Get Down or Lay Down. Derrick MD Johnson

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Get Down or Lay Down - Derrick MD Johnson

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      Replying back with her smart ass mouth she said, “I didn’t know I was on a time clock, or that you was bringing someone to my house without letting me know.”

      Not liking the way she checked him in front of Corleone, Steele quickly replied, “Fuck what you talking about. I take care of your ass, so who and when I bring someone over here is my bizness.”

      KeKe was smiling behind the bedroom door the whole time thinking, “Bitch ass nigga keep that attitude because in twenty minutes we’ll all see who does the barking around this bitch,” but for now she’d let him get his role out. At the same time she’d play hers out to the fullest. She walked out the room and was all smiles, bringing along a blunt of dro to further relax them. Handing it to Steele he leaned back to admire her juicy, thick thighs in those pussy cutting shorts, assuming she was rocking them for him.

      Still gazing at her backside, Steele says to KeKe, “Baby why don’t you hook me and my mans something up to eat. He just came in from a long trip and could use some of that fire shit you be throwing down for me.”

      “Sure, anything for you Daddy,” she replied, soothing his overinflated ego. Turning around she walked toward the kitchen knowing both sets of eyes were following her ass as it shook from side to side naturally. Being that the bedroom was closer to the living room, she went into the bedroom first to let 740 know to come out. She told him she was going to let Dig a Hole out as well, telling him now to post up by the door just in case. She then proceeded down to the hallway closet to let Dig a Hole know it was time to get down.

      Coming out with the speed and agility of a leopard, he was down the hallway and in the living room literally in seconds standing over his prey. Not giving them a chance to realize what was going on he smacked Steele upside the head with the 40 Glock. The sound of Steele’s flesh meeting his gun was enough to wake Corleone up out his sleep only to be knocked out cold with 740’s Mac 11. It was then Big T emerged from the backroom.

      Not sure what was going to happen next and thinking it was a petty robbery, Corleone held out his Cartier watch without saying a single word. Big T punched him in the face knocking him on the floor. Standing over him, gun in hand, Dig a Hole went to work duct taping him up hog style.

      Judging from the fear in Steele’s eyes, it was clear he now understood this wasn’t a by-chance robbery. Scared to speak with two guns being pointed at his dome, he chose to play it by ear, while making a silent vow to remember all the faces of these niggas because they were definitely going to pay for this with their lives.

      Big T was the first to break the silence by telling him to place his hands on top of his head and to roll onto the floor. Also instructing him to lay flat on his belly, making it clearly understood that any false moves and he would meet his Maker. Seeing nothing but death in his coal black eyes, Steele thought it would be in his best interest to comply, just hoping they didn’t discover the Glock Nine hidden in the small of his back. His hesitation cost him being smacked once again upside his head, rendering him unconscious.

      Coming to in what seemed like hours, but was merely minutes; he was bound, gagged and naked as the day he was born. Steele could only open one eye, the other was swollen shut, and tried looking around to see if he could find Corleone but couldn’t. He then tried to figure out where he was. It only took him a few seconds to realize he was on the floor in KeKe’s bedroom. He thought it would be in his best interest to not let anyone know he was back conscious, thinking he might be able to at least hear what their intentions were, but the sound of a wounded and desperate man squealing brought him to the realization that things would only get worse.

      Straining to hear what was being said in the other room was hindered by the increasing pounding from the headache that seemed to be explosive. From what he could hear, he could tell that Corleone was being interrogated and viciously tortured. After seeing KeKe pass through the room with what seemed like a frying pan, he closed his eyes and said a silent prayer.

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