LoveDance: Awakening the Divine Daughter. Deborah Maragopoulos FNP

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LoveDance: Awakening the Divine Daughter - Deborah Maragopoulos FNP

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      He lies upon his back on an altar bathed in a soft glow, surrounded by Druids in brown hooded tunics. Dressed in white, his skin pale, his limbs thin, in a state like deep sleep, only connected to his unconscious body by a silver cord, his spirit embraces me and I am awash in love. We enter his body together and I see through his eyes all that has happened to him in the past eight days.

      After our last connection with Hava, Yeshua, in the middle of a quest under the dictates of the northern clan, went into a deep trance. Unfortunately, the healers had a difficult time bringing him back. They spent days and nights ministering to him but to no avail. He was united with the One where time was not. Filled with love, he felt no attachments to this world, not even to me.

      In spite of my repeated attempts to contact him, he could not be drawn away from the bliss until I finally prayed and surrendered him to the One, then he reconnected to this dimension. For the first time in a week, I feel joy.

      Yeshua awakes in Britannia and I am returned to my body. The symbol of our union glows comfortingly at my core. With a heart full of gratitude, I thank my angelic escort and go to the nursery to kiss Sarah. She stirs and reaches up to hug me before whispering sleepily, “Abba’s back. Be happy now, Ima.” Blessed child, I should have consulted with her.

      Teoma bar Flavius,

      Son, in response to your request, I am sending my finest shepherds to watch over Joseph’s flock. I pray that the wolves have not caused you undue concern, but understand that in moving the sheep to better grazing, care must be taken. We miss your vigor here in Judaea and look forward to the time when you may return the favor and join in shepherding our desert flocks. The temple of Astarte will be expecting an offering when you are free from your duties in Galilee. Remember that patience is greatly rewarded by the Divine. So take heed and return to the desert with pure heart and clean hands. Your loyalty shall be your redemption.

      In faith,


      After Sarah’s second birthday, the family caravans in carts drawn by donkeys to the shore of the Great Sea. With Sarah in front of me, I have a hard time keeping Sheikan in pace with Teoma’s lumbering mare. Arriving ahead of the group, I take Sarah into the sea for the first time, her delight bringing a smile to Teoma’s face.

      Teoma sets up a tent on a lookout point just above us, the better to survey the perimeter. A small group of armed men camp at various sites surrounding the family. When I ask about the zealots, he informs me that while he trusts the mystic kasa, he is under orders by Joseph to take every precaution to keep the family safe.

      The days burn one into the other until it is nearly the end of summer. Miriam asks me to take Teoma away from the encampment so they can prepare a birthday celebration. He has been working too hard and not really enjoying himself, having to keep a higher vigilance at the shore.

      We head north toward the great mountain known as Karmel. The energy of the sacred space enlivens our steps, yet even some distance from our destination, sweat soaks our skin. The cool sea laps invitingly, but Teoma continues marching down the beach. Halting, I lay my sadin on the sand, dressed only in my riding sash and a short hipcloth underneath and run into the water before Teoma notices and tries to stop me.

      “For heaven’s sakes, Mary what are you doing?”

      Laughing, I reply from the shallows, “Let’s swim for a while.” Sweat glistens on his face. Perhaps he is not comfortable getting undressed.

      He approaches the water’s edge, “Come, we must get back.”

      Teasingly, I splash him, “Relax, it’s your birthday. Come cool down.” I swim past the breakers and look back to see him hurriedly stripping down to his loincloth. He runs and dives into the turquoise water, reaching me in short time.

      A soft blue hayye, very watery and light, touches mine and my heart sings. Not alone, dolphins circle us. These creatures swam along side our ship when my family sailed the Great Sea. They come closer, looking at us with dark eyes, blowing softly out of a hole in their backs. I yearn to touch their smooth sides, to swim out farther with them.

      As I move toward them, Teoma grabs my arm, “Mary, be careful.” How can he feel fear near these glorious creatures? I push away and dive below the surface. Immediately, one of the dolphins swims up to me. Gliding against my side, its flesh smooth, its hayye loving, I yearn to hug it, but my breath is running out. As if sensing my need, it pushes me to the surface.

      Horrified, Teoma swims swiftly over to pull me away from the creatures, easily overcoming my protests. My new aquatic friend intervenes by butting him in the side with its long nose, separating us. Catching his breath, Teoma cries out, “Mary, be still, I’m coming.” Again he tries to rescue me, but the creature pushes me back with it’s body.

      Teoma’s fear magnifies so three other creatures begin to circle with calming energies. My new friend communicates in musical tones. Greetings Elat, we have been waiting for you.

      Thank you, beautiful one. Your hayye brings me much joy. A distance from me, Teoma treads water, surrounded by dolphins.

      We are your family from the seas, having been a part of your clan for a great span of eternity. Your companion is fearful to accept our hayye, ask him to relax.

      I reach out to Teoma, tugging gently on his heartstrings. He looks at me and I ask him to accept their ministrations. As soon as he smiles his consent, the entire group encircles to bring us closer together. The dolphins dance about for a long time, touching us with their noses and bodies. We are bathed in light energy and filled with delight. When we tire from our long exposure in the water, they playfully escort us to the shore.

      Reaching the warmth of the sand, we flop onto our backs, breathing heavily from our exertions. I bask in the dolphins’ joyful hayye before turning on my side. Teoma stares at me. Pushing my wet hair off my neck, I smile. The sun warms my chilled skin but under his gaze, I am acutely aware of my clinging wet garments. A quick glance confirms that the dolphin aroused other desires in him. Laughing, I toss a handful of sand at his chest.

      “That is why you have been so grumpy lately. You are stuck here with us!”

      Blushing, he rolls onto his belly with his head down in the cross of his arms. I reach over and touch his muscular back, “I am sorry to tease you, but wasn’t that the most wonderful experience?”

      Turning his head toward me, he smiles sadly, “I am very grateful, but it is not the dolphins that arouse me.”

      Hmmm! What to do with this growing tension between us? My own nature is so passionate, my sensuality increasing with less restrictive garments and these experiences in nature. Only three months since Teoma has been with a woman, but nearly fifteen months since I have found relief. What is Yeshua doing right now?

      What is it, my love?

      Teoma raises his head. Poor man, not sure what to make of me, calling in my husband to witness our precarious situation. We just had a wonderful experience with the dolphins. Did you meet them on your trip across the sea?


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