Finding X. Laura Laforce

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Finding X - Laura Laforce

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      Laura Laforce

      Finding X is derived from real life stories and experiences, names, places and certain aspects changed to protect characters in these stories.

      © Copyright 2012 Laura Laforce

      No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. This includes the right to reproduce this book in parts thereof in any form. The exception of the above is for the quotation of passages by a reviewer in print or through electronic mass media.

      Published by Talk Enterprises in the year 2012

      All graphics/illustrations licensed or intellectual property of Talk Enterprises

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0828-6

      Laforce, Laura

      Finding X / Laura Laforce

      Books by Laura Laforce

      Finding X

      Journey into Spirituality

      AUDIO CD

      Guided Spiritual Meditation

      The official website for Laura Laforce is


      Early this morning, my dear friend Minnie went to Heaven. Even though death has happened, she isn’t far away.

      I knew she was leaving. I didn’t have a say. Our connection remains as strong as it was yesterday.

      You’re a fine lovely angel and still my best friend. Even though you’ve left your earthshell, this definitely isn’t the end.

      Minnie I dedicate my book ‘Finding X’ to you.

      I love you always and forever,

      Your best friend,



      A new awareness is upon us. People are forced out of their comfort zones. Millions struggle with challenges and diversity. The wool is pulled over their eyes and the carpets from beneath their feet. What they believed in yesterday is no longer concrete. Their governments are corrupt and their pennies are worthless. The faiths no longer have a stronghold, which previously provided comfort. Society has become negative, disconnected, and extremely dysfunctional. It’s almost as if something opened Hell’s nasty gate.

      Earth is a distracting obstacle course full of endless challenges. This is the plane where our souls develop by encountering life. We pre-plan our lives before we arrive and déjà vu verifies this pre-existing knowledge. The hardships we experience are unfortunate, but necessary, in order to learn and understand.

      Our world is not ending in 2012. Souls of the living are awakening in order to survive. The veil between the living and the dead is being lifted and valuable information is being sent from beyond. People are learning to reconnect through the simplicity of love. Loving people have healthy boundaries, where hurt doesn’t serve a purpose.

      Chapter One

      Terrorism Exposed

      Staring at the endless paperwork heaped on my desk, I sipped on my latte wishing away the mess. There was a column to write. A stack of fan mail sat unanswered. Loose papers needed filing, when a vision of heavy gold handcuffs suddenly appeared. Huge golden links embraced my right wrist. The other cuff remained open, lying on my desk. I couldn’t see myself in trouble. I hadn’t done anything wrong. I sat briefly wondering what this was about.

      The energy accompanying these restraints was strangely liberating. It was as if someone was being set free. In the spirit world, gold is always good. Rather than jumping to conclusions, I chose to deal with my paperwork instead.

      I grabbed the first piece of fan mail and started my reply. This is when an image of black capital solid letter “B” struck my third eye. This italicized font resembled those which spelled “B” as in Bin Laden in previous news headlines.

      Another vision revealed a headless skeleton surrounded in fuchsia pink, indicating fury from the spiritual aspect. A missing skull represents the cause of death. This would mean the person had either been shot through the head or beheaded. I knew for a long time that he was still alive. I knew his death would be a sudden surprise.

      I spent a few moments piecing together what I’d seen. I had recently seen a rash of eastern political deaths, including Bin Laden’s, but never entertained them. Obviously this was extremely important, but I couldn’t understand why.

      I forced myself back into the reality of my paperwork. Within a couple of hours it was finally complete. I retreated to the living room with my husband TJ and switched on the television for a much needed break.

      We were watching TV when the news of Osama Bin Laden’s death hit. A speech from the balcony of the White House was being delivered. My ears started ringing loudly, diverting my attention. I shut my eyes to receive an urgent message coming in from beyond.

      In an instant a similar, but much smaller balcony, was revealed. Thick black lines outlined the perimeter, reflecting danger. I opened my eyes and shut them again hoping this would stop. Again the same dire warning played out. This time the drawing included a tall slender tower in the distance. The drawing always started at the bottom left and ended in the upper right hand corner, resembling the old red Etch A Sketch boards with the two white knobs many played with as children.

      Afterwards a dark number “6” hung in midair. The number was a time indicator. Did this refer to May sixth, six days, the month of June, six weeks or six months? I wasn’t sure, but this wasn’t good.

      Explicit visions warned me of a looming terrorist attack in Washington DC. Visions of threatening drawings reflecting danger were repeatedly sent to me. I knew without a doubt an attack was being planned. Consequences would be deadly if the progression wasn’t stopped. Drawn events can be prevented or altered, but they need to be somehow delivered.

      “Spirit,” I uttered in total desperation sitting at my desk. “Please, don’t show me this any more. I don’t want to be involved. I don’t know how to help. Send it to someone more capable.” I closed my eyes again and the drawings immediately stopped.

      The drawings resurfaced hours later on the living room wall. This time

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