Poems and Rhymes Exploring War, Soldiers, Politics, Animals, Insanity, Faith and Love. Perry PhD Ritthaler

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Poems and Rhymes Exploring War, Soldiers, Politics, Animals, Insanity, Faith and Love - Perry PhD Ritthaler

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      Smoke is being washed out of the air and I want to see more

      I can see burnt grass and a huge crater in the backyard

      Everything beautiful now looks burned and charred

      I walk outside to see the yard and I am scared

      Walking around the burned yard I feel so unprepared

      I am looking for my papa and find his body parts lying everywhere

      A burnt skin smell fills the air, his burned skin removed papa’s hair

      Smells of my dead papa make me sick to my stomach and I cry

      My little sister and I are all alone and cry “Why’d our papa have to die?”

      My sister’s body is shaking and she falls to the ground

      A bomb has fallen close by and my sister makes no sound

      She is not moving, then she cries and moans in pain

      I help her up and carry her into the house through the rain

      My little sister and I do not know what to do about the war

      We are all alone in this empty house and we cry even more

      I feel hungry and the food we have left us will not last

      The night passes fast; we awaken hungry and eat fast

      The city close to us is on fire as black smoke rises into the sky

      The beautiful blue sky is full of smoke, clouds sent way up high

      We have one friend to phone but the phone is dead

      I am afraid to walk far in case I catch a stray bullet in my head

      A week has passed and I cry when I think of my papa that died

      I miss my mom who would help me when I cried

      My love for my mom is so strong that I need to see where she rests

      As I go to the grave I see kids with bullet wounds in their chests

      I cry when I go into the graveyard to visit my momma’s grave

      This is the only symbol of my family that I have left to save

      The pieces of papa soon rotted in the heat of the yard

      Watching the flies and insects eat my papa’s parts felt hard

      Now we have no more school and barely food to eat

      Most days we spend playing in the war-torn street

      When I grow up I will avenge my papa’s death through war

      Someday I will grow big and strong and settle the score

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      Who Destroyed My Children and Family

      I take a picture of the powerful men as they enter the room

      Their minds colored with death, faces filled with groom and doom

      They have created a war to build democracy in the Middle East

      With a lust for killing, on the dead bodies they feast

      Telling lies with no compromise they wield their power

      Terrified souls waiting overseas hour by hour

      Families running scared trying to find a safe place to hide

      Listening to the radio hearing how so many have lied

      Women and little children are about to die over oil prices

      War created devastation building a human rights crisis

      Fighting a dictator who wants the euro more than the dollar

      working through the UN trying to create his dog collar

      The powerful ones calling him an evil man

      Smearing his name globally wherever they can

      Building terrorism propaganda to scare a nation

      Determined to send a country overseas and creating damnation

      Telling the world he is a danger to every living soul

      Playing the innocent one protecting the world is their role

      Lies of weapons of mass destruction cause fear in a nation

      Set on a track of high gas prices building financial damnation

      Families torn apart treated like old rags thrown away

      So many children will die as war fills the days

      Pain and suffering fill many hearts torn apart

      Wondering why this illegal war was created from the start

      Forcing a dictator to fight for his people and land

      Invasion to steal his oil is what the government has planned

      Afraid of the wealth and power created by the Middle East

      Concerned one day Israel may die and be a Middle East feast

      Wars created in Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine were the plan

      Finishing in Afghanistan, cover it up by fighting the terrorism man

      Pulling the wool over the eyes of the world while doing war crimes

      Thousands killed through war in these evil times

      Building a war to kill Muslims forcing Christianity into a fight

      Sending the multicultural world into a holy war overnight

      People invaded with no place in the world to turn

      Watching people die and a country explode and burn

      Wars ravaging souls and tearing them apart

      Forced into

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