Get Down or Lay Down. Derrick MD Johnson

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Get Down or Lay Down - Derrick MD Johnson

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then had her attention and continued on saying, “Look, I know that right now you’re going through a very difficult time in your life and feel trapped, maybe even cornered. But listen Ma, I’m not here to take advantage of your situation. I just want to show you how good I can be for you. See, I, like you, don’t have any family. I lost both of my parents to a car accident at the age of fifteen. As you see, I live in this huge house all by myself. I don’t want to put any pressure on you, it’s just the opposite. I want to release some of it to make you feel better, loved, appreciated, and respected. This you deserve Ma. Look, all I ask of you for now is to get yourself together. You can have one of the empty rooms upstairs, I’m barely here myself. What I do ask is that you keep some food cooking and have me a plate in the microwave.”

      Smiling she replied, “When I cook, you better be here to get it hot out the pan.” This was the start of their relationship.

      After her father’s burial she seemed to come out of her shell more as Dig a Hole constantly showering her with an abundance of everything she never imagined was possible. He gave her jewelry, cars and shoes and she got star treatment at all the hottest beauty salons in the city. He had them give her the makeover of a lifetime. When she walked out she was captivating.

      Realizing the change in herself, she understood it was partly because of Dig a Hole and his unwavering dedication to making her both happy and understood. It was at this point she made a promise to herself to never allow anything or anyone to come between the only family she had left. She knew that the many men that approached her while she was out and about couldn’t and wouldn’t make the sacrifice he did, thus earning a permanent spot in her heart forever.

      Realizing her growth and the change in her outward appearance, Dig a Hole felt the need to secure his position in her life by impregnating her. Not only was his plan successful, it was more than he anticipated. Candyce became pregnant with twins and with the news that she was indeed pregnant he felt the need to buy a bigger house. She picked out a lovely five bedroom home with three bathrooms and a three-car garage. It had a swimming pool, basketball court, and video game room as well. The area was safe and secure in Edina, Minnesota. A town where the upper class white folks and niggas with money lived.

      Despite all the beautiful things he bought her, it never stopped her from wanting him to leave the street life alone. She had such a hatred for drugs, and because he didn’t want to keep hearing it, he made the mistake of promising her he’d stop selling drugs - which was seventy five percent true because he basically only robbed people now. After robbing the dealers he would then sell the weight for wholesale out of state; basically recycling the dope because the dealers from out of state only brought it right back.

      Knowing that he promised, it was still of little comfort to Candyce. She didn’t stress him as much, but nevertheless cried her pretty eyes out every time he left the house, not knowing if he’d return or not, once again leaving her all alone, only this time with two babies.


      Walking out the door as fast as he could, he decided to take the black-on-black SS Chevy Impala. Pulling out the drive he realized that in his rush to leave he left his Mac 11 Submachine Gun on his dresser. It didn’t really worry him because in his ride he had a hidden stash compartment with two 40 Glocks and a Mac 10. He pulled over and put the car in park. Turning on the emergency brake, air conditioner and the right blinker, out slid a hidden compartment with all the weapons he needed. Putting the two 40’s on each side of his waistband and the Mac in his lap, he threw the car back into drive and was ready for whatever.

      It sounded like a moving concert inside his whip as he rode down Highway 394W heading into the city. His music was banging out of control through four, fifteen-inch subwoofers. Firing a blunt of dro and bobbing his head to the Bogus theme song, “Can’t Help It But To Be Bogus Man” by Chicago’s Crucial Conflict, he remembered to call KeKe.

      “Hello” answered KeKe.

      “What up baby?”

      “Who is this?” KeKe asked.

      “Bitch don’t play with me,” Dig a Hole barked.

      “Oh, I’m sorry Daddy. Where you at?” asked KeKe.

      “I’m pulling in the garage now. Ya miss me? You know Daddy about to come tax that ass before this shit kicks off.”

      Smiling KeKe says, “That’s what I’m talking about! Come beat this pussy up Daddy.”

      Coming down the walk, Dig a Hole tells her to open up the door.

      What very few people know is that KeKe and Dig a Hole had a secret affair, and the licks they hit was really for their own selfish gain. They merely used the gang as muscle in their endeavors, taking a portion of the proceeds off the top for themselves without the knowledge of the rest of the gang. KeKe was Dig a Hole’s first love.

      At one time they were the hood’s equivalent to Bonnie and Clyde, but all that came to an abrupt end when he caught a robbery charge; one in which his best friend was killed. Her being young and full of cum, not knowing anything but him, she ended up exploring her adventurous side. He wasn’t the type to ever forgive one single infidelity and upon release he went his separate way, thus meeting Candyce. Although he has love for Candyce, he can never love another as he did KeKe.

      Walking into her house he realized he didn’t bring any condoms. He refused to go that route with her knowing how bad KeKe wants to have his first child. Sex is one thing, but bringing a child into the world is another.

      Stepping into the living room and seeing KeKe’s flawless body lying across the couch with her legs spread wide open and playing with her shaved pussy was cause for an immediate erection. But not one to just enter a house that wasn’t his own without first searching it, he quickly searched through the house finding it all good.

      He walked over taking his dick out and began waving it in front of her face in a teasing way. She obligingly took it into her mouth, sucking and licking his balls just how he taught her to – from the bottom to the top she licked and sucked. Taking it out of her mouth, he sat on the other end of the couch allowing her to put her perfectly manicured feet on his lap knowing this would turn him all the way on.

      Looking at her feet for a few seconds as if to see they were to his liking, he picked one up bringing it to his mouth, slowly flickering his tongue all over her toes, licking the sole from top to bottom, putting all her toes in his mouth at one time while massaging the other foot. Letting go of her foot, she took and slid it all over his face and head, all the while enjoying the sensation of his hot tongue bringing her in anticipation of the hardcore fucking she knew she was about to receive.

      Gradually spreading her thick thighs only made him that much hornier, causing him to slowly lick his way on up to her shaved, black pussy flicking his tongue around the outer lips. She started pushing his head down, wanting him to get to the nitty gritty. Resisting, he continued teasing her with a couple more licks, parting her juicy lips and licking all around inside of her sweet tasting pussy while rubbing her clit making her reach an orgasm immediately.

      KeKe screamed, “Daddy I’m coming! Oh Daddy get it! Make me come. Suck that pussy Daddy!”

      Knowing he had her on the ropes he stuck his finger in her ass, ramming it in and out. Feeling the penetration, she grinded harder against his face releasing all her juices in his mouth. This only turned him on even more, and he commanded her to get on her hands and knees saying, “Face down, ass up!”

      He plunged into her asshole knowing she couldn’t get pregnant like

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