Get Down or Lay Down. Derrick MD Johnson

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Get Down or Lay Down - Derrick MD Johnson

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to nut, she pushed her ass harder against his rock-hard dick demanding he fuck her harder. Plunging in and out brought forth a flow of hot cum. Taking his dick out and shooting the burning nut all over her ass, she turned around and sucked the nut out his limp dick. Feeling relieved, he laid back on the couch while she went to get a wash towel to clean him up.

      After cleaning him off she hopped into the shower to get fresh for Steele.


      Knowing it was about a quarter to seven, Dig a Hole called his guys to check on their whereabouts. Recognizing the phone number, Big T answered the call on the first ring to say, “What up my nigga?”

      “Shit, just wondering where the fuck ya’ll at. It’s almost that time,” snapped Dig a Hole.

      “Shit, we’re on your ass like skin. Open the back door my nigga,” Big T says.

      “Now that’s the shit I’m talking about,” Dig a Hole thought to himself. He walked to the window smiling, hoping they hadn’t parked anywhere close to the house. Not seeing any cars, he proceeded to open the door, greeting each one personally and walking away reminding them to lock the door.

      With everyone there Dig a Hole proceeded to go over the plan, but not before yelling to KeKe to bring her slow ass out the room. Normally she would have had a slick comment in response, but hearing the guys out there she knew better than to test him in front of the boys, which would be considered an act of defiance and would result in extreme consequences. He wasn’t one to ever be tested or tried; everyone who knew him understood this.

      Walking out the room in the shortest of short, pussy cutting Apple Bottom shorts with matching tank top, Manolo heels with her hair pulled back in a pony tail smelling like J Lo perfume, she spoke to everyone saying, “Let’s get this money my niggas.”

      Taking the floor, Dig a Hole started speaking towards KeKe. “Here’s the demo. We’ll give you a good half hour to work your magic. Make sure you bring him into the bedroom and get him to take a shower. Give him a backrub or a shot of that hot pussy, whatever it takes to get him off guard and disarmed. Once you come out the room to get something to drink, we’ll take over. Big T, I want you in the bedroom closet. KeKe, does he search the house?” he asked more out of sarcasm.

      With a look like she was just disrespected, she spit out “Fuck no and no other nigga other than you will either.” Smiling knowing she was taught well.

      He continued on with his instructions. “740 and Fuck U, I want ya’ll in the back bedroom. I’ll be in the hall closet so I’ll be able to hear KeKe when she comes out the room for the water. Now I want this to go as quickly and as quietly as possible. Let’s get him gagged, bound and taken into the bathroom where interrogation will take place, understood?” Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. “Now, let’s not have any unnecessary shots fired if we can avoid it.”

      Shortly thereafter, KeKe received the call everyone was waiting on. It was Steele, and he said he was pulling up in front of the house with a homie. Not anticipating him bringing someone else, KeKe decided she’d roll with the plan anyway. Hearing him knocking at the door she said, “Just a minute. Let me put something on. I wasn’t expecting you to bring someone with you.”

      At this point everyone took their spots and waited patiently for their cue. She then went to open the door to let Steele and his guest in.

      Steele was looking sexy as always to KeKe. Every time she saw him he made her pussy wet. Although her heart was only for Dig a Hole, she still had her secret desires and he catered to her freaky side. With Steele she got her freak on, but all good things must come to an end.

      “Hey baby, what took so long?” Steele asked. “What you hiding niggas in the closet or what?” He asked jokingly. Little did he know if he made an attempt to touch the knob on the closet it would have been the last knob he would ever touch.

      Walking into the bedroom, KeKe yelled back out to them to go ahead and turn the game on because she had to slide into something more appropriate.


      Sitting in the closet anticipating the next move, 740 sat patiently hearing KeKe move about in the bedroom not knowing when the cue would come, but fully ready to meet any challenges that lurked on the other side of the door.

      See, 740, coming from the Southside of Minneapolis, was a part of the growing fad of being a Shotgun Crip. It seemed like ever since the movie “Colors” came out, the Crips, who are predominately on the west coast, niggas seemed to migrate toward the Midwestern states - seeking new territories to invade and bringing huge packages of narcotics of all kinds ready for distribution. They preyed on the smaller cities that had yet to be exploited, seeking out people who showed potential to help and establish their dominance.

      They didn’t just need hustlers, they were looking for individuals who would carry out orders of violence when need be, and it was at that time 740 stood out up there like a sore thumb. He had a rep for sticking niggas up and peeling nigga’s and bitches’ caps back, thus making him a prime candidate for their hit squad. After many attempts of trying to get him to do both hustle and be the enforcer, it soon became clear he had one purpose in life – to kill. 740 couldn’t handle the stress that came with selling drugs. He’d eventually end up killing all of his customers because he had no tolerance or patience.

      During the time Dig a Hole was looking for potential recruits for his Bogus-D-Siple mob, he was hearing a lot about this cat that went by the name 740 who was on the Southside giving bitch niggas the blues and especially cats that were new over there. He was known as a Southsider from anyone in Minneapolis or from out-of-state, that’s how he got down. Knowing this was exactly the type of person he wanted on his squad, Dig a Hole set out to find this young recruit. It wasn’t hard - all he had to do was go on Franklin and Chicago, the dope strip on the Southside. It was there he ran into 740. He explained to him that he wasn’t meant to be a Crip, nor was he meant to sell drugs. He was made to enforce things in his city not just his hood; to put those who weren’t deserving of life to bed permanently.

      Knowing this is what would capture his attention, he went on to tell 740 he was forming a click of homies who, like him, didn’t give a fuck about the daily hustle. His motto was let the hustlers hustle, then go take the fruits of their labor and then he would kill them. Something he loved to do without the pressures of consequences or repercussions from his homies for the heat being brought around.

      This was exactly what needed to be said because 740 wholeheartedly embraced the entire concept of Dig a Hole’s plan, especially the part of letting him do himself while still getting paid. He went in head first, pledging his loyalty to Dig a Hole’s every cause.

      Wanting to show his prize bitch off to his boy Corleone, Steele was overly anxious for KeKe to come back out the room without the robe she had thrown on when she came to the door, revealing that hour glass body. Grabbing the remote control and flicking on the huge plasma screen TV, he kicked his legs up to relax and started discussing bizness with Corleone.

      Corleone started by informing Steele that with the two hundred bricks he just brought in they would be relocating to Waterloo, Iowa. It was common knowledge that the Detroit boys would go set up shop in different cities, then after stacking a mil ticket they’d relocate to another city or state, just in time for the heat they had caused to cool down.

      Hearing all this from the hallway closet Dig a Hole became excited. It was pure luck to run into both the connect and a large shipment of drugs at the same time. See, if the connect

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