Poems and Rhymes Exploring War, Soldiers, Politics, Animals, Insanity, Faith and Love. Perry PhD Ritthaler

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Poems and Rhymes Exploring War, Soldiers, Politics, Animals, Insanity, Faith and Love - Perry PhD Ritthaler

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of desperation from the start

      Suicide bombers to fight war planes from a foreign land

      Creating retaliation for the war crimes that they planned

      Praying to Allah for the strength to fight for their land

      So many souls die every day in the blowing sand

      Thousands of woman and children died

      Because of the evil politicians who have lied

      So many will fight the people who create the war

      That is the goal as the evil ones cover crimes that soar

      Death and fear fill the world in people’s minds

      Running to the tune of crooked politicians makes us blind

      Afraid of everyone around us, creating insecurity through fear

      Covering up the killing of those you loved and held dear

      Fueling military enrollment and power that will not bend

      Republicans build government debts that will never end

      Filling the pockets of oil tycoons at the top

      Toppling the average citizen by corporations that will not stop

      Government debts borrowed to raise oil prices for a few at the top

      War companies creating employment that will not stop

      Cover up the employment crisis created by poor policy at the start

      Sending employment offshore kills the country’s heart

      No jobs means no government taxation

      Finding taxes through higher gas prices leads to damnation

      Today the world calms down and we all forget those that died

      The governments have changed as have those who lied

      Left are the high debts and all the casualties that died

      Stupid politicians with the plan that made so many who cried

      Running a country creating employment and taxation is the plan

      The Republicans created a new meaning for the words stupid man

      They should have changed the law limiting the corporation’s greed

      Enacted taxation to protect jobs at home to build our seed

      They should have taxed corporations higher that sent jobs offshore

      Rather than protecting the rich, filling their pockets with more

      When the Republican President told the world he protects the rich

      We should have all run rather than be buried in a financial ditch

      All the government had to do was control the greed

      Focus on the future limiting the profits corporations need

      Now we have an employment crisis created by unbalanced greed

      Too many have taken too much, forgetting the next generation’s seed

      Thank goodness a responsible President is at the command

      He cares for the civilian who faces the crisis politicians have planned

      Facing the challenges of creating jobs without killing

      Trying to pay down the country debt’s that is over spilling

      Trying to restore the prosperity and freedom of the little man

      Fighting more Republican propaganda wherever he can

      Mending the country’s reputation around the world

      Trying to convince others not to remember the death that whirled

      As a people we need to rise up for the changes we want to see

      Creating prosperity without death while living free

      Making friends with the world, ending the suicide attacks

      We need to run the country by covering each other’s backs

      Doing what we can to help our fellow man

      Building plans of peace whenever we can

      Holding and keeping the ones we love should be our plan

      Long live this President to stay in power as long as he can


      The Morning Sky Fills My Mind With Pain And Love

      My heart fills with love as I watch the sunrise in the sky

      Listening to the winds of change and watching the birds fly

      On this summer day the colors of the sky are beautiful up high

      The blues and yellows creating orange fill my one eye

      The patch on the other eye due to shrapnel in the war

      This feels so good being home without killing to settle a score

      My family is happy I am home from the war

      Now I can catch up on love and settle my family’s score

      My special boy is four and my little girl is seven

      In Iraq we sent so many just like them into heaven

      We are so lucky not to be invaded in our land

      Every moment at home I treasure with my family as I planned

      Being away for so long has changed me inside

      I no longer feel a deep sense of pride

      After all the killing and hearing the politicians that lied

      I no longer know why I killed or why so many civilians died

      Sending them to meet Allah in the sky

      Filling my heart with pain watching little children cry

      Then I think of my children and I too want to cry

      I think of holding them tightly, hoping they will never die


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