Finding X. Laura Laforce

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Finding X - Laura Laforce

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letters. Areas involved were lit up and revealed. Letters and numbers were coordinates confirming targeted areas. The number “41” is a major route. A bomb was included in the attack on the restaurant. Occults referred to eastern descent. Diffused meant scattered local and abroad. The embassy building is close to the JFK building.

      This whole situation brought back memories from the previous summer. I had had a reading booth at the local summer exposition. One evening, TJ and I strolled away from my booth for supper. We purchased a bucket of wings and found a picnic table to eat at. I sat enjoying the meal with TJ, until I became bombarded with visions of bloody violence.

      This upheaval involved the people sitting at the table next to ours. The energy from these people was dark and terrifying. Most of them were well over six feet tall. They were loud, obnoxious and very crude. I overheard the ringleader utter “To death.” Immediately I felt panicked. I needed to leave the table with TJ without them being aware.

      I gently tapped TJ’s toes under the table to get his attention. “I’m having a problem. The heat is bothering me. I need to get out of the sun now.” I got up and started walking away. Instinctively TJ followed.

      “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen something horrific,” TJ piped up, trying to figure out what was going on.

      “I need to find a cop right now. Those people who sat beside us are gangsters. There’s a gang fight going down immediately, inside the fairgrounds,” we spotted an officer ahead. I picked up my pace and end up walking beside him.

      “Excuse me, Officer.”

      “I’m busy with a situation. Look for someone else.” He was definitely on the same mission I was. He was desperately scanning the crowd as he walked. Only the party he was searching for was a quarter of a block behind him. I didn’t need the bad guys see me talking to him either.

      “Don’t look at me.” I kept pace with the officer and I looked straight ahead. “The seven black gang members are about a quarter of a block behind you near the corn shack. There’s going to be a bloody gang fight with weapons and pepper spray. They’ll be by a chain link fence. The leader is six foot five. He’s wearing a bright pink T-shirt and black pants. There are five guys and two females back there at the green picnic tables.”

      “Thank you,” the cop responded. He quickly turned into the cotton candy stand and then headed back in their direction.

      TJ finally caught up to me. “I’m sorry I rushed ahead.”

      “He sure turned around in a hurry after you spoke to him. Did he say anything?”

      “He thanked me.”

      A bloody brawl between two gangs erupted shortly after, outside the chain link fence of the festival grounds. Several blaring sirens could be heard racing to the scene.

      I heard through the grapevine that it took eight cop cars and five ambulances to clean up afterwards. The gangsters were either pepper sprayed or lacerated, if not both. One of the suspects was rendered unconscious.

      I often receive unsolicited visions of upcoming situations. Exposure to terrorism is a newer level of intensity for me. Over five years ago, I warned a friend’s father who was visiting Canada of a violent outburst that would happen in his community. He lived in the previously peaceful town of Maghar, Israel, beside the Sea of Galilee. Three weeks later the situation unfolded around him exactly as I had described. He and his wife fled to safety with only the clothes on their backs.

      Spirit has shown me numerous murder cases. Important details are shown in black and white. I’m spared from having to see grotesque presentations. On occasion, I can actually hear the sounds and voices of what has or is about to go down. The killers are always shown to me in full color, as if they are standing directly in front of me.

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