dead

      Someday the time will come for me

      When I will join you out to sea

      We will sail the world and we will be free

      As one together you and me

      Till then I will be lonely and sad

      However we have our son and that is not bad

      When I see him, I see you

      In your bright, shiny uniform, colored blue

      Email Forty Four

      Dear Prime Minister Steven Harper


      You are doing genius work in Libya and Mr. Baird looked very intelligent on television today. I have created another book in this series to help empower peace in the Middle East.

      Israel and Palestine are on the road to becoming peaceful and powerful. I wanted to catch them doing something right and provide a few seed ideas that may empower their peace process even further.

      So I posted this article on the Aljazeera blog today.

      Discover Empowering Ideas To Help Rebuild The Middle East Empire Part 1… Discover How Questions And Affirmations Can Make You Money

      The genius idea created to exchange prisoners by the leader of Palestine and the leader of Israel show the world how these powerful and intelligent leaders are rebuilding the Middle East Empire.

      One day soon trade and tourism will return to both countries mutually and this economics will lay the solid foundation for future border peace talk’s opportunities.

      The time spent fortifying the economic bonds between both these great countries, will be very valuable down the road. These actions today will act as mutual support to go further into peace empowerment opportunities created together united as one.

      Empowerment Affirmation

      I have built up my positive attitude and I now produce confident expectations.


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