Finding X. Laura Laforce

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Finding X - Laura Laforce

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on the back of the White House was repeatedly drawn out in black. This sketch includes a tall narrow tower off in the distance. The yard seems to be either a landmark or an area of intended target. To the west, a smooth vehicle sails through. I find this odd because it doesn’t drive like a car or a truck. The number “41” is shown at the top of the map. The initials “CN” are possibly a nearby street. Five letter “W’s” are displayed, representing names of buildings or objects. Two are straight west, another southwest, another appears at the very top of the map, probably representing Washington. One is laying sideways a couple of blocks northeast. A letter “J” is marked slightly above the west “W”.

      “How is the attack carried out?”

      “Officer, I don’t want to get into trouble using certain words, but may I, just this once?”

      “Yes, go ahead.”

      “I see a……bomb.” I’ve always been taught to never use that word, especially around an airport or a cop.

      “Thank you for sharing these details with me. I’m going to let you go. I need to go check out the areas and see what matches up. You mentioned it could happen in four days. I feel we should take time zones into consideration. What time is it where you are?

      “Ten o’clock. Good, I’ll be watching both time zones. Timing could be crucial. I’ll call you back tomorrow morning.”

      Waking in the middle of the night, I saw the lit up vehicle previously revealed for a second time. This time it seemed to be floating around a bend. A building close by was labelled with the letter “J”. The words OCCULTS DIFFUSED appeared in midair stacked on top of each other in white, puffy, large printing. Who were the occults? What did diffused mean? In the spiritual realm, white is a positive good colour, but it was the message that I couldn’t understand.

      I went into the office and started up my computer, looking for possible definitions. In the quiet of the early morning hours, I could hear our bedroom door open, followed by the sound of TJ’s footsteps.

      “Good morning, my dear. I’m glad to see you’re not calling Washington. May I ask what you’re doing up in the middle of the night?”

      “I’m trying to figure out the possible meaning of OCCULTS DIFFUSED, which Spirit spelled out to me in midair.”

      “Was it encrypted in black?”

      “No, it was unusual. I’ve never seen a display like that in my entire life. The words were white, puffy and huge, which is a good sign, but I don’t understand the meaning behind this.”

      “Do you need to understand everything you see?”

      “It sure makes things easier to handle.”

      “Why don’t you come back to bed and sleep on it. Remember you have an important call in the morning and you need to be alert.” TJ ushered me back to bed, knowing that I needed my rest.

      In the morning, the constable called to touch base with me. “Hi Laura, you’ve totally blown me away. You’re amazing; the things you mentioned completely match up. Constitution Avenue is the name of a nearby street. The alphabetical letters can be linked to buildings and restaurants. Did you see anything else?”

      “I was shown the words OCCULTS DIFFUSED in white printing in midair, stacked on top of each other. I’ve never seen a presentation like this. I don’t understand the meaning. In the dictionary, occults refer to some sort of eastern cells, and diffused means scattered. Obviously these two words hold major significance.”

      “Is there anything else?”

      “My husband TJ has been searching the internet trying to match up things I’ve been shown, because we’re unfamiliar with Washington. He found a ferry in the area. It resembles what I’d seen when it’s lit up at night. This ferry travels around a bend; its movement is identical to what I’d seen in the vision of an unusual vessel. The JFK Building sits close to the shore.”

      “This makes sense. Remember, you couldn’t understand what would move that way,” the officer replied.

      “My husband TJ mentioned to me earlier that the National Christmas Tree is in the back yard of the White House. There is an online photo of an interesting shadow generated on the ground from the peak of the tree, which resembles a bomb. Even though it looks similar, I still recalled seeing a bomb. Is this tree accessible to the public?”

      “No, it’s secured by a sixteen foot fence surrounding it.”

      “Are you absolutely sure nobody can get in or throw something over?”

      “The area is fenced and guarded. Nobody is able to get in. I sure hope I’m on duty if something bad goes down.”

      I didn’t want anything bad to happen to him. To me this man was amazing and selfless. He’d give his life to protect the citizens. I’ve never seen dedication like this in an officer.

      “Can’t you close off the area to the public?”

      “No, we’re not allowed to. This is a busy area, it would be impossible to shut down. Plus reacting like that would create public fear. We are watching and aware of the situation. We’re doing our best to protect the people.”

      “Officer, please be careful. I wouldn’t want you harmed.”

      “Laura, I want to be of service. I’m here for the people.” Silence aired on both sides of the phone. I felt like crying. I didn’t want this lovely man to put his life on the line, but this was his choice, not mine.

      He told me he’d keep me in the loop, before hanging up our phones. “Spirit, if things get ugly over there, please spare this man.”

      Four days passed and nothing happened. I left a message on his phone: “Hi. It’s Laura Laforce from Canada. Please keep watching these areas, I still sense danger. Things can still happen weeks and months later. Please be careful. Call me if you need anything.”

      Six good weeks were followed by an eventless June. The sensation of looming danger never ceased even though the drawings and messages did.

      In late summer, a man did leap over the inaccessible sixteen foot fence that secures the White House. The man was taken into custody and later released. TJ and I wondered if this was a sequence of events before something major happened. We questioned if this was a setup by the terrorists to check out access to the yard. The media reported this man as being a protester. Was this trespasser a pawn used to measure response time?

      Six months later, arrests were made in October. Breaking news hit of a foiled terrorist attack in Washington DC. Two arrests were made and many lives saved. The attack would have compromised structures, including a local popular restaurant. I was unaware of a plot to assassinate an embassy leader. There was also a plot to kill diners. This was the reason I kept picking up on the loss of many lives. The actual plans involved shooting or bombing those in the dining room within close proximity to the White House.

      According to news stories, this terrorist attack lead was supplied to American officials in early May. I contacted police on

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