A Thin Place. Jack Peterson

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A Thin Place - Jack Peterson

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paused, a small smile beginning to form. “Remember, this is just a theory. I believe that we may be exposing our children with small amounts of mercury that in total, over time, can be neurologically devastating. It can even start before they are born. Prenatal toxicity can result in a child with normal appearance at birth but who later exhibits a developmental delay in the ability to walk and/or talk. Because of the long latent period for observable effects, the need for treatment may be recognized too late.”

      “So, how are the children getting exposed to all this mercury?”

      “Other than the sources I’ve already mentioned, some of it could be coming from vaccinations.”

      Crockett was incredulous. “Vaccinations?”

      “Yes! If my calculations are correct, and I believe they are, there could be a link.”

      Even though he was impressed with Trent’s encyclopedic persona, Crockett was unconvinced. “You’re telling me that vaccinations cause autism?” he challenged.

      “Not the vaccinations themselves, but the mercury-based preservative in the vaccines could be a contributor along with all the other environmental factors. To my knowledge, that possibility has never been studied. If the mercury bioaccumulates in small children, the same as it did with the Hatters, it could lead to neurological problems. Autism is nothing more than brain damage, and developing brains are particularly sensitive to mercury. Just the fact that it could be a possibility bears scrutiny. If I am right, we will have done society a great service. If not, all we will have done is kept ourselves busy in our old age.”

      Crockett was skeptical. “If your theory is correct, why doesn’t every vaccinated child become autistic?”

      “Most likely, it’s genetics. Some children are susceptible to mercury, some not. Sort of the same way certain individuals cannot tolerate alcohol and others seem to be able to drink all night and still go to work the next day as if nothing every happened. Everyone is wired differently.”

      “So, you are saying the preservatives are the problem?” he asked cautiously.

      “Not the only one, but it is possible! Almost all mandated vaccines are in multi-dose containers with a mercury-based preservative. If they didn’t use the preservative, the vaccine would become so strong it could trigger the very disease it was meant to prevent.”

      “What about single dose vials?”

      “They are not a problem. A preservative isn’t necessary because the vaccine is opened only once eliminating any chance of the virus becoming stronger and spreading. Multiple dose vials are more practical and less expensive but they must have a preservative to prevent the virus from spreading and becoming lethal. It’s happened before.”

      Crockett challenged. “Where?”

      “Australia, back in 1928! Several children died when they were all vaccinated from the same vaccine container over a two-day period. The virus became stronger after it was opened. When the second round of vaccinations were given to new group of children the next day it had become so strong it infected some of the children.”“

      “And it hasn’t happened since?”

      “Nothing has ever been reported.”

      “So, what’s all the fuss now?”

      “That’s exactly my point! There is no fuss and I believe there should be.”


      “Because of a vaccine preservative that was created back in 1930 to specifically prevent what happened in Australia from ever happening again. That’s when a U.S. patent was granted and the use of multi-dose vials for vaccines began. We are using the exact same preservative to this day. It’s nearly fifty percent ethyl mercury by weight. I consider that to be a problem. My personal theory is that if children get too many vaccines in a short period of time, they could be susceptible to too much mercury exposure. Some children may not be able to handle it. Until recently, it hasn’t been much of an issue because children received very few vaccinations. Now the federally mandated program has expanded dramatically. I’m convinced it’s just too damned much mercury for small children to handle in such a short period of time.”

      “So you think this preservative in the multi-dose vials has something to do with autism?”

      Trent tapped his fingers repeatedly on the table for several seconds, looking as if he wanted to choose his words very carefully. “Yes. I think the vaccinations could be one of the contributing factors to the increases. We are beginning to see more autism because children are receiving far more vaccinations than any time in history. It just makes sense. The mercury is building up. I’ll need some time to develop and research a database to confirm it. I can postulate all I want, but until we can prove the supposition and have it reviewed by competent medical and scientific experts, the theory is worthless. Right now, it’s just speculation. Meanwhile, the world is blindly pumping what I believe to be unsafe levels of mercury into their children believing they are doing the right thing. The mercury issue needs to be addressed now but making that happen is another thing altogether.”

      Crockett raised his head slightly, jutting his jaw toward Trent. “How long have you had this theory?”

      “Since 1945!”

      “What happened then?”

      “That’s when the first recorded case of autism was documented. I became suspicious when I read the study.”

      Crockett was confused. “You’ll have to excuse me,” he said with a smile. “The compass in my head has been out of order since I asked you my first question. I’m a bit of a slow learner. Are you saying that, prior to 1945, autism did not exist?”

      “Not necessarily. What I said was that there was no recorded history of autism. Autism was formally identified in 1945 by a John-Hopkins psychiatrist named Leo Kanner after documenting the case histories of a group of eleven unrelated children. They all had mental disorders that were strikingly similar to each other. Kanner could find nothing in recorded history that compared what he was witnessing. Those children gave him the impression they were trying to escape from reality. What caught peaked my interest was that all the children in Kanner’s study were born after 1930.”

      “What’s the significance of that?”

      “That’s when multi-dose vaccine vials with the mercury-based preservative came into play. All of the children in Kanner’s clinic studied were under eleven years old, part of the first generation to grow up with the new vaccines that had the preservative. What I find interesting is that the discovery of what was eventually termed autism did not exist until after the mercury preservative was added to childhood vaccines.”

      “So you believe that is what’s causing autism?”

      “Contributing, but vaccines alone are likely not the sole culprit.”

      “What do you mean by that?”

      ‘Think about it! Kanner wrote his study in 1944. He only found a handful of children in the world with what he decided to label as autism and you could count them on two hands. A few years later, in the 1950’s, autism rates in the country were eventually documented to be around one in ten thousand. Based on that, Kanner should have found millions of children with autism to study. He only had a handful to study.”


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