20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two. Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two - Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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forces should do a better job, otherwise we expect more attacks in Sadr city," he said.

      "More people here are having the feeling that the security forces cannot protect people."

      Bombing resurgence

      On Wednesday, 22 people were killed when two suicide bombers detonated explosive-laden vehicles minutes apart.

      One of the bombers struck at al-Wiya police station in central Baghdad, and another drove his car into a police checkpoint in the busy residential Hurriya neighborhood.

      Six were killed in other bomb blasts on Wednesday and at least nine people died in three blasts in Baghdad on Monday.

      It comes as the last 41,000 American troops still in Iraq prepare to withdraw by the end of the year.

      In spite of a decline in violence since its peak in 2006 and 2007, attacks remain common.

      Official figures said 185 Iraqis were killed in violence in September.

      Email Letter Forty Seven

      Dear Prime Minister Steven Harper

      October 13 2011

      Creating Peace Faster Than Terrorism War

      I decided to respond to the killings in Iraq yesterday and posted this article on the Aljazeera blog.

      Again my comment is awaiting approval. However I believe the right people will read the information I created.

      If democracy is going to succeed and prevail in the world or Middle East perhaps this fresh strategy will be beneficial.

      Discover Empowering Ideas To Help Rebuild The Middle East Empire Part 3… Understanding More About What It Means To Be A Hero

      I really respect the old king of Iraq. He was brutal, yet a brilliant leader of his people. He was respected around the world as a strategist and an empowerment leader helping his people and nation. The brilliant King took years to teach the Iraq people how to live in peace together. When you look at old video on Iraq you see the smiles and happiness in the civilian’s faces, creating the true spirit of Iraq.

      Some people have the heart of a lion and are real heroes that sing like birds, and the video below is an example of one of these people that came from Iraq.


      After you watch this video you realize what the bombings inside Iraq will create. The young man was an orphan, and that is what war and bomb blasts can create.

      The young man had no hands and only part of his arms and this is a result of a bomb blast.

      The war mongrels that came from the West to wage war on the King of Iraq and his people, wanted to teach the Iraq people to kill their own people. The war strategy was to teach the Iraq people guilty by association how to keep the people of Iraq killing each other. While living under the control of an invisible brutal terrorism psychology implanted into their society. At the same time the war occupation would use corporations to rape the mineral resources of that country.

      As long as the people in the war zone are vulnerable and live under the threat of military or terrorism bomb blasts, created by their own civilians, they remain in the world of sadness. The fear created by psychology that produces negative energy, and through fear of being crippled or killed they are naturally prevented from becoming truly creative and powerful.

      The bomb blasts in Iraq this week are an example of this theory and will encourage the occupying force to remain inside of Iraq and the Middle East and bomb even more in retaliation.

      This idea to kill innocent people to look powerful is rooted in the wars the West waged on these beautiful people, and through violence, conditioned them to think violence retaliation equally powerful.

      I created the theory of empowerment war, that creates a powerful empire teaching people “peace plus prosperity equals power.” Hopefully over time this old way of killing Muslims and Arabs or soldiers is on the way out the door.

      By working in peaceful small strategy steps every week, I hope to share new strategy ways of becoming peacefully powerful in the Middle East. As the region grows back into a powerful empire, taking its rightful place in the world, you will need to create peace and then prosperity that naturally creates power in the eyes of the people.

      Through expanding trade and tourism and manufacturing you create fresh employment, and this is the key to rebuilding a free powerful democracy in Iraq or Afghanistan or Palestine or Libya or Egypt.

      Today in the Middle East if you wish to look powerful you need to be smart enough to figure out how to empower the people with new opportunity and prosperity. This mutual cooperation in the undercurrent of the people is the key to happiness, joy and watching your children grow strong and powerful, not crippled by war or Western war mongrel ideology.

      The people of Iraq need to be smarter and stable in their country, if they want the Western war mongrels to leave the region, as an occupying force.

      When you succeed at this challenge you are the more powerful of the two, and one day will be able to say to the occupying force, “you are no longer needed to keep our country peaceful, prosperous and powerful.”

      Both sides in war take on casualties and this poem is an example of one American soldier’s casualties.


      The best way to escape this poems mental conditioning is to focus on positive education and positive psychology empowerment affirmations. Be creative and find fresh ways you can turn some of the ideas and empowerment affirmations listed below into making prosperity and happiness in your society.

      This may start by writing letters to generate prosperity in your existing or new business.

      Creating More Sales With Letter Headline Strategies

      Empowerment Affirmation

      Today I will take action on tasks I have neglected

      Marketing Idea

      Is the headline in your product introduction letter as interesting or as exciting as the evening newscast?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      Every day I market and sell the best way I can.

      Marketing Idea

      Explain how your product introduction letter is built around the big promise in your headline?

      Empowerment Affirmation

      When I create my desire and ability to be wealthy, I study the habits of wealthy, positive people. I soon realize that parts of my good life are the result of the research I have invested time in.

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