20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two. Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two - Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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time to review this article discussing the good and bad attributes of marketing and personal development.

      I sincerely hope I have not offended anyone through gathering this public information available online.

      Email Letter Fifty Eight

      Dear Mr. President Barack Obama

      Perhaps Pakistan and China will respect the USA more if they must worry about a future strategy move.

      Perhaps the Taliban will watch to see if the USA will empower the people of Afghanistan.

      Perhaps my friend, you need a fresh idea or two from a good neighbor to help empower the USA economy.

      I like the Secretary Of State and the way you both try to help your country, so I created this strategy to help in my small way.

      I hope the information brightens up your day.

      From: Perry Ritthaler [mailto:[email protected]]

      Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 3:41 PM

      To: Prime Minister/Premier ministre ([email protected])

      Subject: Strategy ideas designed to empower the USA and Canadian economies and military.

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


      The USA needs Canadian help to come up with empowerment strategy that can help them safely rebuild their global reputation and economy.

      This strategy may also help protect the civilians and soldiers stationed and living in Afghanistan.

      So I created this article and posted the information on the Aljazeera blog.

      Discover Empowering Ideas To Help Rebuild The Middle East Empire Part 9…War Creates Government Prosperity And Debt

      It is sad to see the suicide bombing in Afghanistan again. I realize the Taliban need to keep the war going in order to keep employed them-self. Perhaps it is the Pakistan funding of the Taliban that creates the bomb blast, naturally extending the war on terrorism. After all this does maintain the funding for intelligence information flowing from the USA into Pakistan and also helps create employment for 100,000 soldiers in the USA military stationed in the region.

      What I have noticed is the way the Taliban has started to work seamlessly and use other organizations to do the suicide bombing. This resembles the operations carried out in Libya when the rebels threw out the Libya leader using their own people and used the old leader’s money investments from overseas to pay for the rebuild and kill operations.

      Yes yesterday the war in Afghanistan seems to perpetuate employment at the cost of a few body bags verses strategic operations that create more employment through manufacturing housing or tourism.

      After all as long as China works in the undercurrent funding the Taliban with weapons and covertly funds Pakistan, the natural borrowing of more monies from China to the USA to fight the war on terrorism, keeps going.

      What I do commend the Taliban on is designing a suicide bomber plan that did not kill many civilians. The suicide bombing campaign created just enough Afghan body bags to achieve the objective, to keep the cash and employment programs flowing in the hands of war mongrels and corporations and governments.

      Yes I must also say the Chinese have also managed to do another excellent job at seamless funding and programming more Middle East violence to keep the focus off their ever expanding economy, milking every last manufacturing job off of the planet.

      Just another day at the office watching the world turn and the USA economy crumble slowly, unfortunately through the lack of employment creation.

      While the USA sits in an economic political quagmire created by the world competing countries with a desire to knock them down a peg or two it saddens my heart to watch.

      Personally if I were the USA, I would reduce the funding to Pakistan by 50% and use the monies to pay for a military version of the habitat for humanity program manufacturing small houses kits in the USA for Afghanistan civilians to reconstruct.

      Then with that transfer of funding from Pakistan the USA military could actually penetrate the minds and hearts of the Afghan people by orchestrating the rebuilding of homes (manufactured homes as kits built in the USA) and business opportunities in the region, which were destroyed by bombing and war.

      If I were in charge of these operations I would play the peace empowerment cards properly at the United Nations and Security Council and through NATO. I would create a funding slush fund designed for this fresh new strategy program to help end the war on terrorism peacefully end.

      After all the USA needs to rebuild their manufacturing export business and could use the monies being spent in Pakistan and through a slush fund created internationally designed to rebuild Afghanistan, using USA exported products and military leadership management.

      The existing military while on location could supervise the reconstruction projects in the region and play a key role as a hero to the people of Afghanistan and the world. This also would excel their ability to gather soft intelligence in the region.

      After all Pakistan has strong ties with China and China will help Pakistan in funding programs to control strategic ports in the Pakistan region. China understands as long as they have a patsy like the USA to loan monies to, the larger their pay back when the USA economy rebounds and pays down the debts.

      Perhaps it is time to mix up the spending pot and figure out a way for the USA military and economy to get out of this politically created quagmire. Create a way for China to pull her own financial weight in the region, while empowering the USA military rather than making the USA military reputation look unproductive and brutal fighting the war on terrorism.

      Thank you taking your valuable time to read this article designed to help create the Middle East Empire and empower the Canadian and USA military operations in Afghanistan.

      Email Letter Fifty Nine

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


      Ship Building Tender

      Creating The Conservative Vote Down The Road

      I watched the news tonight and notice the 38 billion dollar ship contract that is being sent out for tender.

      What comes to my mind is whatever location wins the bid it will translate into votes for your political party down the road.

      The USA also adopted the made in USA program today, and I am wondering if the requirement in the tender is materials required to manufacture the ships will be exclusively purchased and supplied by Canadian companies?

      You are also concerned about political influence in the ship tender and have labeled the bids a, b and c.

      What if all of the bidding companies

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