20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two. Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two - Perry Ph.D Ritthaler

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sales driving the housing economy. Plus you can encourage people to live the American dream and create a reverse mortgage and spend the profits created in the housing bubble and artificially enhancing country GDP numbers when the people spend the reverse mortgage money. However when the foreclosures arrive in the housing market the Republican idealism and economics cripples the housing market in the long term and the spending dries up and so do the jobs growth programs and GDP bubble created in the country.

      This is one drawback to a democracy election compared to a dictatorship because the political party can only keep a President in the USA for 7 years. In doing so the political party in power usually only crafts economic operations that will last 7 years. In the case of the Republican Bush Administration they only cared about themselves and their reign in power and failed to plan for the future of the long term country economics or the Republican Party.

      The other mistake the Republican Party created under the Bush Administration was they went to war alone (later proven an illegal war in Iraq) and did not work effectively with NATO.

      The Iraq war was created to promote democracy in the Middle East and raise oil prices (that filled their friends pockets with huge sums of money) while also creating an invisible tax in the economy by raising gas prices at the pump on the USA and global gasoline consumer. (The higher the gas price at the pump the larger the government tax collected on that purchase.)

      The war on terrorism was in Afghanistan. However for the war stock companies and corporations able to move into the Iraq country “illegally invaded” this operation created huge profits for the select rich and also added to gains in GDP for the USA. The war also looked good on the unemployment books because the USA needed to grow the military and jobs were created for the war operations and occupation.

      Perhaps this was again another huge Republican Party leadership mistake created by the Bush Administration, because the massive use of bombs in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq killed thousands of innocent woman and children and permanently stained the powerful USA military reputation globally. Democracy is about global teamwork and not one or two country lone wolf kills and pillage operations.

      This mistake was further complicated by the dollars borrowed to fund the wars to go it alone and has placed the USA and great Britain in a deep financial hole.

      Unfortunately China lent the money to the Republican led country and today the interest payment rate alone is astronomical, while China invests in the countries taken over through war without placing or paying for one military boot on the ground.

      The other mistake that the Republican Party created is they took their eye off the jobs creation programs that help naturally empower entrepreneurs and technology innovations in the USA. They also failing to spend money on badly needed healthcare reform or infrastructure expenses like roads and bridges and schools or police programs.

      In the end when look at the 20/20 vision of operations all the Republican leadership did was focus 80% of their attention on the war on terrorism and terrify their civilians into keeping them in power, of course at the next generation of children’s expense now paying down the war debt to China.

      Fortunately since the Democrats have taken over in the USA under the Obama Administration they have created reforms to the healthcare provided to the USA citizens. Tightened up some of the controls on the banking industry, after the country had to bail out the failing banks and automobile industry.

      The Democrats are also restoring the military global reputation by making sure no war crimes are created on their watch. The Democrats also work hand in hand with NATO creating opportunity for democracy as opposed to Republican serial killing of innocent civilians in hopes of killing one dictator, to create the same democracy objective.

      The Democrats also respect the rights and freedoms of people living in the Middle East and have decided to withdraw many troops from various regions of the Middle East.

      Yes the Democrats are smart enough to create peace in the Middle East through education and providing peace empowerment opportunities, and not at the end of gun barrel or under mass bombing campaign that kills thousands innocent woman and children, and in the end costs the USA taxpayer billions of dollars and the Middle East thousands of body bags.

      Believe it or not the prosperity and peace in the Middle East can be shaped and determined by a larger countries political party and military agenda they choose to operate, while they create employment and empower that country fiscally.

      Based on the research and body bags and destruction created in the Middle East, you have witnessed, I believe the right choice for peace, plus prosperity equaling power designed to restore the Middle East Empire is greatly influenced by the next election in the USA.

      If the Republican wins you will have another administration creating global policy similar to the old Bush Administration and if the Democrats win the next election, you will have a continued path of existing ideals and budgets and military empowerment operations.

      Perhaps today is the time for the people living in the Middle East to contact friends and family living in the USA, and encourage their friends and family to vote appropriately in the upcoming USA elections.

      This is only one example comparing political party leadership idealism between Democrats and Republicans in the USA. Remember you do your research and you are the judge right or wrong.

      The bigger question is how the people living in the Middle East will embrace, “democracies verses dictatorship.” Or how they will prevent the similar leadership mistakes or abuse of political power from happening in their country democracy.

      Please vote carefully and ask many questions to your future politicians before casting your ballot.

      Thank you for your important time to read this article comparing democracy leadership idealism of two political parties in the USA.

      Online Newspaper Article

      Obama To Announce Actions On Housing, Student Loans



      WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama this week will announce a series of actions to help the economy that will not require congressional approval, including an initiative to make it easier for homeowners to refinance their mortgages, according to a White House official.

      The actions come as Obama is facing resistance from Republicans to a $447 billion jobs package he has urged Congress to pass.

      The first of the initiatives will be unveiled during Obama's three-day trip to western states beginning Monday.

      He will discuss the changes in mortgage rules at a stop in Nevada, which has one of the hardest-hit housing markets in the country.

      The Obama administration has been working with the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the regulator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to find ways to make it easier for borrowers to switch to cheaper loans even if they have little to no equity in their homes.

      The FHFA intends to loosen the terms of the two-year-old Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP), which helps borrowers who have been making mortgage payments on time but who have not been able to refinance as their home values have dropped.

      The Wall Street Journal reported that the changes should boost refinancing because they will let banks avoid the

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